Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 602 Take You To Make Money

It's really not that Tao Shan thinks that Tang Hai's ability is not good, but that she was able to arrange it that way before because they grew up together and really know each other too well.

As for Tang Hai's subordinates, does he really understand each other?Tao Shan felt impossible.

How many people can let leaders know their full strength?That will make the boss think about whether his strength does not match the reward he deserves.

Tao Shan knew everything she could think of, it was impossible for Tang Hai not to know, it was impossible not to understand, but he was still so anxious.

How can she not let her feel that if Tang Hai goes to the Northeast this time, the time will definitely not be short, maybe he will stay in the Northeast for a long time.

If he can stay for a long time, there should be business there. Could it be that Tang Hai's new business is in the Northeast this time?
Although Tao Shan is not doing business, she also knows that there seems to be no business in the Northeast, so that Tang Hai, who is a fan of money, can go there to do business.

Especially when she and Tao Yu were brought along, the brothers of the Song family had to bring them along. Tang Hai probably wouldn't make such a big fuss if there wasn't enough business.

While waiting for the red light, Tang Hai looked back at Tang Hai, and saw Tao Shan's thoughtful expression without any surprise.

Turning to Song Boyang, "Well, I'll just say that the boss is the boss."

"Even if she doesn't do business, she's better than us."

Song Boyang said unhappily, "Could it be that I'm the boss?"

"I know you want to flatter the boss. After all, these days, you're so flirtatious that you don't even care about the boss."

Although he is a brother, but this will betray his brother, there is really no need to be polite.

If you choose between the brother and the boss, of course you have to stand on the side of the boss. As for the so-called brothers, you have to stand on the side.

"Why don't I see the boss in my eyes?" Tang Hai was anxious.

Liu Wen had heard from Song Boyang before that Tao Shan was the object of their fear. Up to now, whenever they saw Tao Shan, both of them would be very nervous, wondering if there was something they did not do well enough.

But Liu Wen really thought they were just mentioning it casually, and now seeing the two of them act like children, arguing non-stop that they are the ones who have the boss in their eyes.

Liu Wen didn't know what Tao Shan thought when she saw the two arguing for her.

Turning her head to look at Tao Shan who was sitting next to her, well, this person knew that she was just watching.

Well, since even Tao Shan thinks so, she is an idler and pregnant, so don't worry too much, just keep watching the fun.

Although Liu Wen was watching the excitement, she also paid attention to the road conditions outside, "Are we going straight back today?"

Didn't Tao Shan say before that after arriving in Yangcheng today, they went to see the house overnight, why did they go back first after arriving in Yangcheng?

Although I would like to know, either Mr. Tang invited them out for a big meal, or directly asked their nanny to cook.

I haven't eaten for a long time, and Liu Wen feels that I really miss it.

"I'm not in a hurry today. I asked the hospital and told the boss to take a break and let her organize things, then adjust her state and not go to work until next Monday."

Tang Hai knew that Tao Shan was going back to Yangcheng for work, so of course he wanted to inquire about it, "Since I have to rest for a week, I thought it would be better to look at the house during the day."

"After all, a house is for living in, and it must be comfortable to live in."

"So ventilation and lighting are really important."

"Anyway, don't worry, the house is either mine or Brother Song's. Don't worry."

"Today, it's just enough to have a meal, and then we're discussing business."

In addition to arranging subordinates, he also proposed a new project with Tao Shan and listened to her opinion.

Tao Shan was still thinking about going to the hospital tomorrow to ask when she would go to work. After all, she came from another place and should take a day or two off, but she didn't expect to have a week off.

Tao Shan just wanted to say, it's really a big hospital, it's generous, and it's even a week off.

In this way, many things
Don't be in a hurry, you can slowly think about how to arrange things.

In short, taking advantage of not going to report or going to work, the house has to be fixed, and Gong Li's dormitory has also been furnished.

Although the house belongs to a hospital, it is a mystery how long she can live there, but the dormitory is well furnished, at least the people who live there will feel comfortable and can work better.

As for how much it costs to furnish the house, perhaps in Gong Li's eyes, since it is not her own property, there is no need to spend money on it.

When the time comes to save money, the house will be taken away by the higher-ups, and the one who is crying will be herself, but Tao Shan knows that it is a waste of money, and it should be a lot of money.

But no matter what, at least I live really comfortably, and I feel like I am at home.

But for this move, Tao Shan actually regretted it a bit. She really didn't expect that the speed would be so fast, and then she didn't bring many things back.

Although it was a good deal for those who came later, it was still money, and it was not a good money to spend when I bought it in the first place.

Tao Shan decided to arrange the dormitory this time. She had to think carefully about whether the new home would be useful. If not, there was no need to buy it. Don’t waste the money.

"By the way, Xiaowen, let's go shopping together, and we happen to be familiar with Xiayangcheng."

Yangcheng is really big. After Tang Hai picked them up, he drove out from the train station and drove for at least 20 minutes before arriving at his house.

He also said that today was going well, and if there was a traffic jam, he didn't know how long it would take. This really shocked Tao Shan.

Although the small city she stayed in before had a private car, it couldn't compare with Yangcheng. After all, Yangcheng had a lot of rich people.

For example, Liu Wen and Song Boyang have two cars, not to mention the rest.

When Tang Hai got out of the car, he saw Tao Shan's envious expression, "Boss, I believe you can buy a car in a year."

If the business goes well, it is no problem to buy a car fleet, let alone a car.

Buying a car in the next year, Tao Shan smiled, "Forget it, I don't want to."

"Why, don't you believe it?" Tang Hai thought that he didn't believe it. He could take her to make a lot of money, including the money to buy a car.

"Hey, you, you are still as anxious as before." Tao Shan signaled Tang Hai to be a little more anxious.

"Of course I want you to lead me to make a lot of money."

"I've known you Tang Hai for so many years, and you really did everything you said."

"I'm not saying that after one year, there will be no money to buy a car. I believe that I can earn more money to buy more cars."

"But mine is different."

"If I were in business, I would buy it as soon as I said it, but I am a doctor, I go to work in a hospital, and I am a low-level medical staff."

"I guessed that my director might not even have a car, and then I looked at it again, and a subordinate like me has already bought a car and drives to and from get off work."

"Mr. Tang, in your words..." Tao Shan knew that few leaders would be willing to see that their subordinates were better than themselves.

"I really don't mind." Tang Hai really didn't mind that his subordinates were better than him.

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