Song Boyang thought for a while, "Forget it, let's tell the truth."

"After all, we have no plan to sell this place."

Sometimes when such a good place is sold, don’t expect to be able to take it back.

"Success, this matter is Song Ge's business." They were Song Boyang's friends originally, and Roubao and the others followed him today, so what if they slipped up.

Song Boyang said he knew, "I'll tell him today."

"After all, such a big farm fell on my head so suddenly, shouldn't I analyze it with my friends." Song Boyang had already found a reason to tell Tang Hai about it.

As for whether it would irritate Tang Hai or not, Song Boyang said that he couldn't care less about it.

Although the farm is under his name, Song Rui is still alive, and their family is in the country, so the farm here still needs someone to look after it.

Rather than looking for someone everywhere, it is better to let Song Rui continue to take care of it. Song Boyang thinks that the elder will not disagree.

Even if she wasn't born here, even if it wasn't a property under her name, Song Boyang felt that it was already a very warm place for Song Rui.

Here she can do what she wants to do, and she has achieved success, helping those in need. She must be in a happy mood.

Song Boyang encouraged Lao Hei to continue to work hard. Regardless of whether Song Rui was still there, he hoped that he could stay and take care of the garden.

Although Song Boyang had never been a boss, he could feel that Lao Hei should be worried that after Song Rui passed away, Song Boyang and the others would take back the land for development.

Several nearby land belonging to the Song family have been sold, and some people have already developed houses nearby.

Although one is a one-time income, and the other is long-term money, but for the former, there are many choices, because with the money, you can do many things, invest, or wave a check to travel, buy a car for vacation, etc. .

If you choose the latter, don't worry that there will be a prodigal, who will lose all the family property. After all, the family property is still there, and you can still have a stable income every year.

Lao Hei can say that these days are not good for rest, even if his son Xiao Hei said that he can take him to live in the past and will give him a pension.

But Old Hei just felt that he was still young and he could work, so he didn't want to bother Xiao Hei.

Although Xiao Hei is a doctor, the expenses in NY are very high, and the house price is also expensive.

Lao Hei followed Song Rui very early on, so in some matters, he was gradually influenced by Song Rui, thinking that no matter what, he should still have a house.

For example, after Xiao Hei went to university, Lao Hei paid the difference between living expenses and tuition fees minus the scholarship.

After Xiao Hei went to NY for an internship, Lao Hei wanted to buy a house for Xiao Hei, and took out all his savings.

As far as the attitude towards children is concerned, I really can't see the attitude of a foreigner, and can be compared with domestic parents.

After hearing Song Boyang's assurance now, Lao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, although it seemed a little early to let loose, but he felt that what Song Boyang said could be done.

After bidding farewell to Lao Hei, Liu Wen and Song Boyang walked slowly on the road to Hui Song Bohua's house, and at the same time he briefly talked about Song Rui's condition, and at the same time explained Lao Hei's situation in more detail.

Just now Song Bohua just gave a brief introduction, more information is still more clear now.

"Lao Hei is a nice person, but now there are no small farms around here. Many land owners either develop it themselves, or sell the land directly and let developers build houses."

"Lao Hei has been taking care of flowers all these years. If he wants to find a suitable job, he has to go to a place far away."

"And I don't know if the other party is easy to talk to." Even if it is a worker, he hopes to find a boss who is easy to talk to.

"I took you there today. Apart from wanting you to know where the farm under your name is, I also hope that you can take a look at Old Hei and know who he is."

"I feel pretty good at the moment, and I am a grateful person."

"Then I don't know why those people sold the land, but I am not short of money, so why should I sell the land."

"And how good it is to grow flowers. When Xiaowen and I came here, living in such an environment, I don't know how much better my mood will be."

"What I didn't even expect was that the garden could make so much money, why would I sell it?" Song Boyang felt that if the garden was really sold, then there would be a problem.

"And I looked at it. Although I don't understand it very well, I know that some things and machines are already old."

"I really don't understand how they usually use it. When I think about it, there should be a lot of problems."

"Auntie doesn't buy things because she is doing good deeds. I think Lao Hei is also getting old, and it is hard work to use that kind of equipment."

Since he has to hire people, and the profit of the farm is not low, and Song Boyang is not a black-hearted boss, he hopes that Lao Hei can do a good job.

Liu Wen had absolutely no objection to Song Boyang's decision, and kept nodding on the sidelines.

"It's just that the house is a bit older and smaller." Song Rui borrowed money from Grandma Song Bohua to build that house after she moved into the farm.

Because of the lack of money, it was really a small house at the beginning, and it was gradually expanded later.

Even if it is expanded, because Song Rui lives alone, it will not be too big.

"Forget it, let's live in another place." Song Boyang thought for a while, "Lao Hei lives next door, we want to build a big house, and we need to let Lao Hei change places."

"He has lived here for so many years, so he probably doesn't want to change places."

"And I want to leave a place to commemorate my aunt."

"I have no problem." Liu Wen just thought that there is no place to build a house on the farm, and it is impossible to transform a certain part of the farm into a house.

If that's the case, Liu Wen is a little bit reluctant, and always feels that no matter where it is built, it will be a bit regretful.

Song Boyang not only inspected his own farm just now, but also took a look at the surrounding environment, "Brother, what's going on next door, I think there is only one house."

"The garden is so big."

For some reason, Song Boyang always felt that he wasn't very popular, but he didn't know if he could buy it.

That, Song Bohua knew immediately which piece of land Song Boyang was talking about, "That place, how should I say that, it is now lived by people from China, so the rent is just that."

"Usually responsible for taking care of the lawn." Song Bohua briefly introduced the situation of the land.

"That family wants to sell the land, but how to say that, in terms of price..." Song Boyang's mouth twitched.

"The price is too high."

"The land is actually not that big, but the unit price far exceeds the market price."

Song Bohua really didn't know how to evaluate it, "They say his family is really crazy about money."

"In the past, I made a lot of money by speculating in futures, but the whole family hoped to turn around after selling this place."

Song Bohua snorted coldly, "I'm really crazy."

For such relatives, Song Bohua looked down on them, and they could trade in stocks, but they couldn't lose their minds completely, so they could just hope that they could make a lot of money.

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