Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 604 Listing Arrangements

Song Boyang didn't mention this to Liu Wen, but said that Tang Hai went to the beautiful country to make money.

In fact, at the beginning, Tang Hai really meant this, but as time went by, he found that listed companies can still make money in this way, so he couldn't help but change his mind.

But this is only a rough idea, Tang Hai just mentioned it to Song Boyang in a hurry.

For Song Boyang, Tang Hai is the boss of the company, Tang Hai is the one who manages the company, and in his case, he is the one who is waiting to get the dividend every year.

As for which projects the company should carry out, whether it is listed or not, in short, everything is waiting for Tang Hai to make a decision.

As a shareholder, he just supports every choice made by Tang Hai. As for more aspects, forget it.
Although what Tang Hai was talking about now was that the founder of the company was kicked out by the investors and kicked out of the company, but he somehow felt that Tang Hai was actually talking about it for himself.

"You mentioned before that you want the company to go public, but you are now?" Song Boyang looked at Tang Hai.

"I'm not considering going public."

"Or the parent company, I don't plan to go public."

"By the way, the shareholders of the parent company are our two shareholders." As for the rest, including Tao Shan and Tao Yu who grew up together, Tang Hai would not do this.

Because what Song Boyang brought to him was different, it was Song Boyang who let him know that only by persevering can there be hope. No matter how many storms and waves he encounters, Tang Hai will definitely support him.

"Then for the rest of the companies, I want to go out one by one, and our parent company controls these subsidiaries."

"If there is a company listed in the middle, it can also be considered."

"Even if there is an investor who thinks the project is good and can make more money, and thinks that I am an obstacle, and resorts to tricks to drive us out, I am not worried."

"We have other industries."

"I don't believe it. How many times can they operate the same method?"

"Of course, if they can operate successfully several times, I also admire them, which shows that they are capable. Of course, I can also say that I am an idiot."

"Then the parent company is responsible for the investment?" Song Boyang heard what Tang Hai meant.

Tang Hai hummed, "Well, it's for investment, so I want to make as much money as possible now."

"As long as we have this company, we will be mainly responsible for investment."

Tang Hai recalled the money he made during his trip to the beautiful country, "Really, I have made money for so many years, but I haven't made money so fast."

"When the time comes for good project investment, short-term investment will also be added." Although he doesn't like short-term investment very much and thinks it is too short-sighted, as long as it can make money, why should he care about it.

Song Boyang was dizzy when he heard it, "You can do it if you think it is possible, as for the rest, I know, I don't understand these."

"I didn't intend to understand it either." Many people said that medical books are difficult, and they feel that they are incomprehensible in various ways, but if Song Boyang chooses, he will definitely say that medical books are not difficult at all.

"You." Tang Hai was just about to say a few words, but after the latter's eyes swept over him, he suddenly became quiet.

Tang Hai remembered that Song Boyang hated reading books in this area, but once he was willing to devote himself to reading the books seriously, he might really listen to them.

On the contrary, he was not very interested in reading since he was a child. Anyway, he wanted to rest when he saw a book.

If Song Boyang hadn't been staring at him, and that bad woman had muttered in front of him, saying that he was an idiot and stupid, otherwise he wouldn't know how to do such an easy homework, and that he was illiterate.

Tang Hai told the woman whether he was illiterate or not, but he really didn't care, anyway, he felt his head was big when he was reading.

He has long thought about what industry he should be engaged in when he grows up, and how to make money, and he believes that he will definitely make money.

But that woman really shouldn't have brought up his mother and ridiculed him openly, so no matter how difficult it was, she still graduated from junior high school.

Now there are more college students, and junior high school graduates are worthless, but at that time, at least they could be regarded as intellectuals.

It was also because of this junior high school diploma that she rushed directly to his father's office, took out the letter of guarantee written by their husband and wife, and forced the bad stepfather to give up his mother's job.

When Tang Hai thought of the couple's expressions at that time, he felt particularly comfortable.

Humph, bullying him all day long, and talking about his mother all day long, I don't even think about it, if it weren't for his own mother, would that couple be able to mix so well?

Originally, Tang Hai really didn't care, because he never thought about going to work at all, but if this job was done by other people, he really couldn't open his mouth.

But that bad woman is at work. Of course, this job can't make her feel uncomfortable, she must give up her job.

What's more, he also hooked up with someone who has already sold his job. The amount of money is not important, the important thing is that he can add trouble to the couple, and he can have more contacts.

And these are not all he thought of, but Song Boyang gave pointers behind his back.

Without Song Boyang's guidance, although he could still do business, he would miss out on a pot of gold, and more importantly, the family would definitely develop well.

But now, he can barely be regarded as stepping on that family to come to power, ruthlessly contributing to his career.

The more Tang Hai thought about it, the more he felt that he still couldn't offend Song Boyang, otherwise, there would be no good fruit to eat.

"It's because I don't like reading. It's because I want to rest when I see a book."

"Boyang, you don't want to read books on economics. If you are willing to read, I believe you can learn it early and be able to use it."

"As for me." Although Tang Hai has been out in the past few years, people call him Mr. Tang, but when he meets some big clients, he is still used to scolding them.

As for kneeling directly in front of Song Boyang and admitting defeat, he really has no pressure at all.

"My thought is, I can read, I can learn, but my hand says the book is too thick, I can't open it, and I can't hold it."

"My eyes tell my brain that reading is really too taxing for the eyes, and there is really no way to read books for too long."

"And I'm also very busy, busy with business trips, and busy with reading proposals."

"My mind tells me that the task is too heavy, I really can't do it, and I need a proper rest."

Although he is stepping down on himself, and although it is true, he still needs to save face a little bit. After all, he is a powerful Mr. Tang. Does he not want face?

Song Boyang knew that Tang Hai wanted face, and he could already be regarded as bowing his head. If this is the case, then of course he should give face to the other party.

Song Boyang was giving Tang Hai face, but Tao Shan laughed, "The reason you found for not working hard at school is really true."

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