Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 618 You Are Party A

Chapter 618 You Are Party A
"Sister, you?" Liu Wen felt that this was what Tao Shan wanted to do.

The salaries in the medical care system in later generations are very high, and it can be said that life is happy, but now, if possible, everyone is more willing to go to factories, or monopoly units such as power supply bureaus.

The current hospital staff's income is not high, and their bonuses are not much. As for the benefits, they are really pitiful.

However, in the event of an emergency, it would be a lot of work to wake someone up in the middle of the night, leave the warm bed, and go to the hospital to deal with the matter.

Doctors and teachers in this era have not come to future generations, so that everyone will continue to criticize them.

Tao Shan had her own ideas, but unfortunately she didn't want to help her colleagues.

"Although the salary in the hospital is not high, although the benefits are not good."

"At least the wages are paid on time."

"In terms of eating and drinking, it's not a big problem, at least you can live your life."

Tao Shan knows that some people's lives are not too well-off, but the lives of many people are actually similar, and they are not much better.

"And I think they should not be willing to accept such assistance, and they are worried that once the news spreads, people will criticize them in various ways in the unit."

"They can take one or two, but they don't want their children to hear it."

"Then you are?" Liu Wen didn't understand, since Tao Shan didn't want to help her colleagues, why did she bring this up.

It can't be to help patients, can it?If this is the case, Liu Wen looked anxiously at Song Boyang, who seemed to have the same idea.

It's a pity that she and Song Bohua canceled it, and didn't mention it again after that.

But now it seems that Tao Shan will advance again, isn't this similar to Song Boyang's idea?
Liu Wen couldn't help but think of her previous life, when she heard that Tao Shan was a colleague with good family conditions, and after they got married, they worked hard for their ideals, which can be said to have really helped a lot.

As I said before, Liu Wen really didn't combine Song Boyang and Tao Shan. After all, if they really saw each other right, they really didn't give her a chance at all.

But now for some reason, she came up with an idea, it would not be because Tao Shan and Song Boyang wandered around for a long time without her participation in the previous life.

Only then did they realize that the person they were looking for was right in front of them, and they were not too young, so they got married very simply, after all, they didn't know each other well.

After marriage, the two people, because they were colleagues, also had the same idea, so they began to unite and work hard for their ideals.

And now because of her penetration, Tao Shan is still unmarried and has met scumbags. It is really not easy to recover completely.

Originally, Song Boyang could have fulfilled his ideal, or dream, early on, but the result was that he pushed back the plan.

Liu Wen was really a little embarrassed, but she rubbed her stomach, okay, things are already like this, what else can I do.

I just hope that Tao Shan can do what she wants to do and help more people in need in the days to come.

Tao Shan glanced at the neighborhood not far away, "You mean those designers?"

It can't be that they followed, but the design drawings that came out were not very good. Even a person like her who has never renovated a house can tell at a glance that such a design is not ordinary perfunctory.

Worried they won't design seriously? "Sister, don't worry, you will put forward your request when the time comes."

"As for the final design they came up with, they shouldn't do such a stupid thing."

Li Wen knew that these people were looking forward to getting involved with Song Bohua and Tang Hai, and she also knew who she was, so of course they followed her wishes.

"You ask, ask more."

"Don't feel embarrassed, the more you talk, the more they know how to design."

As far as designers are concerned, they are not worried that the requirements are not high at all, they are worried that the requirements are not many.

People who ask a lot may not be picky, and people who ask a lot may not be really picky.

"They won't laugh at me if I really bring up some childish topics?" Tao Shan still asked cautiously.

"No, how could they think so."

"Of course they might talk about it behind your back, but no one ever talked about it."

"The most important thing is, sister, you have to remember that you are sending money to them."

"You are their customer, how dare they laugh at you."

"The things they designed are not good, so don't use their designs."

"Don't feel embarrassed either."

"Who designed the drawing, if you don't like it, you can just say it."

Tao Shan, oh, well, she understands, that is to act according to her own will.

"By the way, there are still drawings that are well drawn, so it may not be possible to really decorate them."

"Some decoration companies draw good drawings. You like this kind of decoration very much, but you have to think about whether you can do it so well."

"Ah, there is still this." Tao Shan didn't expect that there would be such a way in it, expressing that she really didn't understand.

"How should I tell the difference?" Tao Shan was really thankful that she had asked Liu Wen more at the beginning, otherwise, she would have only cared about whether the design drawings looked good, and didn't think about whether the decoration could really produce the same effect.

"It's simple. After you decide which company's design drawings you want to use, you propose to go to their renovation site and the renovated house to see."

Suddenly, Liu Wen suddenly thought of something, "I'm also stupid, I didn't even think of this."

Tao Shan was about to get out of the car. Hearing what Liu Wen said, she couldn't help but look up at her. After all, there were not many things that made Liu Wen so excited.

"I think it's just because of your name. Really, even without Tang Hai's name, you can do well in this world."

Rao Liu Wen doesn't go out to socialize very much, but she also knows that Tao Zeming is really popular.

Obviously, it was because he came to Yangcheng from S City at the beginning, so he really just stood on the last shift, figured out everything that needs to be clarified here, and then went to a second-line department in a few years.

In the end, I didn't expect that he would perform well in this position, and he definitely completed the task conscientiously, exceeding the expectations of the leaders.

In addition, he was also lucky. The superiors did not know what was going on, but something happened, and then Tao Zeming took advantage of the opportunity to be promoted.

To be honest, don't say that the rest of the people didn't think of it, even Tao Zeming himself was shocked when he received the news.

At his age, he could really be regarded as waiting to retire, but since the leader asked him to be promoted, Tao Zeming certainly would not refuse.

How to work in the past, now of course continue to work hard, no, it should be better to start working hard.

At the beginning, many people knew that she was Tao Zeming's niece, but she was a little enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic.

But since he was promoted, Liu Wen, a big house girl, can clearly feel the changes Tao Zeming brought to her after his promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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