What Song Bohua meant was to persuade Song Boyang to give up this idea after he knew the truth.

Song Boyang also knew what Song Bohua meant, "I know, you are worried that after I buy this place, they will still lose money, what will they do if they rely on me then."

"As long as the procedures are legal and the money is paid, the land belongs to me."

"If they dare to make trouble, I will call the police directly. In the beautiful country, private land is protected."

"By the way, Lao Hei is someone who is robbed, so deal with this kind of person..." Song Boyang would not take action against the clansmen, but the hired Lao Hei does not need to worry about these.

"I really wanted to buy the land, not to build a house."

"It's just that I think the garden is well designed, but it's not grand enough, it's small and delicate."

Liu Wen thinks the layout is good, but in Song Boyang's eyes, he really thinks it can be improved a little bit.

"I also have a selfish desire, that is, I hope that the house is in the middle of the garden, which is a private place."

"Unless we specially invite guests, no one can enter." Song Boyang took Liu Wen's hand.

"You keep saying that the garden on the terrace is good, but I don't think it's good enough now."

"Garden The garden should be on the ground, the place is big, and you can see the flowers outside the window after waking up, and there are flowers blooming all year round."

Originally, Song Boyang didn't want to talk about it, and he wanted to wait until everything was done before talking to Liu Wen about it.

But it turned out that Song Bohua had an objection, and the helpless Song Boyang could only raise his own ideas.

This is the reason, Song Bohua knew that there was no way to raise objections.

Liu Wen didn't expect to buy that place, but actually hoped to give her a garden that belonged to her, "Thank you."

"Thank you Song Ge."

Zhao Qian was happy for her uncle. After Tuanzi's mother passed away, she was worried about whether she would be able to get out. After all, they knew each other in college and got together because of the same hobbies.

Although neither she nor Song Bohua thought they were a good match, Song Boyang just liked it.

Knowing that the person passed away, they were all kinds of worried. Song Bohua wanted to come back to enlighten him, but there were a lot of things here, and they were worried that something would happen if he left.

In addition, Song Boyang said every time it was fine, he could adjust it.

Hearing what Song Boyang said, even Song Bohua and the others knew that they didn't want to make them sad, but there was nothing they could do.

Song Boyang, if he doesn't want to tell you something, no matter how much you ask, he will really hide it very well.

And in the next few years, no matter how worried and uneasy they were, Song Boyang had no idea of ​​remarrying.

Just after Song Bohua gave up on Song Boyang's idea of ​​remarrying, he was really shocked to hear that he wanted to remarry.

Although Song Bohua knew that Liu Wen must have something to satisfy Song Boyang if he could get Song Boyang to agree to get married, but they were still worried before meeting him.

Only then did Song Bohua return to China, although in Song Bohua's mouth, he said that Song Boyang should be worthy of a better girl.

However, as Song Bohua's bedside person, Zhao Qian knew that Song Bohua's attitude towards Liu Wen was slowly developing in a good direction.

Zhao Qian is really curious about Liu Wen, who can change Song Boyang's view of her and make Song Boyang agree to get married. Tuanzi and Roubao are affectionate to her.

Even if Liu Wen keeps saying that being a stepmother is difficult, the education group will have more scruples.

But Zhao Qian saw that as long as Liu Wen saw that the dumpling and meat buns were not good enough, she still taught them one or two as soon as she had just started.

Zhao Qian knew that this should be the reason why Liu Wen could be liked by Song Boyang and his son, because she was really dedicated to educating Tuanzi and them.

It's not that she doesn't know how difficult it is for a stepmother to educate the children in front of her husband.

As long as one is not well controlled, it is not educating children, but suppressing them.

Zhao Qian quickly glanced at Song Bohua, look, Song Boyang knew that he wanted to give Liu Wen a big surprise, and wanted to get her a garden that belonged to her.

Song Bohua didn't have such an idea at all, and Zhao Qian really didn't know what to do.

It's not that Song Bohua doesn't know how to take care of others, and he doesn't act generously. As long as you mention it, he will definitely try his best to do it.

Yes, that's right, you should take the initiative to bring it up, don't expect him to do it on his own initiative, expecting him to do it on his own initiative is better than dreaming.

Originally, Zhao Qian could comfort herself, saying that the two brothers of the Song family were like this, but now Song Boyang has become like this, and looking at Song Bohua, the gap is really not that big.

The more Zhao Qian thought about it, the angrier she became. She didn't care about such a garden. After all, the situation at home is much better than before, and she doesn't care about such a small amount of money at all.

The important thing is that this is the man's mind. I don't know if Song Boyang had this idea a long time ago, or it came out of nowhere, but at least it shows that he is really thinking about it.

When they came to the beautiful country and lived in this farm, the garden was already there, and she would often go to the garden to buy flowers and put them in vases.

I also bought some flowers and planted them in the yard. Didn't these let Song Bohua know that she likes flowers?

Zhao Qian felt that it wasn't that Song Bohua didn't know, but that sometimes he just didn't think about it, and he was used to doing things only after he was told to do them.

What's wrong with this? Zhao Qian's attitude suddenly changed into an ugly one, which made Song Bohua a little confused about the situation. He didn't understand why it happened suddenly when he was fine just now.

Although Song Boyang didn't know why Zhao Qian, who was in a good mood just now, suddenly had a bad expression.

They didn't say anything just now. Song Boyang thought about it carefully, and he can be sure that they really didn't say anything.

Liu Wen didn't understand at first, but she started counting when Zhao Qian was unhappy.

Well, Liu Wen understood, it was because Zhao Qian was jealous, they were both brothers, but it turned out that Song Bohua was a little worse than Song Boyang, and he always felt a little uncomfortable.

Even if she knew a thing or two, she couldn't say it out. Not only would Song Bohua's face be dull, but Zhao Qian would also be happy.

Just as Song Boyang was about to say something, he turned his head and saw Liu Wen's expression. He was sure that Liu Wen should know why Zhao Qian was fine, and his mood would suddenly change.

After visiting the garden in the morning and returning home to rest for a while, Zhao Qian was going to take Song Boyang and the others out for dinner.

"Take you guys to eat seafood, big lobster." How to receive Song Boyang and the others made Zhao Qian think for a long time.

I really don’t know how to receive them, let’s treat them to Chinese food, not to mention that the Chinese food here has been modified according to the appetite of foreigners.

Even Liu Wen and the others just came from China, would they be willing to eat Chinese food?

I should change the taste. Later, Song Derui thought of the dumplings and said that after arriving in Yangcheng, he often had fresher seafood to eat.

After knowing Zhao Qian's troubles, Song Derui offered this idea.

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