Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 608 Making money is important

Especially according to someone's temperament, what Liu Wen thought was, "Can he come here in a hurry?"

"This is the Northeast and Shenzhen City. This is really a south and a north. Can he come here in a hurry?"

"Can't he slow down a little bit?" If it's someone else, who doesn't stare at the master who doesn't let go of power all day, of course the two items can be operated together.

But the problem is that Tang Hai is a busy man, and there are other industries to watch.

"Didn't he also say that day that he plans to choose a few people to go to Hong Kong City, he plans to be a father, and he wants to train heirs."

Although it was Tang Hai who did these things, not Liu Wen, but just thinking about it, I felt that it was not ordinary hard work. I was really worried that this person would not be able to bear it that day, so what should I do.

Well, Song Boyang remembered what Tang Hai mentioned just now, "I'll give it to you, maybe it's possible, Mr. Tang won't think about it at this stage."

Liu Wen didn't think much about it at all, "That's right, the company's affairs are not ordinary."

"I'm busy making money, so of course I can't take care of having children."

Tang Hai, who can make a rich man, is still so interested in making money, "I just heard Brother Tang say that he wants to set up an investment company. Why, are you going to make a big move?"

Sorry to ask Tang Hai, but it doesn't matter, you can ask Song Boyang.

"Well." After staying for such a long time, we also talked about this issue, "He said that he was worried that when the time comes, what should he do if the company he created with one hand is kicked out?"

"For those people, they just feel that they have invested so much money in the shares, they are already the major shareholders of the company, and of course they have to act according to their wishes."

"If possible, of course, we should recover the initial investment as early as possible."

"If possible, a lot of money can be transferred by changing hands at that time. As for the operation of the company at that time, they don't worry about it."

In order not to scare people, Tang Hai didn't say some things, but when it was only him and Song Boyang, of course he had to say it, and it also scared the latter a lot.

Song Boyang never founded the company by himself, nor managed the company, let alone watched how the company develops step by step, but Tang Hai experienced it.

Although Tang Hai kept his mouth shut, as long as he paid the money, it is not impossible for him to sell his property.

That's the way it is said, but since Tang Hai started doing business, he has sold a few businesses.

Moreover, he can guarantee that the few properties that Tang Hai gave up are actually not that important to him, the future is not very good, and he can't manage it well, or there are many sequelae.

"The industry that makes Tang Hai willing to absorb investment should be more important to him, and he wants to develop it well."

"If it is really taken away by those investors, you can know how sad Tang Hai will be."

Liu Wen hummed, he believed in this point, although Tang Hai dealt with emotions, many people said that he just bought feelings with money.

Liu Wen knew that in order to prevent Tang Hai from falling in love with each other, he didn't communicate much with each other, because he wanted to use more affection, and it would not be so easy to break up.

How can there be no affection for the business that is handled by oneself, especially the industry of the cash cow, no matter how sentimental it is, there is no way to accept it.


"It seems that this business in the Northeast will definitely make money."

What Liu Wen was curious about was, "I heard him mention it before, saying that many people are staring at him. As long as he goes to investigate something and has some signs of wanting to do something, someone will follow."

Maybe one or two families can't fight Tang Hai, but it's not too difficult for several families to join forces to snatch the project in front of Tang Hai.

Tang Hai was so angry that he came down several times. If he didn't face several families at once, he really wouldn't be able to deal with it.

And when the time comes, I don't know who will be cheaper. Liu Wen is really worried that Tang Hai will not let the other party go.

Liu Wen didn't know which projects Tang Hai had snatched from others, and she didn't even know the prospects of those projects, whether they could make a lot of money.

But in the Northeast, you can really earn a lot. If you operate well, you can directly earn a piece of Tang Hai's current product.

Industry is also very possible.

Liu Wen remembers that there was a report once, saying that the boss of a certain group was planning to exchange some supplies for a few planes. Although it was unsuccessful, it showed that it could really make money.

I don't want to be able to buy a plane or anything, just earn a mountain of gold.

If someone is watching such a lucrative project and enters it at that time, Liu Wen is really worried that Tang Hai will definitely scold him.

What about this, "Don't worry, when they know that we are doing this project this time, you have to believe that with Tang Hai's ability, he has already occupied a lot of the market."

Liu Wen snorted, "But doesn't that need time?"

"Those people haven't been staring at Tang Hai, how could they give him time?"

Business is like a battlefield, so everyone is staring, worried that such a good opportunity will be missed.

Song Boyang couldn't help laughing when he thought of Tang Hai's proud expression, "Don't worry."

"They, even if they want to stare at Tang Hai now, they are too busy." Song Boyang knew that the behavior of those people really disgusted Tang Hai, and he would definitely find a way to punish them.

In the end, I didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that things happened to come together, so that Tang Hai could carry out this project smoothly.

After listening to Song Boyang talking about how Tang Hai dug holes for those people, Liu Wen was really shocked.

"Really..." Liu Wen knew that Tang Hai would definitely take action to teach them a lesson, but in the end, she didn't expect to be so ruthless today.

Can't help but take a breath, "I really, I'm really thankful that I didn't offend Mr. Tang, otherwise, I really bought it for him, and I don't even know."

"But it should be like this, otherwise I really think I have no temper." Soon Liu Wen shouted for the other party, really handsome, isn't it, really not ordinary handsome.

Song Boyang heard Liu Wen's reply and almost made her sick from fright, "If you don't teach the other party a lesson, it's really..."

Song Boyang also felt that those people would have such a result, it was absolutely self-inflicted, there is no need to pity them.

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Yes, yes, if it wasn't such a coincidence this time..."

Liu Wen felt that those people would definitely continue to inquire about Tang Hai's whereabouts, wanting to know his movements.

But now, even if they want to inquire about something, they have to weigh it carefully.

After all, if Tang Hai deceived them again, the huge investment every time would really make them hurt.

Why do they insist on joining together, why do they insist on grabbing Tang Hai's list? It's because they think that the project he selected will make a lot of money, and they don't have much time and money to fiddle with it. .

And if you lose once now, don't say which ones you will cry about, and at the same time scare the rest of the people.

Even if someone finds out that something is wrong with Tang Hai, they dare not follow up. What if they dig a hole again?
If you are fooled again, you will really become the object of everyone's jokes.

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