Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 605 New Business

When Tang Hai heard Tao Shan's laughter, he knew that the situation was not good. How could he forget that this person would not give her face.

It doesn't matter, he knew what to do, coughed lightly, "Let's not discuss this now, let's discuss the business."

"Boss, you really caught up, otherwise, I would have planned to find you."

After all, they have to bring Tao Shan with them, so of course they have to explain clearly.

"Looking for me?" Tao Shan didn't think she was really that important, and knew that the next topic should be the focus of this time.

Liu Wen also wanted to know what kind of business Tang Hai planned to do. Although the topic just now was interrupted, Tang Hai's proposal that the parent company be responsible for the investment is definitely a method he will operate later.

This also explains why such a powerful figure as Tang Hai didn't even know about his existence in his previous life. As for Song Boyang, he didn't know about it either.

In fact, it's not that they don't exist. After all, they can be said to be steady and steady, and they didn't rely on Tao Zeming to make a fortune.

It's just that they are hidden behind, that is, they have large financial sums, and they don't need to face the public, and they don't need to face those media reporters.

In this way, even Mrs. Gong Jun's Liu Wen, of course, doesn't know. Maybe Gong Jun knows, and Yao Ying also knows.

Liu Wen still remembers that Yao Ying was jumping up and down in all kinds of ways back then, and even bowed her head to her in order to get to know Tang Hai and even become his woman.

In fact, at that time, Liu Wen had curiosity. In her previous life, Yao Ying was a person who was unprofitable and could not afford to be young. After her rebirth, she can be said to have fully brought this point into full play.

Even Tang Hai was indifferent to her because of Liu Wen's relationship, but she still tried to block Tang Hai in various ways.

That's right, if Tang Hai has no future, will she chase him?Even if she knew that even if she became Tang Hai's woman, she didn't know when she would be laid off, let alone become a full-time employee, but why was she still staring at Tang Hai so tirelessly.

It is only used to guess that Tang Hai is unusually powerful, but generally rich.

What she doesn't know doesn't mean that Yao Ying won't know. Gong Jun, after drinking a little wine, the whole person doesn't need to know who he is. Some inside information was revealed.

Yao Ying wanted to hook up with Tang Hai before he reached the age of later generations, so that even if he didn't marry her, at least he would be generous. She would think about what to do when the time came.

But the result is that even if Tang Hai has not been as powerful as in later generations, at least he can be regarded as a rich man now, and his requirements for female companions have also increased a lot.

Not to mention the improved standard, even the pre-improved standard, it can be said that Yao Ying does not meet Tang Hai's standard.

Liu Wen understands a little bit why Yao Ying just thinks and looks forward to getting plastic surgery, saying that in this way she can meet rich people and enter a wealthy family.

Liu Wen felt that Yao Ying wanted to have plastic surgery, but in fact, she probably hadn't completely given up her pursuit of Tang Hai.

It's just a pity that Pang Yue knew that it would cost a lot of money for plastic surgery, and the point is that it may not be really successful, so of course she disagreed in various ways.

Liu Wen said that Pang Yue really refused too much, not to mention the effect of plastic surgery, Tang Hai has never met Yao Ying, thinking that this person can be so ruthless, how could he like her.

Thinking of Yao Ying, Liu Wen was really curious about where this person went.

Although they analyzed it for a long time, they also went south to Shenzhen City to inquire about it, but they really did not find any trace of her visit.

But I can't be sure. After all, if you live in a hotel now, unless it is a regular hotel, you really don't need to check in with your ID card.

Many small hotels only need people to check in. As for the name, it is really arbitrary.

If she didn't go south, where would Yao Ying go? Didn't this person have been greatly stimulated and said that she must become a rich man and return to her hometown?
In this era, there are many ways to get rich, but she is not a person who will endure hardships, and as for funds, she does not have much.

In this way, unless she

Use herself as capital to start a business, but if she wants to develop for a long time, can she do it well?

Liu Wen didn't know how the rest of the reborn people managed to thrive, but she could be sure that neither she nor Yao Ying was expected to do so.

She knows how to embroider, and then meets a nobleman, otherwise, she is just an embroiderer who takes an order to embroider, maybe she is just a senior one or two, and the fees are just a little bit more expensive.

As far as she is concerned, she doesn't have too many thoughts of wanting to make a fortune, she just wants to live a quiet life and make her life a little more comfortable.

But Yao Ying is different, she hopes to live a different life through this rebirth.

At the beginning, she hoped to marry Gong Jun and become Mrs. Gong, but when she found that Gong Jun had no hope, she wanted to find a rich man and continue to be a wealthy idler.

Later, I found that there was no way to become a rich man in this way, so I wondered whether I could make money in my own way.

But as a result, she and those big bosses who are not yet developed have no way to communicate. If they want to invest in advance, they have no money, so there is no way to invest at all.

If she wants to make money, she doesn't want to work hard in all kinds of ways. Just ask such a reborn person, who has no money and no connections, even if he knows which company will develop, that person will become a rich man.

But that's all she could know. Liu Wen knew that Yao Ying probably didn't give up, and she probably wanted to work hard to earn a lot of money.

But at this time, Liu Wen always felt that there should be projects that could easily earn a lot of money.

But she just didn't remember it, and Liu Wen couldn't help but sigh, although they are all reborn, but compared with Yao Ying, the gap is really not that big.

Tang Hai and the others didn't know what Liu Wen was thinking, anyway they wanted to let Tao Shan know their plan.

"Actually, this project is also very easy, that is, to sell domestic products to the big brother next door."

Tang Hai never imagined that the big brother they used to talk about when they were young would be so downcast now.

Although he kept sighing for a while, but as a businessman, of course he couldn't miss such a good deal.

Tang Hai knew that if he really wanted to realize his plan, he needed a large sum of money to support it, otherwise he would not be able to invest on a large scale.

Of course, Tao Shan knew that the big brother next door had been undergoing transformation in the past few years. This was mentioned by Tao Zeming and the others last time, but she didn't pay much attention to it, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

But I didn't expect that one day there would be something to do with me, "We, we want to sell things to them?"

"What can we sell them?"

"And this is considered an import, and that is expensive." She knew that if she went through the Northeast and then went to the capital of Big Brother, it would be modest to travel thousands of miles, and the train would take several days.

There is a lot of time wasted on the road, and there will not be too many things to transport. Although it can also be transported to the capital by freight, is it so easy to get the wagon?

If it is in China, although it is a bit difficult to find a relationship, with Tang Hai around, it is not difficult to find a relationship.

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