Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 624 Market Positioning

Chapter 624 Market Positioning
"Mom, is there something wrong with the decoration?" Tao Shan looked at Gong Li.

"It's not a general problem, but it's really too beautiful."

"You don't know that many people go to the embroidery workshop not to buy a house, but to see the decoration of the house."

"Maybe all the designers who went to your house to look at the house today may have gone to the embroidery workshop."

Ah, Tao Shan didn't expect that all those designers would go to the embroidery shop one after another. If Liu Wen was present, would they say it was an online celebrity shop?
And she really doesn't care. After all, the business that has been open for more than two months is really not so good. It shocked the few people who thought that there would not be much business by the end of the year.

Liu Wen and the others thought that if the business of the embroidery shop could be self-sufficient, it would take at least next year. However, they didn't expect that they would earn out the expenses of the shop after opening for two years.

Tao Shan was surprised, "People in Sucheng like embroidery, I can understand that, after all, it is a famous silk town."

"I just didn't expect that such a prosperous city like Yangcheng would like embroidery works."

"Why don't people in Yangcheng like embroidery anymore?" Gong Li asked back, "Who told you that?"

"Otherwise, do you think Xiaowen will open an embroidery workshop here?"

"Can you invest so much money?" Gong Li didn't think Liu Wen opened a store in Yangcheng, so she didn't think about it.

This, Tao Shan looked at Gong Li cautiously, can she tell the truth?
Gong Li noticed Tao Shan's appearance, "Why, do you have something to say? Then say it."

Really, I really don't understand why she wants to make this expression, do you want to express awe of her?
To put it bluntly, Tao Shan didn't think there was anything to be afraid of, "Isn't it because Song Boyang came to work here that Xiaowen opened a shop here?"

"Don't you think it's closer to Hong Kong City?"

Tao Shan remembers asking Liu Wen why she wanted to open a store in Yangcheng.

She remembered that Liu Wen answered like this back then, that's right, that's it, there's nothing wrong with it.

Seeing Tao Shan who still didn't think she was wrong, Gong Li sighed helplessly, "You don't think it's true because she came to Yangcheng to work and live, you have no choice but to agree."

Is not it?Tao Shan looked at Gong Li puzzled.

Alas, Gong Li once again proved that her daughter is really not a business material.

Forget it, no matter so much, "You have to remember that besides being an embroiderer, Xiaowen is also a businessman."

"People who open a store and do business really have to consider a lot."

"Whether the invested capital can be recovered."

"Whether it can be opened for a longer time, these are issues that need to be considered."

Ah, there are so many issues to consider, Tao Shan couldn't help remembering that she asked Zhang Cuihua if she thought about opening a shop by herself, and she still remembered that she thought about it and finally said she didn't plan to open a shop.

"And if you open a shop, it involves hiring people. If you hire people, don't you think about paying wages?"

"If the business is good, the salary of the staff is of course not a problem, but if the business is not very good, the salary of the staff must be paid."

"If you want to open a shop, there is another most important thing, and that is the rent."

"This is a big expense. The reason why Xiaowen can decorate regardless of the cost is that it fits the theme of the embroidery workshop."

"It's also because the shop is hers. Don't pay the rent. Don't worry. When the time comes, the business will be booming. The landlord will be jealous and will find a way to drive you out."

Although Gong Li didn't do business, she knew how to do it.

"And if it's also a nanny, you also have to see where she works as a nanny."

"Yes, it doesn't sound good to be a babysitter. It feels like serving people."

"But you also have to think about what Zhang Cuihua was doing before. I can say that she has her reasons for not going out to open a shop."

"And Xiaowen's salary is really not low." Gong Li has inquired about Liu Wen's salary for the nanny, and it can be said that it is not a small amount.

Gong Li casually reported the salary, and saw Tao Shan's stunned expression without any surprise.

It took Tao Shan a long time to recover, "I, I really feel that my income cannot be compared with that of a nanny."

Please, she has been working for so many years, and she has taken time to study a medical graduate student in these years.

It can be said that there is no problem in terms of education, but I didn't expect that the salary would be crushed by a nanny.

"In my words, the master is easy to talk to, not the kind of picky person."

"The salary is so generous, if it were me, I probably wouldn't resign."

"As a boss, you may make money, or you may lose money."

"Not to mention, Xiaowen has guaranteed that when she retires, she will have a retirement salary. It can be said that even issues such as pensions have been considered."

"I really don't have any worries at all. The man's job is also with Tang Hai, and his income should not be low."

"It's really a decent high income." Although I don't know the salary of Zhang Cuihua's man, the income on the construction site is not too low.

Just when Tao Shan couldn't help lamenting that Zhang Cuihua's husband and wife's income could crush her, Gong Li was shocked by what Tao Shan said before.

Gong Li knew that Liu Wen was very kind to Zhang Cuihua, and entrusted her with many things, and she didn't let Liu Wen worry about anything, and she definitely took care of everything.

So it is also necessary to get a high salary, but I just didn't expect Liu Wen to be responsible for the other party's pension, and to give the other party a retirement salary.

"No matter how rich you are, you can't do this." Although Gong Li didn't work in a company, some students went to the staff hospital after graduation.

You must know that those who entered the worker's hospital at the beginning, as long as the factory benefits are good, the treatment of the doctors in the worker's hospital is very good, and the benefits paid during the holidays are enviable.

During that time, anyone who had a relationship was looking for a relationship, whether they could work in the staff hospital.

But now many factories are struggling. It’s okay to have a few orders. At least the wages of the workers can barely cover one or two, but don’t think about the benefits.

If there is no order, and there is no blood transfusion factory above, life will be difficult, and the wages of active workers and retired workers' retirement wages will be discounted.

In addition, if the workers are not feeling well, they will first see a doctor in the employee hospital of the factory. If there is no way to treat them, they will go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Because the level of doctors in the employee hospital is not bad, many people directly see a doctor in the factory hospital. If they want to go to a hospital outside, the unit will issue a bill and then go directly to the factory to settle the bill.

However, as the efficiency of the unit is not good, if the bill is kept, the unit will issue less. Even if the unit issues the bill, the hospital will depend on the situation. If there is a lot of debt, it will not accept it. To pay.

Wages are in arrears, and if you see a doctor and take medicine, the factory worker's hospital is almost as good as a good doctor. There is no way to see a doctor, but the medicine is prescribed, because the factory has no money to pay for the medicine, and there is no medicine to dispense.

It can be said that it is really a situation of lack of medical care and medicine. This is no longer a problem of one or two factories, nor is it a problem of two places in one place.

It can be said that it is a national problem, and it can be said that the higher authorities are already considering how to solve this problem.

It is impossible to let the elderly who have worked all their lives, when they are old, not receive retirement wages, and have no money to see a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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