Another two cars went out together, and Song Derui told Tuanzi a good news in the car.

It's not that they don't know that the uncle's family is rich, and of course they also know that their own family is rich, but for Tuanzi and the others, they just feel that the family is bigger than many of their classmates, and they live more comfortably than them.

There is also no need to shrink back when it comes to eating, including that they can come to the beautiful country to play this time.

Many students don't say they come to the beautiful country to play, but they go to cities other than Yangcheng to play. Such cases are rare.

But they never thought that one day they would be able to go out to sea on a yacht, not to mention the excitement of dumpling meat.

Even the health brothers are happy. As children in the Jiangnan water town, there must be a boat ride.

In the past, when I went to Sioux City, I used to get in and out by boat because it was convenient, but it was a small black-covered boat.

Now they can actually sit on the legendary yacht, how can they not be excited.

Of course, as a foodie, whether it is dumplings or meat buns, I am very concerned about whether there are delicious foods on the yacht.

Of course, if not, that's fine.

After they return to China, they won't be shy in front of their classmates, and they will blow it up.

But in the future, those little foreigners, who will beep beep beep in the future, he will be very happy about how they were in their country at the beginning. We have been to a beautiful country, and we have also taken a yacht to go to sea.

After watching them, you dare to look down on them, hehe, what's wrong with foreigners, don't think he doesn't know, those foreigners don't always fly first class when they return to China, because the air tickets are expensive.

He is flying first class this time, and his family has a big garden in the United States, which is very famous around NY.

Roubao has already thought about how he will be fooled by that time, in short, he wants to suppress those guys who look down on people with dog eyes.

"The time you have come here is too short, otherwise I will take you to Hawaii to play, it will be fun there."

"So I thought about it for a while, anyway, you finally left the country from LA, and I will take you there to have fun."

"When you come back in two years, I will take you to drive directly from the east to the west."

"The scenery is beautiful." Song Derui had already made a plan, but he would not be able to have a good time until after he graduated from university.

He is still studying in school, he is really too busy, and his daily schedule is full.

There are a lot of books to read, notes to take, and several papers to write every week. University life is really difficult.

Song Derui really thought about a question countless times, that is why he was determined to go to Harvard in the first place.

It can be said that if he changes universities, it will definitely not be so hard, but it is useless to regret it now, the choice he made has to be knelt down.

And he has been working hard for so long, if he just gives up like this, he himself will be reluctant.

But when I think of my younger brothers and sisters, no matter which university they go to, it is not very easy, and my mood immediately improves a lot.

It's a pity that Tuanzi and the others don't know about Song Derui's sinister intentions. They just listened to him talk about Harvard's wonderful club activities, its long history, and how many celebrities it has produced. It can be said that they were really excited.

They believe that a university that can satisfy both Song Bohua and Song Derui is definitely very good. The only problem restricting them now is whether they can be admitted.

It's the best if you pass the exam. If you don't pass the exam, then think of a way. Would a living person still be troubled by these things?

"I will try my best to pass the exam." Tuanzi heard from Song Bohua before that students from many prestigious schools are enrolled in the same school by several generations, so that when the next generation enters the school, they can have a little preferential treatment.

Although their generation can't enjoy such benefits, it doesn't matter, it's their turn to enjoy it for their descendants.

Song Derui looked at the resolute expression on his face, expressing that he must be admitted to the famous school Tuanzi, smiled, and lightly patted Tuanzi on the head, "Ambition."

"It is said that a wealthy family needs to be accumulated over several generations."

"Our parents didn't go to prestigious schools, it doesn't matter, it starts with us."

"Okay." Tuanzi shouted loudly.

Roubao has always followed Tuanzi, and when he saw him, he shouted out so excitedly, of course he shouted out excitedly.

Liao Jian and Liao Kang came to the United States this time to choose a good university. Don't look at Song Bohua's previous talk about Harvard and Yale.

It's not that they don't want to go to a prestigious school, but they know that the tuition and living expenses of a prestigious school, especially a private university, are more expensive.

If only one student is studying, even if the family bites their teeth, they should still be able to pay for it, but the problem is that they are two brothers studying together, and the tuition fee is doubled.

Even if the tuition fee for the two of them is a little cheaper, but how much cheaper can it be?

Liao Jian and Liao Kang wanted to see more public schools. Aren't there famous schools in public schools?

In terms of tuition fees, it should not be expensive, and the burden should not be too great, and the family should be able to afford it.

Song Derui had heard Song Bohua mention the Liao Jian brothers before, and he was full of praise for them, saying that although they are smooth, they have a bottom line and they are people who know how to be grateful.

My family has developed to the present, not to mention around him, even my younger brothers and sisters are surrounded by many people, of course there are all kinds of ideas.

So how to interact with people is a science.

If possible, he certainly hoped that the two brothers of the Liao family could have a good relationship with Tuanzi and the Song family.

At the right time, give some help, Song Derui believes that these two people will definitely keep it in mind.

If he could, Song Derui could provide his family with a scholarship for capable new college students, but he knew that, as Liu Wen's nephew, if they really didn't have enough money, there would still be Liu Wen.

Song Derui took the opportunity of talking about the university and asked Liao Jian what they thought.

How could these two people think of the calculations in Song Derui's heart, in front of outsiders, they might pay attention to it, and consider other people's problems.

But Song Derui is Song Bohua's son, and the group said that before they went abroad, they often took him out to play.

Even after Song Derui and the others went abroad, they did not forget him and Meat Bao, and would often mail things to their two brothers.

A person who goes abroad can remember his cousins ​​who stayed in China, Liao Jian and the others think Song Derui is a good person.

In addition, just now Song Derui asked Tuanzi and them about which university they want to go to in the future, and now he turned around and asked them, why did the two brothers feel that there was a problem.

Although you can't say it directly, you can ask in a subtle way.

Although I don't know if Song Derui is familiar with other universities, or some famous public universities, but if you don't ask him, the two brothers don't know who to ask.

Song Derui didn't know all about some universities, but he knew a little bit. After all, he didn't do less homework in order to think about which university he wanted to go to.

"Of course, what I know about these universities is more about what I learned when I was preparing to apply for the university."

"I don't know much about whether there are any changes now." Before talking about some situations, Song Derui first said that there should be some shortcomings.

Of course, the two brothers of the Liao family would not have any objections. If someone can give some pointers, it is already very good, but we can't ask for more.

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