Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 497 The Secret of the Attic

Clearing up Song Rui's things, of course Liu Wen has no problem.

Zhao Qian asked Lao Hei and his son to take Song Bohua and the others to clean up, even though they were Song Rui's relatives.

But I also know that in Song Rui's heart, Old Hei and his son are actually her family members. There are some things that the Song family doesn't have, but Old Hei and his son know about them.

Including Song Rui, who was worried about Lao Hei who had been with her all her life. After his death, life would be a problem. In fact, they have already helped him set up a fund.

In this way, even if Song Boyang did not take in Lao Hei after taking back the farm, he would not have no income.

Don't ask Zhao Qian why she knew, because Song Derui studied economics and got another fund, so Song Rui, who can be said to have never had any dealings with a fund in her life, asked for advice.

It was then that Zhao Qian knew that Song Rui had actually prepared for her death early.

She didn't know what the rest of the Song family would think when the news broke out after Song Rui's death, but she knew that it was what Lao Hei deserved.

In these years, Song Rui encountered so many things, it can be said that Lao Hei and his son helped solve them.

Including Song Rui's hospitalization this time, Lao Hei and his son were all busy.

Lao Hei and his son took Song Bohua and the three of them up to the attic, then took out a key from a corner.

If it wasn't for the fact that the door of the attic is very clean and the key is very bright, I know that someone must have opened the door, otherwise I would really think, is this a plan to clean up all the things that are not needed?

Regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign, the attic is generally used to store things that are not needed. Although there are some valuable things, it is really hard to clean them up because there is too much dust on them.

When Song Bohua saw that Lao Hei was about to open the attic door, he couldn't help but take a step or two back.

Although it was quite restrained, Liu Wen also noticed it, and knew that she must have thought that it was also rubbish.

Lao Hei quickly pushed the door open, and there was no dust flying as Liu Wen thought. Even though it was an attic, it was really clean.

The first thing that caught my eye was that there were a few wooden shelves. Although I couldn't see clearly whether it was a painting or something, Liu Wen thought it might be a painting.

I heard Zhao Qian mention it before, saying that Song Rui started to learn oil painting after she was [-], but she knew that she went out to take classes, but she hadn't seen any of her works.

It’s because I haven’t seen any of the works. How can this not make Liu Wen feel strange, why should I learn to paint if I am not interested in painting.

But I have learned oil painting, so I can't stop painting.

Is there no satisfactory work?Liu Wen thought that Song Rui's requirements were high, but the paintings she drew didn't meet her goal, and all of them were ruined.

Liu Wen knows that many artists would rather destroy their unsatisfactory works than spread them out.

Although Song Rui is not considered an artist, but from the garden she arranged, it can be seen that the requirements are not usually high.

But now she feels that maybe the requirements are high, maybe some unsatisfactory works have been destroyed, but there should be works that she is satisfied with, and they should be about people.

The biggest possibility should be Song Rui's favorite person. As for not allowing him to see the painting, maybe he wants to remember something by himself.

Liu Wen was also guessing before that the man who could make Song Rui think about him for the rest of his life should not be too bad, and he should not be bad looking.

When she walked in front of the portrait, Liu Wen just wanted to say that although she wasn't very handsome, she could feel Song Rui's love for him, it was really full of love.

"This man is my aunt..." Originally, Song Boyang wanted to say that it was the man Song Rui had missed all his life?

But think about it or don't ask, after all, Lao Hei and his son are there, and they can understand Chinese.

Lao Hei walked up to Song Boyang, "This is the man Miss Song loves."

Liu Wen and Song Boyang said oh, the latter is a man after all, and he can't gossip about Lao Hei.

But of course Liu Wen was curious, "Then who is he now?" I don't know if he is no longer alive, or we talked about it before, but we broke up later.

Liu Wen thinks that the first possibility is more likely, because only in this way can someone be firmly remembered.

"It's gone." Hei is not very clear about the specific situation.

Well, she guessed right again, "These portraits, I think, should be my aunt's favorite."

Although there are quite a lot of wooden shelves, there are only eight or nine paintings on them, calculated from the time when Song Rui started learning oil painting.

It should be that he drew a lot of paintings, but it is a pity that Song Rui was not satisfied, so he did not keep them, and these preserved paintings are full of love.

Since it is the portrait of Song Rui's lover, it should be buried with her, otherwise it might be a loss if it is kept forever.

Liu Wen looked again at the not very big but clean attic, and found a reclining chair under the window, walked over and lay down.

Wow, although there are not too many stars in the sky now, she can feel that maybe every night, Song Rui will lie on it and look at the starry sky.

Slowly recalling the past, it is really touching.

Liu Wen doesn't know if Song Rui who is alone has ever regretted that she has stuck to it until now because of a fruitless relationship.

Thanks to Lao Hei and his son, otherwise Liu Wen wouldn't know how Song Rui survived those days alone.

Liu Wen felt a little bad, so instead of lying down, she stood up and continued to look at the things in the attic.

In addition to the oil paintings painted by Song Rui himself, there are also many group photos of the two of them, which can be seen on the cabinet and on the coffee table next to the sofa.

This already scared Liu Wen quite a bit, but she didn't expect that when the cabinet was opened, there were several thick photo albums inside.

After Liu Wen searched a bit, she found that many of them were photos of Song Rui, and she was a beautiful one.

"It's not like the one my aunt likes is a photographer." I happened to see a photo of Song Rui and that person, and the other person was carrying a camera.

Combined with the fact that Song Rui has so many beautiful photos, Liu Wen thinks the probability is very high.

Song Boyang hummed, "Unfortunately, there are too many black and white photos."

"But it has a taste." Although the color photos look good, if you want to make people feel charming, of course you need black and white photos.

Song Boyang didn't understand why Liu Wen said that. As a qualified husband, of course he followed Liu Wen's words.

I don’t know why, but I used to think that black and white photos are rather ugly, but after listening to Liu Wen’s explanation, I suddenly felt that what Liu Wen said was right, black and white photos are really attractive.

"Then these photos?" At first I thought they were some of Song Rui's oil paintings and some group photos, which should be easier to deal with, but now that there are so many extra albums, Song Boyang doesn't know how to deal with them.

There are really too many things, can the coffin be filled?

That's right, Song Bohua and Song Boyang had a little discussion just now, and they felt that putting these things directly into the coffin would save some thieves from thinking that they had put valuables and digging at night.

But now there are really a lot of these things, and I'm really worried that there really won't be enough space in the coffin.

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