Liu Wen and the others drove ahead, because Song Derui also knew where they were going to eat, so Song Bohua didn't wait for them when he drove.

Rao Song Bohua was the first to drive, but he said in the car that he would definitely see Song Derui driving in front.

In the end, they didn't expect that when they arrived at the parking lot of the restaurant, they didn't see Song Derui and the others, nor did they see Song Derui's car.

Song Bohua was a little surprised, "What's going on?"

"Could it be that this kid knows that there are younger brothers in the car, so he drives more gracefully?"

That said, Song Bohua didn't have the confidence to say it, but the question is, if it wasn't for this reason, what other reason would cause Song Derui to drive slowly?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there was a car accident on the road, of course Song Bohua would not think of this.

After thinking for a while, she was going to ask Zhao Qian to call to inquire about the situation. The latter just picked up her mobile phone to call them when she found Song Derui's car driving into the parking lot.

When the four of them saw Song Derui's car, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After they got out of the car, Liu Wen found that they all looked pensive.

what's going on?Wouldn't it be a few of them discussing very serious topics in the car?

Liu Wen couldn't figure it out immediately, and cast a look at Song Boyang. Of course, this kind of thing needs the help of his old father.

Song Boyang nodded to Liu Wen, indicating that he would ask about it.

Zhao Qian looked at a few people and said, "The road went well?" Could it be that there was an accident on the road?
But after looking at the car, there is really no problem at all. It shouldn't be that he encountered trouble on the road.

"No, I was just discussing about going to university here in the beautiful country. I just talked about the pressure of studying here and let them know that there are still courses in the summer vacation."

Tuanzi and the others kept nodding, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

This explanation really did not make Liu Wen and the others suspicious. As a student, no matter how much he loves to study, he should not be able to accept it. There is no winter and summer vacation classes. The key point is whether such courses are really easy. spent.

"Studying here is really stressful."

"But I can really learn something." Zhao Qian comforted without sincerity.

Song Bohua didn't feel that this needed to be comforted, "Students, students, just study hard."

"Is studying hard? Of course it's hard, but can it be as hard as the workers who work on the construction site?"

"Tuanzi, you should have stayed at the construction site, and you should also know their salary." Song Boyang said lightly.

Even if you are a child who loves to learn, there will always be times when you get bored. Song Boyang knows that they are not ignorant, and discussing these things with them is actually a bit wasteful.

He took them to see the construction site where they moved bricks and built houses, and asked them to chat with the workers during their lunch break and ask them about their daily income.

Take them to the countryside for summer and autumn harvests, and let them experience the hard work of being a harvest farmer for one day.

Finally, tell them how much income these farmers can earn after a year of hard work.

Ah, Song Derui has a big mouth. When he first came to the beautiful country, his classmates looked down on him because of his poor English and often laughed at him.

He didn't want to go to school. After Song Bohua knew about it, he sent him to work in a fast food restaurant. It can be said that it was really hard work, but the income was really not much.

He really felt that Song Bohua, an old father, was not usually cruel to his son.

But after the encounter with Tuanzi and the others, Song Derui felt that if he was more ruthless, his father still couldn't compare with Song Boyang.

Song Derui believed that if Song Boyang was his father, he would kick him to work on the construction site.

Song Bohua thought he was being cruel by letting Song Derui work in a fast food restaurant, but only now did he realize that Song Boyang was cruel.

Thumbs up to Song Boyang, "This trick is really not ordinary."

Song Boyang smiled, "It's okay."

"I think this is the only way to let them know that studying is not hard at all."

"It's not hard now, but when they grow up, it will be even harder." Song Boyang thinks this method is very good, at least the effect is great.

Well, Song Bohua admitted that this effect is really powerful, "Now that Xiaorui and the others are sensible, this probably won't be useful."

Listening to Song Bohua's words, Song Derui felt a little regretful.

"It's okay, I think we can do this after Xiaorui and the others have children." Song Bohua looked at Song Derui.

Wow, Liu Wen sighed, Song Boyang is so cruel, it is because he is doing this in China, if it is in a beautiful country.

Liu Wen is really worried whether his operation will make people say that he abused children.

There is no way, raising children overseas, some behaviors that are considered normal in China, will not work here.

"I don't know if the other half of your siblings are foreigners or Chinese."

"I just hope you are looking for a Chinese, and I hope my eldest grandson grows up in a Chinese cultural atmosphere."

Song Bohua knew that many Chinese already had foreigners' sons-in-law and daughter-in-law, including the Song family, which can be said to be a multinational force now.

Song Bohua also knew that as long as they lived in the beautiful country, it was normal for them to marry a foreigner, and it should be something beyond their control.

He can only ask, hope that if possible, Song Derui can marry a Chinese daughter-in-law.

Song Bohua's proposal made Song Derui stunned. He never thought that Song Bohua would make such a request in front of so many people.

Especially when he mentioned it in front of Tuanzi and the others, he suddenly had the idea that he didn't have any face or liking.

Of course, Tuanzi and the others understood the word daughter-in-law, if it wasn't for Song Bohua and the others, they would really make fun of it.

"Dad, let's eat first."

"I rented a yacht, and we'll go to sea in the afternoon." Song Derui quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, uncle, are you going to sea together?"

"We can spend the night at sea."

Song Boyang shook his head, "We won't go, we still have arrangements."

Originally, he wanted to take Liu Wen to the hospital after arranging Tuanzi and the others. Now that someone has taken over the responsibility of taking care of Tuanzi and the others, it saves a lot of trouble.

Is there any arrangement?Tuanzi and the others were very happy at first, they could take the yacht, but now they heard Song Boyang said that they had other arrangements, of course they were all kinds of curious.

Of course, Tuanzi wanted to act with Song Boyang, or Liu Wen.

Liu Wen was excited when she heard that Song Derui rented a yacht and wanted to take them out to sea.

This is a yacht. Although Gong Jun also had a yacht in his previous life, it was not too big, and there was no such thing as their mother and child. They never did it at all.

This time, I heard from Song Derui that the yacht he borrowed can go out to sea, and he can live outside for a few days, and he knew it would be not too small. Of course, he wanted to go up and have a look.

In the end, I didn't expect Song Boyang to say that they had an arrangement. What kind of arrangement is there?
Liu Wen is really curious, because they are not familiar with the beautiful country, it can be said that they just have no goals and play wherever they go.

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