Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 492 Why Can't You Practice Handwriting

Why is it so good, Liu Wen was really curious when such a sentence popped up suddenly.

Got this one ready to give her a big surprise?But he is a person who is not very good at speaking English, and he didn't bring a small translator like Tuanzi when he went out.

Liu Wen is really curious about where she plans to take her?Excitedly looking at Song Boyang.

Tuanzi said on the side that he would also follow, the reason is very simple, "I can speak English, Dad, you can speak English."

Hahahaha, Tuanzi came up with a reason why Song Boyang had absolutely no way to object and not let him follow.

Look, this is the end of not studying English seriously, but if this guy can learn something seriously, is it like this now?
Song Boyang didn't think about taking the dumplings with him, and he was eager to try if he didn't see Roubao and the others beside them, but if he agreed with the dumplings to follow them, maybe Roubao would be crying and clamoring to follow them.

If that's the case, then simply don't bring any of them.

"Is it easy for your brother to borrow a yacht?"

"And you all have to spend the night on the boat. You need to prepare a lot of things, and you need to spend a lot of money. Now you just say lightly that you don't want to go. Isn't this a waste of money?"

Although Song Derui said that he borrowed it, he reckoned that it was very likely that he paid the rent.

If you don't go to sea today, the loss will be huge, anyway, Song Boyang is really reluctant.

Song Derui just wanted to say that it took a little to prepare food and consumables, and of course the fuel money for the yacht, but the rent was not spent.

Because the owner of the yacht is his good friend, and he usually helps him a little bit.

Knowing that his uncle and younger brother came to the beautiful country from China, and wanted to take them out to sea, he offered to lend him a yacht.

Anyway, the yacht is usually placed on the pier, and no one uses it at all. Song Derui can drive the yacht out a few times, and it saves him from finding someone to launch the yacht.

This thing needs to be used from time to time, otherwise it will easily break.

Song Boyang heard from Song Bohua that Song Derui met a group of friends who were fairly close friends in school, and set up a fund with some of them, and they started to make money in a hurry.

And this is not a small amount of money, it probably seems to be a considerable profit. In short, the current Song Bohua can be counted as one or two, because Song Derui's performance is really not ordinary.

He was worried that when Song Derui was praised, this kid would be proud, but it didn't matter, he could be ashamed in front of Song Boyang.

After all, the better Song Derui's ability, it means that the family of Song's eldest son and grandson will continue to prosper.

Although no one cares about these things now, but Song Bohua wants to fight for this, and let those clansmen who look down on them know.

Regardless of whether it was before or in the future, the pulse of Changfang is not bad, don't look down on people all day long, and look down on people in all kinds of ways.

Only capable people can easily suppress one or two no matter where they are.

"Have fun. This time I have something to do. In a few days, please trouble Xiaorui. You can borrow the yacht and let's go out to sea."

Song Boyang noticed that Liu Wen's eyes really lit up when she found out that she could go out to sea on a yacht, and she knew that she wanted to go out to play.

That's right, this is a yacht, something that only rich people could play in the past, but this time when I came to NY, being able to take a yacht really dragged Song Derui's blessing.

Whether there will be such an opportunity next time, I really dare not look forward to it.

"This time I will trouble Tuanzi and the others to understand the situation well after they get on the boat. After we get on the boat, you can guide us."

The next step is of course coaxing the dumplings. Of course Song Boyang knows how to talk about the winter dumplings. No, it’s just a matter of two sentences.

As long as the dumplings are coaxed, the rest is really not a problem, it can be easily handled.

Tuanzi knew that regardless of whether he liked it or not, Liu Yi probably wouldn't take them with him anyway.

What else can I do, other than agree, I can only agree, "No problem."

"If you go to eat delicious food, remember to bring some to us." Seeing that the dumplings had already agreed, Roubao hurriedly said.

Tuanzi and the others have long been used to the nature of eating meat buns, so it was not surprising to hear him say that.

Song Derui knew that this little brother loved to eat, but he didn't expect that his heart would be so big. It should be said that he is a foodie or has a big heart.

"Okay." Liu Yi agreed immediately. Anyway, no matter what the result is, he will go out to eat, so he will buy more food that the children like to eat.

After a good meal, the group divided into two groups, ready to act alone. Of course, before they separated, Liu Wen did not hesitate to drag the group and them to conduct safety education.

Even knowing that they were all swimmers, many of the drowned were swimmers.

"Listen to your brother Rui on the boat and don't run around."

"Even if you want to go into the water, you can't go into the water secretly by yourself." Liu Wen knew that it was impossible to prevent them from going into the water.

In this case, it is better to tell them not to run around.

Tuanzi and the others kept nodding, expressing that they would be obedient.

Received a good education from Liu Wen, turned around and saw Song Boyang standing aside, Roubao couldn't help but howl.

"Dad, Aunt Liu has already educated us, we promise..." Song Boyang stared angrily at the disgust of his youngest son.

He is really a bear child. He now hopes that the child in Liu Wen's stomach will be obedient, but he must not be as bearish as her (his) brother.

Otherwise, Song Boyang is really worried that sooner or later his white hair will come out from their anger, "Even if you go on a boat for fun, you must remember to practice calligraphy."

Originally, Song Boyang didn't want to talk about it. After all, it's fun for children to come out to play, so he didn't want to talk about things that make people feel disappointed.

But for the behavior of this brat, he really couldn't control it, brat, he really just couldn't get used to it.

What?He actually, actually wants to practice calligraphy?Roubaozi was stunned, and looked at Song Boyang in disbelief.

He really wants to scold, are you sure it's not a devil?But Roubaozi knew that he should save himself first rather than scolding others.

Tuanzi didn't expect that his father would be so cruel, and even asked Roubao to code on the yacht.

Although I have never been on a yacht, but I have been on a boat, it can be said that it is really bumpy.

You must know that it is on the surface of the inland river in the pond, and there is no sea. According to the fishermen who go out to sea to fish, the boat will bump when there is a little wind and waves on the sea.

It's not bad for a few of them to be able to stand firm, how can they write big characters.

Tuanzi wanted to win one or two for his younger brother, but he didn't dare. Hearing Song Boyang's words, he knew that the old man was a little unhappy.

But as the eldest brother, Tuanzi still couldn't bear it, "Dad, we seem to be going out to sea, and the yacht must be very bumpy."

Bumpy, Song Boyang really didn't think of this at first, but everything has been said, so we can't just let it go.

"Is it impossible to practice calligraphy due to bumps?"

"The more you do this, the better you can train yourself."

Well, Tuanzi can only look helplessly at the meat bun, there is no way, brother, he really tried his best.

Roubao can only accept the reality helplessly, thinking that he must work hard to write it well, otherwise, he will also have to rewrite it.

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