Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 606 Can't Miss

Chapter 606 Can't Miss
Although Liu Wen was distracted, it did not prevent her from being slightly distracted and listening to Tang Hai talk about his plan.

Liu Wen had asked Song Boyang before, hoping to spoil one or two things in advance, but in the end, this guy just didn't want to say anything.

Now after hearing Tang Hai's words, her mouth immediately grew bigger, that's right, how could she forget this.

You must know that Gong Jun in his previous life made his fortune by selling things, but he just missed this fortune-making feast in the Northeast.

Liu Wen really listened to Gong Jun's complaints, saying that if he could have gone earlier, he would definitely have made more money.

Yes, Gong Jun actually participated in it, but when he knew it, it was already a long time late, and he had been thinking about whether he should go there.

He has always known that only those who join in the earliest can make a lot of money. Of course, if there is a lot of money, even if they join in the mid-term, they can also make a lot of money.

And when he knew it, it should be regarded as the end of the period, and the profits had already been given to those old men who didn't know how cunning they were, and they were suppressed to a low level.

As for the big client, it has already been distributed to others. He used to make a little money.

After thinking about it for a long time, Gong Jun still decided to take a look. After all, no matter how much he thinks about and thinks about in Sioux City, it is better to go to see it in person. If it is good, he can directly enter the market there.

After arriving there, Gong Jun listened to the price, and then went to inquire about the wholesale price. Although the profit was not too high, it was quite high.

Just relying on not too much profit, plus some odd customers who are not big customers, Gong Jun has made a lot of money.

And that profit made Gong Junhui's intestines green, saying that if he could advance a year or a few months, it would be able to earn the company's profits for several years.

Let Gong Jun, who is basically unwilling to discuss business with her, discuss it repeatedly in front of her, and then he will know that it is not Xiaoqian who missed it.

In front of other people, including Yao Ying, apart from complaining about not making a lot of money, they should also discuss some related experiences.

Thinking about it this way, if Yao Ying doesn't go south, there is a [-]% chance that she will go to the northeast.

Tang Hai said just now that there are not many people doing business with Lao Maozi, which means that it should be the beginning of business. Tang Hai carries a large amount of money, and he can definitely get the biggest bonus.

If Yao Ying rushed over, even if she didn't have enough funds, as long as she worked hard and worked hard for a year or so, she could still make enough money.

Perhaps Yao Ying's idea of ​​becoming a rich person should be completely satisfied after the trip to the northeast.

Of course, Liu Wen would not remind Tang Hai and the others that Yao Ying would most likely go to the Northeast to make money.

After all, she has no evidence, so she can't say it. I know Yao Ying is reborn, and she knows that the business in the Northeast can make a lot of money.

It is really impossible to say this, don't look at the plan proposed by Tang Hai, he is also constantly talking about it, and he will definitely make a lot of money.

But who would have thought that it's not the ordinary money making, the kind that makes money absolutely.

Thinking about Tang Hai's business again, he will not completely block the road, but will still allow other people to make money.

Since Tang Hai can do this to those strangers, there is no need to do it to Yao Ying.

Tang Hai and the others also saw Liu Wen's mouth open wide, knowing that she probably didn't believe it.

"To be honest, when I heard the news before, I was also stunned."

"When we were young, we always felt that Big Brother was not ordinary."

"The result..." Tang Hai really didn't know what to say, "Forget it, this business, boss, what do you think."

Tao Shan shrugged, "How can I miss this business?"

"Of course you can't miss it."

"You, a rich man, say that this business can definitely be done and can make a lot of money."

"Since I can make money, of course I can't miss it." Tao Shan took a breath, "You said that I am worse than you and Song Boyang, and my wealth is not as good as yours, I think it is normal."

"One is a big boss, and the other has a rich family background, and the money earned from investment is not ordinary."

"I can't compare with you guys." Tao Shan knew that the little brothers who used to follow her are now living a better life than usual. There is no way to compare, and I don't want to compare, otherwise life will be too hard.

"What I can't accept is that Tao Yu is probably richer than me, how can I miss it."

"If I miss it, I will be suppressed by Tao Yu for the rest of my life."

"I can think of how he will get flustered at that time." Tao Shan didn't have a general understanding of Tao Yu, so she knew what to do.

"It's okay, sister, don't worry, it's not easy for Xiaoyu to surpass."

"As long as you invest more money than him, you will earn more dividends than him."

"That's right." Tao Shan knew that she had Liu Wen as her backer, so she was really fearless.

Anyway, they are already borrowing money, thinking about how to repay Liu Wen in the future, then invest more and make more money.

Liu Wen made an OK gesture to her, indicating that there is no problem.

"That business deal is over, who are we?" Tao Shan felt a little tired, and if she went back at this point, she didn't know how long it would take.

"Stay at my house." Although the family has a car, it is convenient to take Tao Shan back, but if they go back at this point, and then they will go out to look at the house together tomorrow, this is not a toss or something.

Tang Hai originally wanted to talk about living in my house, but after thinking about it, it would be more suitable to live with Liu Wen. After all, he is the only man here, and Tao Shan's reputation would be bad if rumors spread.

Tang Hai is a man and doesn't care about these things, but Tao Shan is different. Although she has returned to Yangcheng, she still works in the medical care system.

Maybe that man and his classmates are working in Yangcheng, so we can say something at that time. In addition to this matter, it can be said that it is very difficult for Tao Shan to find a good man.

Thinking of this, Tang Hai felt that he should ask Song Boyang later. He heard Tao Shan's meaning before, but no matter how he heard it, he felt that the other party was really not a good person.

Tang Hai didn't mean that they were good people, but at least they couldn't do things like plotting against women, and the other party could do this when plotting against women. It was really not ordinary shameless.

With so many calculations, the duck who thought it was a surefire thing just flew away. Who would be happy instead?
But he can't ask Tao Shan about such a topic, and he can be sure that even if he asks Tao Shan, she will be in a daze.

I really don't understand how a person who was so fierce when he was a child feels so stupid when he grows up.

Thinking that he was with such a boss when he was a child, he felt that he must have been a fool at that time.

Song Boyang had something to say to Tang Hai, only then did he realize that he was staring at her back, wondering if he liked her?Otherwise, why keep staring at her?
It doesn't matter that Song Boyang dismissed his thoughts just now, but he also thought that they should not be the same way, but when he looked again, Tang Hai actually stared at Tao Shan.

Is he? "Do you like Tausan?"

(End of this chapter)

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