Liu Wen and the others went downstairs to Song Rui's room, and they were not surprised to see her continue to be unconscious.

When I was in the hospital, because I had to ask her if she would go back, I was sober for a while.

When they arrived at the farm, according to what Lao Hei said, Song Rui also opened her eyes and stared at the flowers for a long time before she fell unconscious.

Seeing Song Bohua and the others return to the room, Zhao Qian asked casually, "Is there anything upstairs?"

Song Bohua talked about the situation in the attic, "There are really too many things."

"It can be said that the attic is full of memories of my aunt." Song Bohua couldn't help sighing twice.

"It's really a good match, they are all college students." In the beautiful country in the 50s, there were really not many female college students.

And if the other party is also a college student, I want to know that the conditions of the other party's family are not bad, otherwise they will not send their children to college.

At that time, it was really a perfect match, but it's a pity that God's will tricks people.

Zhao Qian knew that the attic was very important and special to Song Rui, but she never thought that it would be so special.

I don't know what to say other than sighing. Maybe I will have a very happy life with the other party, and maybe I will spend enough time on the ground.

But when the other party passed away at the best time in his life, what was left to Song Rui was of course not only good things, but also good things.

"Let's ask my aunt." Zhao Qian thought for a while, and still planned to ask Song Rui what to do with her things, or she should ask the person concerned.

Of course Zhao Qian was in charge of this matter again, she leaned over and whispered in Song Rui's ear what to do with the things in the attic.

But this time I asked for a long time, but I didn't get any reply.

The hearts of the four couldn't help but drop. It seemed that it should be within the past two days. Song Bohua glanced at Song Boyang, "Why don't we keep watch at night?"

Song Boyang hummed, "Are you and your sister-in-law going back to rest?"

It's okay to live here, and there are also vacant guest rooms. If you want to go back to rest, Song Bohua's house is not too far from here, and it will not be troublesome to come quickly if something happens.

Of course Liu Wen didn't care, she could accept everything, but she didn't know how Zhao Qian would choose.

Zhao Qian was actually a little afraid to go back. There were only her and Liu Wen in the house, and each person had a room. She was really a little panicked.

But she was worried that Liu Wen wanted to go back to rest, so she looked at Liu Wen, "Xiao Wen, who are you?"

For Liu Wen, whether to go back to rest or stay here to rest is no problem.

Since Zhao Qian is so scared, she should stay here. In case Song Rui really leaves at night, she won't come here at night.

"Sister-in-law, why don't we stay here?" Liu Wen asked Zhao Qian for her opinion.

When Zhao Qian heard Liu Wen's question, she nodded quickly, "Success, I think this is very good."

"When something happens like this, we can help each other quickly." Zhao Qian checked the time, "It's getting late, I'm going to prepare dinner."

"I don't know what else is in the refrigerator." Zhao Qian asked what the two brothers of the Song family planned to eat.

The two expressed their casualness one after another, Zhao Qian thought for a while, "I'll go back and get something to eat."

Forget it, don't look at what else is in Song Rui's refrigerator, just go back and get things, it's more convenient.

Song Bohua nodded, "Just go back and get us some change of clothes along the way."

Sweating so much in summer, how could he not take a shower and change his clothes? Originally, Song Bohua planned to go back later to get some things, and take a change of clothes along the way.

Now that Zhao Qian and the others are going back, let them bring them along, and Song Boyang asked Liu Wen to bring two books.

Watching the night here, why not, Song Boyang just wanted to read some books, as for Song Bohua, of course he was dealing with business.

Liu Wen hummed, "Is there anything else to bring?"

"No need." Song Boyang originally wanted to say that he would take sleeping pills, but he had to adapt to a different place for a few days, so under normal circumstances, he would take some sleeping pills.

But thinking about being here for the past few days, he may not be able to rest, that is, he is very tired, so he can take a little rest.

Song Boyang didn't say why Liu Wen didn't know what he wanted to get.

She really doesn't want Song Boyang to fall asleep with this stuff, because if he eats too much, he will become dependent, and it's not that he hasn't tried a way to fall asleep.

For example, a glass of milk before going to bed, such as soaking his feet every day, such as giving his head a massage or two.

He was not allowed to read professional books one hour before going to bed, and he was not allowed to think about the patient's treatment methods, and the two chatted casually.

It can be said that a lot of preparatory work has been done, but the effect is really not seen.

Liu Wen thought for a long time, and felt that there should be only one possibility, that is, Song Boyang's pressure is really great.

If it was someone else, Liu Wen would take it for granted that the pressure is to make money so that she can better support her family.

Now there are only two children, Tuanzi and Roubao. When she is born again, she will have one, which means she will have three children.

Dumplings and meat buns are both boys, and the pressure is even greater. Boys need to be trained well, and then they have to prepare a wedding room. It can be said that it is all money.

If she gave birth to a girl, although there is pressure, she still needs to earn a lot of money.

The pressure of raising a girl is not easy, just because she is a girl, she needs to know more things.

For Song Boyang, these are not problems at all. Even if he doesn't go to work, he doesn't have the pressure to earn money to support his family.

And he was under a lot of pressure. After Liu Wen thought about it, she felt that Song Boyang really liked medicine.

For example, he actually prefers to save lives and heal the wounded, which is the bounden duty of a doctor, but after hearing the greeting from his former mentor, he still went south and became a teacher.

Just like what he said, although being a doctor can treat more people, but becoming a teacher can teach more doctors and treat more patients.

Every time Liu Wen thinks of this, she can't tell Song Boyang not to be too tired or too hard. All she can do is take him for a walk often, or relax before going to bed.

Fortunately, I don't often suffer from insomnia, that is, I am under a lot of pressure, or I just change to a new place.

"When will we take a walk in the garden at night?" Although they said that they had already visited the garden this morning, they really just visited it and didn't take a closer look.

Are we going to spend the night here now? Liu Wen thought no matter what, she couldn't miss such a beautiful scenery.

"Okay." Song Boyang doesn't have much feeling for these flowers and plants, but Liu Wen likes them. Since it's something my daughter-in-law likes, let's do it with her.

"By the way, I think our upstairs garden can also learn a little bit."

Since the daughter-in-law likes it, although there is no way to replicate it in Yangcheng, the terrace can be slightly changed.

The project may be a bit too big, but as long as the daughter-in-law likes it, it will be fine.

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