Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 490 University is not easy

Song Derui hoped that the two brothers of the Liao family could go to the same university as Tuanzi, but he didn't mean to say that the other universities were not good.

"The running money of public schools is basically financial appropriation, and of course there are discounts on tuition fees."

"As for private schools, they all rely on donations from alumni and students' tuition fees to live on. Therefore, it is really impossible to expect cheap tuition fees."

"But private schools are not without solutions."

"That is a high-value scholarship. As long as your grades are good enough, you can apply for a scholarship."

"In this way, even if your family has no money, don't worry about being unable to study after being admitted to a prestigious private school."

"As long as you are capable, you will not give up because of money."

"If you are good enough, the scholarship you get every year, not to mention enough to pay living expenses, can cover your living expenses."

"As long as it's not too extravagant, the money can be saved a little or two."

Song Derui casually mentioned how many scholarships are given to students who receive scholarships every year, which scared Liao Jian and Liao Kang a lot.

Don't they want to go to a college with Tuanzi?It's not that they are scared away by tuition fees and other expenses.

Then they know that as long as the grades are good enough, it really doesn't cost much to study.

Liao Kang pursed his lips, "I, why do I feel that studying is no longer a matter of spending money, but that it is really possible to make money."

The scholarship is really not ordinary, and it feels like it can be compared with a person who graduated from a prestigious school and found a job.

"That's right." Song Derui was very satisfied, and he could see Liao Jian's heartbeat.

As long as you are tempted by anything, you can really hope. If you are not tempted, no matter how much you try to persuade, you are doing nothing.

"Of course, it doesn't mean that public schools don't have scholarships. There are some, but they can't be compared with private schools. Moreover, there are not many places, and there are many applicants."

"You are not going to play somewhere, I will take you to the university to see."

"Although it is summer vacation, many students go out for vacation, but some people will go to school."

Although there are not many students on campus during the summer vacation, it is not that there are no students attending classes. Why do college students here take credits.

If you have enough credits, you can graduate early, and you don't have to go to university for four years.

Does anyone go to school during the summer vacation?Tuanzi and the others were startled, "They, they are really serious, they, won't they go out to play?"

There is so much time in a year to study, the pressure is really great, so I take advantage of the winter and summer vacations to relax for a while, but some people actually want to study.

Tuanzi was stunned, and Roubao also had a frightened expression on his face.

Liao Jian and Liao Kang are self-serious people who love to learn, but they didn't take it seriously. They were really shocked.

No, Liao Jian has a question, "Don't those teachers take a rest during summer vacation?"

"Professors of course need to take breaks, so summer vacation is generally not an important subject, although there are occasional exceptions."

"Some professors teach during the summer vacation. If you came last year, I would have to attend classes."

That's it, Liao Jian and the others understood, and couldn't help sighing, "It's really not easy."

"That's right, our high school teacher also said, work harder now and wait until you go to college." Liao Jian thought of his high school teacher, who often encouraged them like this.

Song Derui said that he was very speechless, "How can it be easy to go to college."

"I really don't understand how this can be said by a high school teacher."

"Does this sound like it?"

"It's fine if you say you didn't work hard in high school. After all, it's not a professional course."

"The university studies are professional courses. I really don't understand. If you don't study hard, if you learn professional courses, how will you find a job in the future."

"Even if you find a job, you won't know it at all. Of course, the situation of each company is different. What you learn in books may not keep up with reality."

"But some theoretical knowledge is certain, if you don't even know the basics."

"You talk about your leader, what does your boss think?"

"I recruit a college student to come to work. I don't want to be able to start immediately. After all, every company's situation is different."

"But you can't, take my company as a place to learn, and ask me to teach from scratch."

"Even if the leader has no objection, do you think he has no objection if you bring your master?"

"Recruiting people is that the unit is not manned enough, and people need to get started quickly and can share some things."

"In the end, an old man, not only can't help, but also has several people to give advice. If you were the other colleagues, you would be satisfied."

Song Derui has been away from China for several years, he really did not expect it to turn out like this.

"In short, whether it's junior high school, high school, college, or a higher diploma, you can't relax and take it seriously."

"Your dedication is not only to pass the exam, but you really understand, you really understand, and when you go to work, you can learn a little bit and get started quickly."

Everyone was used to Song Derui talking to everyone with a smile, making fun of everyone, but he suddenly pulled his face and looked serious, but it made Tuanzi and the others a little uncomfortable.

No way, what he said, did it scare Tuanzi and the others, Song Derui pinched his nose.

What to do, although it is true, it can't scare Tuanzi and the others seriously.

But the words have already been said, and there is no way to take them back, and he doesn't want to take them back.

Some things still need to be taken care of by Tuanzi. Although they don't understand high school teachers, why do they tell students that when they are admitted to university, people will be relaxed.

He just didn't want such a theory to affect Tuanzi and the others.

They should study hard and master more professional knowledge, especially dumplings and meat buns.

Before, he thought that after his uncle knew his net worth, he would quit his job as a doctor and start trying to manage the assets under his name.

It's not that the current asset managers are not good enough, but that the money is touching and if you can control it, that's the best.

But no matter what Song Boyang does now, he will not plan to take over this burden, so either Baozi or Roubao will take over this burden.

Although Song Boyang might still have children, Song Derui heard from Song Bohua that if Liu Wen's accident hadn't happened, they might already have children by now.

Even if you don't know whether Liu Wen gave birth to a son or a daughter, you don't know what your ability is.

But standing on Song Derui's side, he hoped that the dumplings or meat buns would inherit the family business.

Of course, it is best to be a dumpling. Whoever makes them the eldest son, as the eldest son, should take on more responsibilities.

But he can't take the dumplings and meat buns and analyze with them, you should fight, and what will happen if you don't fight.

Song Derui has not communicated with Zhao Qian and Song Bohua, but he thinks they should be quite satisfied with Liu Wen.

Alas, I'm worried, I really don't know what to do, forget it, I'll discuss this issue with Tuanzi and the others after they go to study in the beautiful country.

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