Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 622 is responsible for your retirement income

Chapter 622 is responsible for your retirement income

Zhang Cuihua recalled that she went to the construction site to resign on behalf of a man. If she hadn't relied on Tang Hai and the others, could she have resigned so easily?
Of course, it’s not that you can’t resign, you just want to get your full salary, and it doesn’t mean you won’t pay it. At least you won’t be paid immediately when you resign, and you won’t be paid until the end of the year.

If it wasn't for Tang Hai and the others, it would be the same treatment. Zhang Cuihua used to think that if he could, he would make more money.

But now, she thinks too much. If she wants to open a store, it's not like she can't open a store. For the money to open a store, the husband and wife have enough savings, but is it really easy to open a store?

And what she thinks is that she works as a nanny here, and her income is not low. Liu Wen and the others also respect him. Men work on construction sites, and their income is higher than before. Now they have started to work as small foremen.

They work hard and strive to buy more houses in Yangcheng. Yes, the couple has money and bought a house in their hometown county. Now they want to buy a house in Yangcheng.

To be honest, if I hadn't asked Liu Wen when I bought the house, I would have suggested that they buy a house in Yangcheng.

I bought the house in my hometown for two years, but the house price has not changed much, but the house price here in Yangcheng, let alone two years, has gone up a lot from the beginning of the year to now.

Another idea of ​​Zhang Cuihua is that they are almost done in this life, which is to lay a good foundation for the two children so that they will not have to live so hard in the future.

If possible, let the two children study hard and go to university, so that after they graduate, they can find a good job by themselves, that is the best.

If you can't find a good job, that's okay, just ask Liu Wen.

"I don't want to go out and open a shop." Zhang Cuihua realized that she hadn't replied yet.

"No shop?" Liu Wen was really relieved after hearing Zhang Cuihua's reply.

She also sometimes wonders, what should she do if Zhang Cuihua resigns and plans to go out and open a shop?
"Aunt Zhang, really don't worry about us."

"It's not as easy to do business now as it used to be." In the past, buying tea eggs, as long as you choose the right place, you can really make a lot of money.

But now, it is not impossible to make money selling tea eggs, but it is really not that profitable, but at least it is better than being a nanny.

"I know, but I really don't want to bear too much pressure."

"I really have to be careful about the children's tuition fees and the medicine expenses of the in-laws." That's right, she can't ignore the medicine expenses of the in-laws.

If the business starts, don't worry, the medicine fee is a trivial matter, but if the business does not improve and all the money is invested, then what to do.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cuihua made up her mind completely, "I don't want to leave."

"I work here."

Zhang Cuihua's firm attitude made Liu Wen really happy, "Aunt Zhang, don't worry, when you retire, I guarantee you will have a retirement salary."

Liu Wen knew that Zhang Cuihua and the others really hoped that they could have a retirement salary when they were old, so that they could get money every month, like a city dweller.

Tao Shan was surprised by what Liu Wen said. Do you know what is the biggest difference between urban people and rural people?
It’s not that when urban people get old, if they have a job, they can get a monthly salary once they retire, while rural people can only rely on their savings or count on whether their children are filial.

What Tao Shan thinks is, does Liu Wen plan to wait for Zhang Cuihua to stop working here and continue to pay her monthly salary? This is not a small number.

Tao Shan knew that Zhang Cuihua was very good, but there was no need to do this.

Tao Shan was worried that Liu Wen's head was so hot that she didn't care so much at all, and just said what she wanted to say.

She felt that she should talk to Gong Li about this matter, and now she promised to pay Zhang Cuihua her retirement salary. This has already been said, and she can't go back on her word, but she can't say this to the other nannies.

Otherwise, this expenditure is really not ordinary. Of course, in Liu Wen's eyes, this amount of money is really not considered money.

Zhang Cuihua knows that Liu Wen and his wife are rich, but should they give her a pension if they are rich?

Zhang Cuihua smiled and didn't say a word, let's talk about it when she retires. Liu Wen forgot what she said today, and she just pretended not to hear it.

Looking at their expressions, Liu Wen knew what she just said, and the two of them didn't believe it at all.

Well, she, a person who sees things through, will not remind one or two, and give them a big surprise when the time comes.

Tao Shan works in a hospital, so don't worry about her retirement salary, and when she retires, the hospital's salary will increase, and the retirement salary is really not ordinary high.

As for what Liu Wen is thinking now, should she also buy social insurance in the future? Although she doesn't expect to live on such a small salary, at least there is a guarantee.

Forget it, I don't want to, and I don't know when this policy will be promoted. Anyway, I will wait until I retire.

"I went up to rest." Although things went smoothly, there were no picks and chooses when looking at the house. It can be said that the first house is very satisfactory.

Then call the decoration company to send someone to look at the house, and then produce the design drawing early, and then let the decoration workers enter the site after the plan is finalized.

It's already September now, if we don't act more swiftly, can we still move before the first month?
Do not move in the ninth month, if you can't move in the twelfth lunar month, then it doesn't mean you can move when the flowers bloom in spring.

Liu Wen knew that Tao Shan hoped to have the house renovated before the Spring Festival, and then she could move to a new home.

Although there are still more than three months before the Spring Festival, if you use paint, shouldn't you blow it up?

Lying on the bed, Liu Wen began to think, although she didn't know when Tao Shan's house would be renovated, but at least the house was bought, and it would take time to renovate, and she also had to take an exam to consider what moving gift she should give Tao Shan.

Just experienced the blow of a broken relationship, this needs to be comforted for a while, in short, Tao Shan must be cheered up.

What gift to buy can make Tao Shan use it and relieve her emotions.

Liu Wen felt that it was really a lot of pressure. After thinking for a long time, she still didn't think of what to give.

Forget it, after thinking about it for a while, Liu Wen decided to ask someone, because her brain is turning too slowly now.

As for who to ask, Liu Wen had already thought about candidates, such as Tang Hai, but she didn't even think about Song Boyang.

A man who has never given him a serious gift, can he still expect him to think about what to give Tao Shan?
Tang Hai's words are different. He doesn't often deal with women, so he should know what to give them.

After having an idea in her heart, Liu Wen felt elated and quickly fell asleep. Now she really needs more rest.

As long as she is in good health, the child will be better off and get more rest.

(End of this chapter)

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