Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 616 Everyone Has The First Time

Chapter 616 Everyone Has a First Time

Liu Wen originally thought that it would be good to rush home and take a nap today, but she didn't expect that it would go so smoothly.

Before lunch, Tao Shan's house was settled, and Liu Wen also chose a satisfactory shop.

Once the contract is signed and the deposit is paid, someone will handle the subsequent procedures and how to pay the balance.

"The location of that store is really good." Although the location is not very good now, it is not too bad.

Liu Wen would choose that set of shops because she felt that the area of ​​the shop was large enough and the price was not too expensive.

The current location is not very good, but Liu Wen has been here in her previous life, and she remembers that it is not far from the shop, that is, a few steps away, and it is a subway exit.

In addition, several office buildings were built nearby. It can be said that the popularity is still good. Although the shops there are not super busy, if it is popular, it seems to be considered okay.

Liu Wen doesn't expect to be able to buy shops in popular locations right away, especially for shops. Popularity now doesn't mean it will be popular in the future.

The business district that is unpopular now may not necessarily remain unpopular in the future.

Especially for the popular shops nowadays, it’s okay to be in demand. If you don’t have a strong backing, even if you grab such a good house, you may not be able to keep it for you.

It's really not that Liu Wen is scaring people, but Tang Hai and the others mentioned it. Although Tang Hai and the others also said it, few people would not deal with them without eyes.

But more things are worse than less things. Although Liu Wen didn't know such a good house, Song Boyang would still give up and not buy it.

But if Song Boyang can make a concession or two, of course Liu Wen has to follow his way.

It's a pity that she didn't come to Yangcheng many times in her previous life. Even if she knew that there were a few popular business districts, many non-popular business districts were actually quite good. It's a pity that she didn't know.

The only advantage over the powerful and powerful is that Liu Wen knows where the Yangcheng subway line passes.

It's not too bad to buy a house along the subway line. If you don't have a lot of money, at least you can live a small life. For Liu Wen, it is really enough.

Tao Shan was also in a good mood, and she was about to become a homeowner, "Xiaowen, tell me how to decorate the house."

After Tang Hai bought the house, he didn't think about how to arrange it, so he kept it idle, let alone worry about the decoration of the house.

This is also one of the reasons why Tao Shan chose this house. "The house I lived in when I was a child didn't have much decoration. Anyway, the water and electricity are done, so I can move in."

"The house I lived in before, I want to renovate, but it is a public house after all, and I don't have time to fiddle with it."

"This house is my first house, and I hope it can be decorated beautifully."

"It must meet my requirements." In the past, Tao Shan really didn't care about these things, thinking that it was enough to live with people.

But this time, after looking at the wedding room decorated by Liu Wen and the house she lives in now, she just wants to say, this is the house that people live in, and it makes people feel very relaxed at first glance.

It's a pity that she found that she didn't know how to decorate or arrange the house at all.

Although looking at the decoration and layout, I think it is very simple, but is it really that simple?

Anyway, Tao Shan felt that she couldn't decorate the house so beautifully. If that was the case, then don't bother, just go to Liu Wen and ask her to help decorate the house. This will definitely save time and effort.

To help Tao Shan decorate the house, Liu Wen said that there is no problem, "Anyway, I have nothing to do at home."

For house decoration, Liu Wen absolutely likes it, "It just so happens that we can discuss it together."

discuss together?This stunned Tao Shan, "You just don't know how to make arrangements."

"If I knew how to arrange things myself, really, I would have done it by myself." She really didn't know how to do it, so she wanted to be lazy.

"Sister, it's the first time for everyone, and no one is born with it."

"But you are an embroiderer, and you have good aesthetics." Although Tao Shan is not an embroiderer, it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about this industry.

Do you really think that the embroiderer is good at embroidery and everything is fine?
Not at all, the level of embroidery is also necessary, but there is no good aesthetics. To be honest, no matter how good the level of embroidery is, the achievement is really the same.

The reason why Liu Wen's works are so popular and sold at high prices is because of her good embroidery level, good aesthetics, and the same pattern, but the colors she uses are good, and the impression is good.

She didn't know much about these before, she just listened to Gong Li, and she just listened. Now, she really understands a lot.

Her aesthetics are good?And Tao Shan's aesthetic is not good?Liu Wen smiled and shook her head, "Sister, you can actually do it."

"Didn't you also learn to paint before? Look at the paintings you draw. Not all teachers say you have aura."

"I remember my aunt mentioned that if you didn't want to be a doctor when you were a child, there might be multiple painters in your family."

Liu Wen heard Gong Li mention it. She had never asked Tao Shan before. She felt that Tao Shan in her previous life was also famous in this field. Later, many people saw Gong Li and said how about your daughter Tao Shan.

Liu Wen knew that Gong Li would be more happy to hear about Dr. Tao's mother than to call Dr. Gong. This shows that Tao Shan has done a good job and has successors.

draw?Become a painter?Liu Wen's words made Tao Shan puzzled, and she confirmed again and again, "Are you talking to me?"

"My mother said that I learned to draw when I was a child?"

"And you said the teacher thinks I'm very talented?"

"Are you sure it's me?" Tao Shan really didn't dare to imagine, she stretched out her hand and looked at her hand, "Although my hand is pretty pretty."

"But I really can't imagine being a painter."

"By the way, you said that the former teacher said I was talented, why do I think it was to fool my mother into paying?"

"I really don't think I'm talented." Tao Shan said that she has a little talent in medicine.

Liu Wen felt that Tao Shan didn't have much confidence in herself after being with Zhu Mingjun, "Sister, you live in the house, of course you can put forward your requirements, and you can decorate it however you want."

"We'll go together when the time comes." Liu Wen insisted on taking Tao Shan with her.

Although Tao Shan said that she no longer has feelings for Zhu Mingjun, but after all, it was a one-year relationship, so how could she say that she didn't have any.

People, only by keeping her busy will she not have so much time to think about this and that.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Liu Wen is also an activist, and she will take Tao Shan with her no matter what.

In the afternoon, of course Tao Shan has time, "I don't go to work until next week, and I just need to adjust one or two this week to deal with things."

"Okay then, let's go find a decoration company." Liu Wen said that what are you waiting for, let's start building directly.

(End of this chapter)

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