Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 601 You Are Too Demanding

Chapter 601 You Are Too Demanding

The former boss returned, and Liu Wen, a pregnant woman, was coming back, so of course Tang Hai had to drive to pick them up.

Originally, Tang Hai still had a meeting to hold, but it turned out that the last meeting could not be held because of the delay in a previous meeting.

Tang Hai could only ask his assistants to make records, and he left in a hurry.

Tang Hai left just like that, and was busy picking up his former boss, but his subordinates were stunned by his words.

Tang Hai, who can make a workaholic, put down the meeting that is still in progress, and just leave, how can it not be surprising.

Although he also knew that Tang Hai was not there, but his powerful assistant was there, and he had to keep a record of the whole process, so that he would know the process when the time came.

It's just that there are not many times like this. Unless it is an unimportant meeting or an important person comes over temporarily, otherwise such a mistake will not be made.

Of course, everyone wanted to know who was making Tang Hai like this, and the assistant should be the one who knew this.

The assistant pushed his glasses and knew what they wanted to ask. In fact, he was also puzzled. He didn't know where the boss was going or what he was doing.

The only thing I know is that there should not be a big client coming, otherwise, Tang Hai would not be like this and would definitely notify him.

But if it's a private matter, it seems that apart from the family, there is no one who can make Mr. Tang abandon all affairs.

But isn't Doctor Song in Yangcheng?I didn't hear anything happened either. Yesterday his family members went to the hospital to see Song Boyang, and he also took his time to take his family to the hospital.

As for Song Boyang's words, it should be very good, and there is no problem. If it is not Song Boyang's words, can there be any reason?
Forget it, the assistant didn't want to, after all, it must be a big deal to make Mr. Tang give up the meeting.

He coughed slightly, "Okay, don't discuss so much, let's have a meeting now."

"After all, if we settle things earlier, we can leave work earlier."

Whether they leave work or continue to work overtime after the meeting is their business, and the assistant knows that after the meeting, he will go to the office to continue sorting out the materials, and then send them to Mr. Tang.

Mr. Tang can't be allowed to see these materials the next day. In case Mr. Tang has a different opinion on the discussed plan, he can make changes earlier.

When everyone heard it, yes, Tang always left, but he was still waiting for the plan they discussed. If the result of the discussion was not good, they knew that they had no good fruit to eat.

In this meeting, even though Tang Hai wasn't there, they still put on [-]% of their energy.

Tang Hai drove to the train station at a high speed, and he didn't know that the employees were discussing things more seriously than when he was still there.

Tang Hai hurried to the exit of the station, just as Tao Shan and the others came out, and immediately let out a long breath, no matter what, at least they had received someone.

Song Boyang watched Tang Hai let out a long breath, "What's wrong?"

"Today's meeting is really not going well." Tang Hai became angry when he thought of those subordinates, "It really is."

"One by one always acts with previous vision and thinking."

"Really." Tang Hai felt more and more that the current managers of the company could not keep up with him.

Liu Wen is not surprised that he can't keep up. Tang Hai really keeps learning new things, especially after he went to the United States, his vision has changed.

As for Tang Hai's subordinates, it's not that they haven't made progress, they are also working hard to make progress, but they just can't keep up with Tang Hai's footsteps.

But will the rest of them really meet Tang Hai's request?Liu Wen found this difficult.

Maybe we can find employees who meet Tang Hai's requirements now, but after a year or two, how many people can keep up with Tang Hai's footsteps.

Song Boyang didn't know what to say. Tang Hai had high demands on himself, and he also had high demands on others.

It cannot be said that Tang Hai's thinking is wrong, as a leader, it is also very right to have such thinking.

Tao Shan could say that she heard Tang Hai complain all the way, "Ah, do you think the same as the rest?"

"You just feel that you are making progress, don't the rest of you make progress?"

"You're staring at what they haven't done all day, so can you see where they've improved?"

"You should look more at their strengths. Of course, it doesn't mean that you don't look at their shortcomings. It's just that you should look at their strengths and weaknesses."

"Give them jobs that suit them."

"Let them play to their strengths where they are good at."

"When I was the boss, you saw that I was the boss, why didn't you think about how I arranged for you."

"Those who can use their brains use their brains, such as Song Boyang."

"You and Tao Yu are masters in fighting, so of course I arranged for you to fight."

"And..." Tao Shan wanted to mention someone, but in the end she couldn't pronounce the name. "He runs fast and has strong observation skills. It's really suitable for him to investigate."

"Later when he went to the army, he did the same thing."

Tao Shan said with a sense of accomplishment, "Look, I was only so old at that time, and I already knew how to arrange them."

"I really don't understand you anymore. You are almost thirty now, so you are not as good as me at that time."

"It's really far away." Tao Shan said very speechlessly.

Wow, Liu Wen only recently found out that Tao Shan was so handsome when she was a child. She was obviously a girl who led a group of boys.

What's more, she didn't expect that Tao Shan not only used force to suppress them, but also used her brain to speak.

What is even more unexpected is that Tang Hai has been in business for so many years, but he is not as good as the young Tao Shan.

Liu Wen didn't care if Tang Hai would get angry after hearing her laughter, but she just wanted to laugh.

When Tang Hai heard Liu Wen's laughter, he could only bear it. There was no other way. There were five people in a car, and all three of them were her backers.

Especially Tao Shan was here, not to mention educating her, even if he just said a few words, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

"Boss, I know, I really know, I, I just didn't think of this."

"And you know that before, everyone was busy enclosing land and making money, and I was also busy flying. I don't have time to think so much."

"However, boss, you are right, I have to think about this."

"Before I go to the Northeast, I must think about it and make arrangements."

Although according to the results of the investigation, the trip to the northeast should make a lot of money, but no matter what, at least the base camp here in Yangcheng really needs to be stabilized.

Otherwise, otherwise he would not be able to make money in the Northeast.

To the northeast?Tao Shan knew that this man was a busy person, and he was flying around doing business, because this time he was also going to the Northeast to do business.

But think about it, you have to arrange all these before going to the northeast, isn't it a bit rushed?

(End of this chapter)

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