Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 603 Give them a chance

Tao Shan didn't expect Tang Hai to be fearless, and he didn't worry about his subordinates being too strong at all.

If the subordinates are too strong, Tao Shan thinks there is only one possibility, and that is, "You don't worry that they will resign."

If you have enough strength, it is not very difficult to find an investment, but if a competent subordinate leaves like this, won't it cause great fluctuations to the company?

If no one keeps up, the company will definitely be in chaos for a while, but I didn't expect Tang Hai to be so generous.

Liu Wen also stared at Tang Hai, she thought there must be something wrong, but she didn't know what Tang Hai would do.

"I have a powerful subordinate under me, can I just suppress it?"

"I may be able to suppress it. Many people don't know how strong he is. Doesn't he know it himself?"

"Don't let him find out that he is very powerful, stronger than he thought, and he will definitely go out and be independent, and then he has no objection to me?"

"He might feel that if it weren't for the relationship I suppressed, he would have discovered his potential earlier, and he would have been able to start a business earlier, and his achievements would have been different."

"You won't remember me either."

"And if I give them a chance, I will train them well, and when they go out to be independent, they will remember my training for them."

"At that time, I propose to buy shares, do you think they will object?"

Although Tang Hai knows that there are still many profitable projects, but because of his age and lack of energy, some projects can only be given up even if he knows that they are profitable.

But if his subordinates go out to start a business, he can still study it carefully, and if it is suitable, he can also buy shares.

It is also investing capital, but other people take care of it, and he just waits for the money to be paid. This feeling is really great.

Wow, Liu Wen gave Tang Hai a thumbs up. It's really amazing. Not many people have this idea now. If possible, they would rather make money by themselves.

"Good idea." Gong Li was also very surprised, "Although it looks like the loss of a capable employee."

"In fact, what you got in exchange is a good partner." Some people will calculate and think, shouldn't such a powerful subordinate stay by his side all the time?

His thoughts and ideas should stay in the company and create more profits for the boss, instead of thinking about going out to make money by himself.

"Money is endless, and I know myself, if I am the big boss, I really can't let go completely."

"I still want to stare at myself, it's really tiring." In fact, Tang Hai also knows that this habit is not good.

But there is no way, he tried several times to change it, but there is really no way to change it.

Since there is no way to change it, Tang Hai can only change his mind, such as investing in some promising projects.

In this way, the other party can make money, and at the same time solve the problem of insufficient funds, and of course he also makes money.

But how to say that, there are not no good projects, "But many people do business, they really don't think too much, what they hope is to make money quickly and make more money."

"As for the long-term development of the company." Tang Hai shook his head helplessly, "I really haven't thought about it or considered it."…

"Even if someone would consider opening the company for a longer period of time, they would change their mind immediately after looking at the people around them doing business and seeing how quickly they are making money."

"And some people are very defensive against me." Thinking of every time he thinks, don't care who the boss is. As long as the project is good, he can always make money by arranging financial affairs to keep an eye on it. That's fine.

"As a result, I just proposed that I want to invest in shares, but before continuing, they told me that their project is not short of money."

"Either it is to say, we are operating on a small capital, we don't invest much, and then we don't have much profit, which means that I will give up investing in shares."

"Of course there are also those who are willing to absorb me as an investor because they have enough money."

"But how to say that." Thinking of the bunch of rules and regulations made by the other party, Tang Hai found it very interesting, "It's really not
is generally interesting. "

"Anyway, it's to prevent them from being squeezed out because of my shareholding."

"To be honest, I don't have such an idea at all. As far as their project is concerned, whenever I have time, I am really willing to operate it myself."

"I just don't have time to operate, so I think about buying shares."

"Well, when I said that, they suddenly became worried again, worried that because they wouldn't let me invest, I would start a similar company and compete with them for business."

"After some discussions, I finally had a few projects that could be invested. As a result, I proposed to put it under the financial watch, and I started this idea and that idea again."

Tang Hai felt really tired, "Actually, they don't even think about it. Considering their small scale, if I really think the project is good, wouldn't it be easy for me to deal with them?"

"And when I went abroad this time, I didn't talk to Song Derui and the others. Although that set of tools is currently used abroad, many people have been recruited. I think if I bring this kind of operation method to China operation."

"I don't say it will be successful, but to be honest, the probability of success is really a bit high."

"If I really want to swallow their property, I can wait for their project to grow, and I will do so."

"In this way, I don't need to work too much. After the project is successful, I will directly come to Bobo to operate. Maybe I, the person who worries the least, can become a major shareholder."

Song Boyang didn't know this at all, and when he heard Tang Hai say this, he was a little stunned, "Can you still do this?"

Liu Wen knows this kind of operation method, many people want to accelerate the company's experience, and then absorb venture capital, etc., the company can develop very quickly.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the founder of a company is really easy for investors to kill.

What she was curious about was that Tang Hai didn't seem to have much time to communicate with Song Derui in the past few days, but how did they discuss this issue.

Liu Wen believes that this question cannot be brought up suddenly, because something must have happened that she doesn't know.

As for whether Song Boyang knows, it depends on his appearance, the probability of knowing is not high, otherwise he would not be dumbfounded.

Liu Wen continued to think about this question. Could it be that Tang Hai wandered abroad and felt that the company's listing is very good, and the founder and other stakeholders can make a lot of money.

If Tang Hai hadn't mentioned it, Song Boyang would never have thought that the money invested by some investment funds might become a hot potato.

No, it's not just a hot potato, but a reminder. No matter who you are in the company, shareholders or founders, you may be kicked out by those investors, and you may even leave the company.

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