Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 493 Traffic Flow

After sending off a few children, Liu Wen was looking forward to where these middle-aged people would go.

I thought about a few landmarks in NY, and felt that it was not right. Those places are also suitable for bringing dumplings and playing with them.

Are you going to take her to go shopping?Liu Wen thought for a while and felt that this possibility was very high.

After all, this is a shopping paradise, and Tuanzi and the others don’t like shopping, they just buy things directly, they think it suits them, and the price is not too expensive, so they buy it quickly.

And Liu Wen likes shopping more. After all, there are too many things she likes at first sight, but if she just buys them home, she will often regret it.

The best way, of course, is to go shopping more, try on one or two, and then go home and think about it for a few days. If you still miss it after a few days, then buy it.

But in general, Liu Wen will find that she may not really like it that much.

What Liu Wen enjoys is the process of shopping, so many times, Liu Wen goes shopping alone to buy clothes.

Alas, Liu Wen sighed softly. If possible, I really hope to have a daughter so that we can go shopping together.

Although Tuanzi and the others will have girlfriends and daughter-in-laws in the future, there is no mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who go shopping together.

Song Boyang's net worth predestined that Tuanzi's future spouse might not be a girl from an ordinary family.

For such a girl, they would look up to Liu Wen, a stepmother, who came from a small family.

Anyway, Liu Wen made up her mind, and after Tuanzi and the others got a girlfriend, they didn't care about anything.

She can educate the dumplings a little, but if she insists on educating their daughter-in-law a little, she will definitely get a bad mother-in-law's evaluation.

For her pitiful reputation, Liu Wen felt that she was still looking forward to having a daughter.

As long as you have a daughter, that is your own caring little padded jacket.

And only having a daughter, Liu Wen thinks the Song family should be satisfied.

Although this society is very unfair to women in many places and at many times.

But for men, the pressure is also great, but Liu Wen can be sure that the pressure in the Song family will only be greater.

Liu Wen thought of her son in her previous life, and decided that if she could, she would give birth to a daughter in this life.

I don't expect to have much ability, as long as it is the ability and level of ordinary people.

At that time, Tuanzi and the others will be more protective, Song Boyang will leave some things for the children, and have enough financial resources, even if they can't become rich and powerful, they can live on.

Or she has a job that she likes and aspires to do. After all, there are no family affairs waiting for her to deal with, and there is no need for all kinds of hard work.

Liu Wen thinks that such a small life is really good, but she just doesn't know when she will have children.

Song Boyang is now in his 30s, and even Liu Wen is turning [-]. If all goes well, she plans to conceive this year.

But now that so many things have happened, when he was in a coma, he used a lot of drugs. According to Liu Wen's intention, of course he hoped to take good care of his body.

In this way, it will take another year to delay her pregnancy. Liu Wen is really worried, and she doesn't know whether the pregnancy preparation process will be smooth by then.

Liu Wen always feels that this time is really not ordinary unlucky, it feels like it just started off badly.

No, how could she think of these things?
Maybe it's troublesome now, and there are too many things, but it's pretty good to take away all the bad things in the future.

Liu Wen hopes that the children she will have in the future will be in good health, have the IQ and ability of ordinary people, and have an optimistic attitude.

As for more requests, Liu Wen didn't dare to think about them. In fact, these are really greedy.

Whoever asked her to compare with the mother of the dumpling meat bun would be crushed by the other party. The other party was a college student. Liu Wen really didn't have much interest in studying.

As long as I read the textbook, I have a feeling of wanting to rest, so I can still expect the child to be smart.

As long as you don't feel dizzy when you read books like her.

Sitting in the car, Liu Wen looked at the streets and traffic outside, "There are so many cars."

Although there are private cars in Yangcheng now, compared with NY, it is really much worse.

Only when you are on a very narrow road will you see traffic jams. On slightly wider roads, traffic jams are impossible.

But here in NY, traffic jams are a normal scene.

"In the future, there will be more people driving in China." Song Bohua remembered that when he went abroad, the domestic economic level had really improved a lot when he returned after a few years abroad.

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Yes, maybe the eight-lane car lanes will be blocked by then."

In the morning and evening rush hour in a big city, it is not surprising that even an eight-lane road will be blocked.

Liu Wen just wanted to express that in the future, domestic development will not be worse than that of foreign countries.

But in Song Bohua's ears, he wondered if Liu Wen was exaggerating a bit.

"Eight lanes?"

"The beautiful country can be said to be a country on wheels, but really, there are not many roads with eight lanes."

Song Bohua really didn't dare to think about it. On the day when there were eight lanes in the country, it was impossible to think about it.

Do you not believe it? "How many people are there in the beautiful country, but how many people are there in the country?"

Liu Wen asked calmly, "When we first came to Yangcheng, many places were rural areas, all rural areas."

"But now the city center of Yangcheng is expanding outside, and many so-called rural areas have become urban areas."

For example, the famous urban village in later generations has reached the day when it will appear.

Liu Wen knows that as long as the homeowners in these urban villages are not too prodigal, they can live a good life relying on rent.

There were a few times when Liu Wen really wanted to rush over to buy one or several houses, wouldn't it be good to be a renter?

Even if it is not good to leave it to the daughter to collect rent in the future?But after thinking about it for a long time, she could only give up.

There is no way, she does not have the quota to buy a house in the village in the city, but she does not have the household registration of a villager, and this house belongs to the rural house.

Once the homeowner regrets later and sues in court, even if Liu Wen gave it to dear, he still needs to return the house to the other party.

Of course, Liu Wen is unwilling to do this kind of stupid thing. With this money, buying two small houses, even if you can't make a big fortune, you can still make a small fortune.

While looking at the scenery outside, Liu Wen wondered when she would be able to conceive and become a mother.

Also, she didn't know whether God had received her prayer, so she hoped that if possible, she would have a daughter.

Song Boyang originally thought that Liu Wen would pester him and kept asking where he was going, but when he heard that it was a secret, he would know when he got there, so he didn't keep asking around him.

Song Boyang said that he was not lost, that was a lie, but he couldn't take the initiative to find Liu Wen, so the initiative would not be in his hands.

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