Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 494 I just like my daughter

Seeing Liu Wen lying on the edge of the car window, staring outside, I was really curious as to what she was thinking.

"A healthy, beautiful daughter." Liu Wen blurted out.

Thinking about this?Song Boyang really held back a bit. Could it be that Liu Wen, as the child's mother, already had a premonition?

Think about it too, after all, the child is staying in Liu Wen's stomach, she can't feel it all at once.

Although not as sensitive as those who have been mothers several times, I should feel a little bit in my heart.

Even if Song Boyang wanted to ask again if he felt that something was wrong with his body, he would take advantage of this time to go to the doctor, and of course check everything that should be checked.

Where there is need for treatment, he can be treated quickly. Song Boyang knows that if there is a small problem that is not noticed in the early stage, the problem will become more and more serious as the stomach gets bigger and bigger.

By the way, why is he so stupid? Didn't he still think about getting Liu Wen to have a full body checkup?

Then decide on the treatment plan based on the results, but now, how to deal with the matter needs to be studied carefully.

Song Boyang looked at the smiling Liu Wen, "You like your daughter so much?"

"Whether it's a son or a daughter, I like both." Liu Wen said that she was not picky, "It's just that I already have two sons, Tuanzi and Roubao."

"Don't you think there is one less considerate and sensible daughter in the family now, and one less little padded jacket?"

Liu Wen asked back, hmph, obviously someone likes her daughter very much, "After I have a daughter, I can dress her up and make her beautiful in every way."

"If you take her out, the crowd will see that she is the most beautiful boy."

"Of course at that time, we have to be careful and careful."

"After all, she is beautiful and sensible, and her family is rich. Our daughter has few rivals."

"It's not that there are no, but what if we don't keep an eye on it and people are easily deceived."

"The only best way, of course, is to let children go out and get in touch with the outside world more, and know what the outside world looks like."

"And let them know that there are not only good people out there, but also bad people, evil people who can calculate."

The bedtime stories someone tells their children are all about princes and princesses. Liu Wen hopes that, if possible, more children can see the outside world.

Liu Wen thought about it for a long time, and there are really not too many storybooks that meet her requirements.

Alas, Liu Wen is so helpless, what should I do?Although they are all mainstream children's picture books and story books, she just feels that the educational significance is not very good.

There are only a few storybooks that are tossed and turned, even if they don't care about the children in the future, they just hope that Liu Wen can lull them to sleep.

But Liu Wen still didn't want to give up, and let the children sum up one or two stories through the stories told to them by adults.

It can be kept in mind, not really like listening to a story, forget it after hearing it.

Liu Wen really felt that her request was not high, but in the end she was told no, well, what can Liu Wen do.

You can't force people to look for it, and if they can find it, why don't they show it now, they have to wait until she is in a hurry to find it, and then they will show up and say that they have found a few books that meet her requirements.

Thinking about it, Liu Wen, as an embroiderer with good embroidery skills, is actually not bad at drawing things, otherwise how could they embroider such beautiful embroidery pictures.

I can't find any books. If I have to find people who may have books, I don't know how much time it will take.

Moreover, this kind of comic book is often for children to read. Some children really treat it as their own, painting and drawing on the book, and some will tear the book page by page.

After such a toss, there will be fewer and fewer books with a small circulation.

Liu Wen also understands why some so-called villain books can be sold at such high prices in later generations.

Just because those books are not painted by famous artists, but because the quantity is not large, or the original printed editions are no longer available, it is impossible not to skyrocket the price.

"Forget it, I can draw manga." Although Liu Wen has never drawn before, I don't know her level.

But if you don’t try once or twice, how will you know it won’t work? If you can really draw a good story and attract children to read it by themselves, Liu Wen feels that these efforts are due.

When you go out in the future, you should bring a notepad and write down some things, especially interesting things. This is the inspiration for creation.

Although Liu Wen has never drawn comic strips, she has written novels, but she used to express the stories in words, but now she expresses them in pictures.

It can be said that it is a bit difficult, but Liu Wen thinks it is still possible to try one or two.

What if it is really popular with children?And Liu Wen suddenly thought of a good idea just now, that is, the protagonist of Huahua is their family.

Yes, there are four members of their family, and the supporting roles are Tang Hai, Liu Shuhui's family, and Song Bohua's family.

Of course, we still need to discuss with them whether their portrait rights can be used. If it is used within the family, this should be discussed, and maybe their grandchildren can also use it in the future.

Although Liu Wen is a bit whimsical, if someone really finds the characteristics of the comics she draws and thinks they are very good, if they want to publish or use them, this will involve rights and interests.

These are all things to discuss with them, but it's not time to worry about it now. After she has a child, there is no rush to think about these things.

Liu Wen yawned, and was about to close her eyes and take a rest for a while, only to find that the car drove into a certain place.

Is this the place?Liu Wen's eyes widened suddenly, where is this?look up.

Oh, this is a hospital, although I don't know which hospital it is, but I understand the English of the hospital, and an ambulance came roaring.

Is this going to visit a patient?Just as Liu Wen was about to ask which patient she was going to see, she suddenly remembered that Song Rui lived in the hospital.

Did you come to see Song Rui?That's right, if they didn't come to the beautiful country and didn't visit one or two, it would be fine.

But now they have come to the beautiful country, and the old lady also helped them guard the farm in the past.

Otherwise, no one has taken care of the farm these years, maybe it will be snatched by some homeless men.

But is that how they came to visit the old lady?Liu Wen couldn't help but grabbed Song Boyang who was about to get off the car, "Um, uh, let's visit my aunt, don't we want to bring anything?"

Even if the patient can't eat, shouldn't he bring flowers, after all, the old lady likes flowers very much.

In any case, it's better than them visiting patients empty-handed.

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