Chapter 609
The next morning, Tang Hai took a group of people to look at the house. There was no other way. He was the emptiest person right now.

"I'm very busy." Tang Hai couldn't help saying, "I'm also a person who earns tens of thousands every minute."

"Really." After reading the minutes of the meeting sent by the assistant yesterday, it can be said that the result of the discussion is barely qualified.

There is no big problem, but how to say that, Tang Hai always feels that there should be room for improvement.

In the past, Tang Hai must have rushed to the company a long time ago, held a meeting directly, and then trained him. It is really that these plans are not ordinary, which makes him helpless.

He also knows that if such a plan is put forward, it can be regarded as meeting the requirements of many bosses, but what kind of boss is he?
Tang Hai hoped that he could do better. In this way, everyone would save effort and there would be no need to rework.

But he really didn't have time now, he was already busy enough to show Tao Shan the house, but Liu Wen actually wanted to buy a shop.

Originally, Liu Wen bought a shop if she wanted to, and it's not that she didn't have money, but Song Boyang ran to his house early in the morning and said that Liu Wen had to go to see the shop today and had to follow.

Really, for a moment, Tang Hai wanted to ask, is he destined to be a younger brother?Otherwise, why would he need to do this.

In the end, without waiting for him to ask about the accident, Song Boyang took the initiative to tell the whole story, that is, anyway, he was going to accompany Tao Shan to look at the house today, and he went to a few more places along the way.

This reason really made him unable to refute. After all, Song was always busy. After all, he really wanted to take Tao Shan to see the house this morning.

The helpless Tang Hai could only notify his assistant and deal with it according to the results of yesterday's discussion.

It's not that he really wants to compromise, but that what Song Boyang said is quite right. This time he went to the Northeast for business, he kept it from his subordinates, and he has always suspected that there are people from them in the company.

Otherwise, why would those people know about his movements? Obviously, some projects should not be leaked.

However, after searching for a long time, the result was that no one was found to have any problems. Of course, if someone is watching, it may be rewarding.

But after the news spread, how did he get along in this circle?Didn't everyone know that he was so mean that all his subordinates ran away?
Even though he used anti-pill means to trap those people and frightened a group of people, Tang Hai also knew that his reputation had become quite bad.

Tang Hai recalled Song Boyang's words that a big boss should be a little bit kind, but he can't always have high standards and strict requirements.

Properly lower the requirements and give subordinates time and motivation to move forward, so that they can work harder.

And the best way, for example, is to give them some shares in the company so that they can work better.

After all, if the company is good, they can earn more money. In Europe and America, many companies adopt this model, but it has not become popular in China.

In other words, it's not that it hasn't become popular, but many people think that the company was founded by the boss himself, and of course it is to be left to his own descendants. Even relatives will not leave shares to the company's employees.

Tang Hai knew that if he operated in this way, he did not know how much dispute it would cause, and he would definitely be attacked again.

It's really a shot that hits the head of the bird, just thinking about it, it will definitely cause a lot of public outrage.

This is definitely a cake that has touched many people, and it can be said that its popularity is worrying.

But only after they were given the shares, could they pay more attention to dealing with things, Tang Hai felt dizzy thinking about it.

What he can know is that in the next few months, his whole attention will not be here, but in the northeast.

In case the Northeast could really make a lot of money, he really wouldn't put too much energy into the industry here, and would only stay here for a few days a month.

Even if the business in the Northeast can make a lot of money, you can't give up the foundation here just because you can make money.

It can be said that the business in the Northeast is really the kind that makes quick money, and runs away after a year or two.

There is only business here in the Northeast, which really needs to run well.

"Forget it, never mind, I won't give them shares, I'll just give them [-]% of the profits as dividends."

"I'll give a high bonus, yes, so they can say nothing."

"Hey, really." Tang Hai felt tired. Really, it was obviously his company's business. Even if he took less money, he wanted to give employees more benefits, and he still had various scruples.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's talk about it when the time comes, anyway, maybe they will pay attention to this decision." Tang Hai soon felt that this idea was actually really good.

It is also the best explanation that can cover up his frequent trips to other places, that is, he does not want to face the pointing and pointing of many business people.

As for whether they will completely isolate him, Tang Hai is really not worried about this. Maybe he would have been worried before, but now there is nothing to worry about.

Although Yangcheng is the headquarters and the place where he often stays now, his business circle has expanded to many parts of the country, even in Hong Kong City.

Especially after getting acquainted with Song Bohua, and after going to the beautiful country again, Tang Hai was thinking about one thing, that is whether he should export his things.

As Liu Wen said before, all eggs cannot be put in one basket. Although the current industry is quite diverse and widely distributed, and it is also expanding to the outside world, whoever dislikes the fact that there are few companies and less money.

"As long as I have enough strength, I don't need to worry about those people."

If he is not strong enough, or if he doesn't have a trusted friend to help, he really can't deal with such a person at once. He will definitely be careful and careful, even if he has an idea, he will take it step by step.

But now he is different, he also has backers, once he encounters troubles, do he still need to worry about those people?
Even if they so-called join forces, they are fighting on their own, and they don't want to rush ahead or contribute, but when they share the benefits, they need to get the biggest benefit.

With their temperament, Tang Hai felt that there was really no need to worry no matter how many people joined forces.

He now has big clients and sales channels. If he has insufficient funds, he can go to the bank, Song Bohua, Song Boyang, or Liu Wen.

In short, who would think of looking for those people, hmph, don't even think about it, they usually ask him for help when they need working capital, did he say anything?
As long as the funds in hand are sufficient, they can borrow. Although when they repay the money, they also pay interest, but don't they need to pay the interest?
Didn't they make money?It can be said that they can develop so fast, and he has also contributed, but the result is how they treat him?

When it's time to make a move, it can be said that it is really not soft at all.

Thinking of this, Tang Hai's mood immediately improved a lot. In the future, regardless of them, no matter who asks to borrow money, after really helping them, he will bite them back.

(End of this chapter)

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