Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 623 Independence comes at a price

Chapter 623 Independence comes at a price
Tao Shan knew that Liu Wen was sleeping well now, so she went to find Gong Li who was going to the hospital this afternoon and just arrived home before they went home.

After Gong Li returned home, she found that Liu Wen and the others were not there, so she thought she had gone out for a stroll.

After all, it's good for the two girls to go shopping in the mall, and then buy some beautiful clothes if possible.

When she saw Tao Shan looking for her, she also wanted to ask her what she got out of shopping today, and whether she bought beautiful clothes.

In the end, Tao Shan came in with a serious expression, "What's the matter, did something happen today?"

Thinking of Liu Wen's possible physical discomfort and all kinds of worries, she couldn't help but tense up.

"Mom, it's okay, Xiaowen is in good health, she went to rest."

"We called about a dozen decoration companies to my house this afternoon." Tao Shan felt that she should start from the beginning.

ah?Gong Li knew that after buying the house, she had to consider the issue of decoration. What she thought was that if possible, she hoped to start the decoration next year, so that she could go back to live in time and make the house more lively.

It turned out that she had something to do in the hospital. She went to the hospital in the afternoon, and when she got home, she was shocked to hear such news.

But it's wrong to think about it again, "You said you called the designers of one or two decoration companies to look at the house, I believe it."

"But with so many designers, it's still a one-time visit, really..."

Gong Li really couldn't imagine this scene, "You have to know that they are colleagues."

"When people ask designers to go, they can only go one at a time, even if there are several at a time, the relationship must be good."

Although Gong Li doesn't know much about the decoration market, at least she knows a thing or two.

In the end, Tao Shan would call them out, really, but Gong Li also knew that no one who had stayed here for too long in Yangcheng would know this.

But she was really curious, why did she summon so many people at once just for Tao Shan?
Maybe if she could, she would name her father Tao Zeming, and maybe it should be easy to complete this task.

But Gong Li knew that the three children in the family were unwilling to mention Tao Zeming, and they all hoped that they could rely more on themselves.

Now Tao Zeming can take care of one or two, that is, Tao Yu, but that kid is also arrogant, walking forward step by step on his own.

Gong Li was wondering if Tao Yu stayed in the capital to work after finishing his training, did he think that Tao Zeming would appreciate in value?
After thinking about it later, I felt that this was impossible, because Tao Zeming himself didn't know that he would be promoted, let alone that Tao Yu would know.

Tao Shan originally wanted to talk about how she recruited so many designers, but looking at Gong Li's expression, it seemed that the situation was not very good, which made her scared, and she really didn't dare to say anything.

Gong Li took a deep breath, "You live in the house. It's better to ask some decoration companies to provide decoration drawings. You live in the house. You can decorate it however you want."

Gong Li originally wanted to say something, but she was worried that it would make Tao Shan unhappy.

"That's right." Tao Shan couldn't help nodding, "I thought so too, so I took Xiaowen along."

"Really, I always heard people say that Xiaoyu and I are quite independent people, and you don't need to worry about your husband and wife."

"I thought so too, but now, I think it's because they haven't seen Xiaowen at all."

"If they have met Xiaowen, I think they will know what it means to be independent and not to worry about."

Tao Shan is an arrogant child, and there are not many people who can admire her.

Liu Wen is a sensible child, Gong Li couldn't help letting out a long breath, "If your aunt is still here, Xiao Wen should..."

She wanted to say that a child became independent from an early age because her parents did not take care of her. If Gong Jing was still there, Gong Li felt that she would definitely take good care of Xiaowen.

In Gong Li's eyes, Gong Jing is always her own sister, and she thinks it's pretty good, but Tao Shan and Gong Jing don't spend too much time together, and since they can remember, they know what she does, and they really can't be said to be a Qualified mother.

But Tao Shan knew that apart from Liu Wen, the only one who could say Gong Jing was bad was Gong Li. If others said Gong Jing was bad, they would definitely not get good results.

Tao Shan didn't say it, but did Gong Li really not know what she was thinking?
She gave her a blank look, "Then you took them to see the house and how the talk went."

"It's because they made my request. Xiaowen said, don't worry about making too many requests. On the contrary, they will be nervous because we don't make many requests." Tao Shan said that although she is an older sister, she should listen to her elder sister. When you speak, you will still listen.

Gong Li couldn't help nodding, "Yes, that's it, don't worry about asking too much."

Tao Shan couldn't help nodding. She had discovered a question before and wanted to ask something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't ask.

Seeing Gong Li now, Tao Shan thought of this question, "By the way, Mom, you know, I found that those designers are a little afraid of Xiaowen."

"Are they worried that Xiaowen will have high demands on them?" Apart from this, she didn't think of any other reasons.

"You didn't ask Xiaowen?" Gong Li didn't expect Tao Shan to ask this question.

"I don't think Xiaowen knows." Tao Shan mentioned Liu Wen's reasons why those people would give face.

The reason Gong Li told Tao Shan was delightful, "This girl is really..."

"But it's true. First she got sick, and then recuperated. After the embroidery workshop opened, she went abroad."

"Then when she returns to China, she raises the child because she has a child, and there are not many places to go out."

"Occasionally I went to the embroidery workshop a few times, and I wonder if the people in the embroidery workshop think too much about it. After all, it's just a shop, and it can be decorated so beautifully."

Gong Li has stayed in both S city and Yangcheng. It can be said that there are really not many people who can decorate the shop so beautifully.

That is to say, Liu Wen is so generous, and the shop is her own, but the shop is her own, even if it is renovated, she will not decorate it like this.

Of course, the effect of the decoration is really not so good, "Have you visited the embroidery workshop?"

"I've only seen the embroidery workshop in Sucheng, and the embroidery workshop in Yangcheng, do you think I've seen it?"

I just came here yesterday, and there are a lot of things to deal with. It can be said that I am so busy that I don’t have time to watch this.

"Compared to the decoration in Sucheng?" Tao Shan thought that the decoration that could make those people so excited must be better than the embroidery workshop in Sucheng.

"I think it's about the same."

"It can only be said that there are not many Chinese-style decorations here." After all, the decoration is more complicated, "It's all old craftsmanship."

"I'm really curious, why Xiaowen suddenly thought of decorating like this." Gong Li didn't know at first, but she only found out after talking with her colleagues.

Why did Liu Wen decorate the shop like this? After Tao Shan thought about it, "I think, maybe it's because it's an embroidery workshop."

"Isn't the embroidery workshop Chinese-style? Don't you think it's out of place with Western-style decoration?"

"Anyway, I think this kind of decoration looks very comfortable." Tao Shan recalled that Gong Li had never asked this question before.

(End of this chapter)

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