Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 617 Driving License Examination

Chapter 617 Driving License Examination

Tao Shan knew that Liu Wen, who had renovated several houses, was definitely experienced, but she just didn't expect that she was really not ordinary.

Liu Wen rushed directly to several decoration companies, called their designers and went to Tao Shan's house.

Tao Shan was stunned. Although she had never bought a house in a serious way, nor had she decorated a house in a serious way, she also knew that going to a decoration company was not the case.

Tell the decoration company so directly that I want to choose one from several houses, who is willing.

But I didn't expect that Liu Wen just walked around so casually, unless the designer had gone out and was not in the company, or everyone would follow.

Looking at Liu Wen who was driving, Tao Shan remembered what Gong Li said before, saying that it is a good thing to be able to drive, so that no matter where she goes, she can act on her own.

She always found it troublesome before. After all, she was busy with work, so she had no chance to drive, and there was no time when she needed to drive at work.

As for driving by yourself, that's even more important. How much does the car cost, not to mention the cost of maintaining the car.

Even if there is no problem with the car, the maintenance alone can already use up a large part of her salary.

Seeing Liu Wen driving so handsomely now, she is really envious. More importantly, she thinks that in the future, she will go out and run with Liu Wen frequently.

We can't let Liu Wen drive all the time. Although she is a young child, she can drive, but what should I do when she is a child?
We can't let Song Boyang prepare a driver, or let Tang Hai send someone over.

Even though he did speak, Tang Hai was too stingy to help solve the problem, but in that case, it would be inconvenient to talk a lot.

"You said how about I learn to drive." Although Tao Shan had an idea, she still wanted to ask Liu Wen.

Wow, Tao Shan is going to learn to drive?Of course Liu Wen absolutely knew, "I think it's pretty good."

"You don't have to buy a car to get a driver's license. Usually we go out, and you can drive, sister."

"It's also convenient for you to drive in case there is a need."

"No matter how bad it is, there is still Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang will walk around the northeast, and don't worry about the house and car."

Liu Wen felt that with the money Tao Shan invested now, even if Tang Hai didn't lead everyone to make money, she would definitely be able to make a lot of money.

But now that Tang Hai has already stepped out, he also knows that he will earn a lot of money, which will make everyone's laughing eyes invisible.

"Maybe at that time, sister, you can even buy land to build an office building." Of course, if this is really possible, it will really be completely developed and rich again.

If someone said that Tang Hai led the team this time, she could buy a car or a house, Tao Shan would absolutely believe it. If this cannot be done, how could Tang Hai speak up.

But Tao Shan is really not optimistic about buying land to build an office building, "Forget it, I don't want to."

"Is it really possible?" Liu Wen felt that Tao Shan could think about it.

Even if there is really no way to eat the land in the future, it will be very difficult to build high-rise buildings, but it is possible to buy a big villa.

That's right, the land in Yangcheng is unaffordable, so you can go to Shenzhen City to buy land.

Although Shenzhen is developing rapidly now, it is still relatively conservative in terms of land. Many places are idle, and no one will visit and eat them.

Liu Wen knows that everyone thinks that the land price in Shenzhen is actually a little cheaper than that in Yangcheng. Of course, many people will choose to develop in Yangcheng.

After all, Yangcheng has been developed for so many years, and many people have to invest in the past. In terms of Shenzhen, the policy is good, and then there are many concessions on tax rates.

Originally, the idea above was to hope that more foreign or domestic capital could invest on a large scale through preferential tax rates.

But everyone still has a lot of worries, for example, the development is fast, but the logistics work has not kept up with it, which makes everyone have a lot of worries.

Liu Wen really thinks that Tao Shan can consider going to Shenzhen to buy a house, "I will visit you often when you go to Shenzhen to work."

I just don't know when, if she has the time, after all, with a child, she really can't leave if she wants.

Often go to Shenzhen? "Why are you planning to invest there again?"

"Is it not possible?" Liu Wen asked back, "My intuition tells me that the development of Shenzhen City will not be worse than that of Yangcheng."

"Really?" Tao Shan knows that the policy is good, but if a city wants to develop rapidly, can it really be done in this way?
"With so much money invested, do you think they would be willing to see bad results?"

This, Tao Shan knew, "That's definitely not possible, otherwise..."

After all, people must take responsibility for this matter. "So they will work harder to attract investment."

"Sister, you said you have so much money, aren't you just waiting for it to depreciate?"

"Your best way is to find a way to spend the money after you get it."

"Whether you invest or improve your living environment."

"At that time, I don't know how many men will come up to you." Don't think that only women will want to directly enter the wealthy family and live a life without worrying about food and drink.

In fact, for men, if they can, they also hope that they can be lazy for a while, and don't need to bear the responsibility of supporting their families.

At this scene, Tao Shan couldn't help but tremble, "Forget it, I don't want to, why do I think so much."

"Tang Hai hasn't gone to the Northeast yet. He said that the situation is good, but we don't know the specific situation."

"If I have money, then I can relax and do what I like." Tao Shan was thinking about what she should do when that day really came.

Do what she likes to do?Liu Wen was puzzled by Tao Shan's words, "Sister, isn't being a doctor your favorite?"

A person who has determined to be a doctor since she was a child, why now she says she wants to do what she likes, then what is she planning to do.

"I think it's okay not to be so busy."

"It's not that I don't want to be a doctor, but how to say that, I don't regret being a doctor, I just feel too tired."

"And the doctor's treatment..." Tao Shan would occasionally contact her classmates.

"Some of our classmates have already given up on being a doctor." Tao Shan still remembers what they said at the dinner party when they graduated.

"At that time, although everyone didn't have much money, it can be said that we were really hard-working students."

"But we all said that no matter when it comes, we have to stick to the principle and remember the content of the first period when we entered medical school."

"As a result, because the doctor's salary is not high, and there are family members who will make troubles, after half a day's hard work, the monthly income is not as good as a rich man's dinner."

Liu Wen can understand the reluctance of many people, it's not that they don't invest, it's not that they don't work hard, and it's not that they are not busy.

But the result is that the monthly income is so meager, not to mention the houses to live in. Although there are houses near the hospital, many of them are small in size.

There are seven or eight people from three generations of grandparents, that is, living in two rooms, which is really crowded.

Gong Li was considered an expert introduced by the hospital, and after a lot of trouble, she managed to create a single room so that she could use it at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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