Chapter 625 Reform
Gong Li remembered that Tao Zeming once mentioned that it is possible to reform the wages of retired workers.

She also said at that time, how to reform?Thinking about it, I feel that there is no way to reform.

At the beginning, business was good, and there were not many retired workers. For enterprises, the burden of retired workers was really not big. This is also the biggest difference between urban people and rural people. After all, when they get old, they still have wages.

But looking back now, it is really not as good as the rural people. At least they can grow their own land and raise chickens, and this part of the expenses will be saved.

People in the city are different, no matter how economical they are or how to reduce expenses, they still need to eat and drink. In short, they need to spend money except for air.

I used to live on retirement wages, and when the time came, I would go to the factory to get wages, and occasionally I could get benefits from the unit.

But now let alone taking unit benefits, it is not so easy to get retirement wages on time and every month.

This kind of situation is getting worse and worse. If it continues like this, this problem will become a big social problem.

She still remembered that she asked Tao Zeming how to solve this matter. Young people can go out to find a job, and they will be able to support themselves after all.

But what to do with the elderly, who are old and in poor health, what kind of work can they find, unless they are skilled craftsmen, don't worry about it.

Gong Li also forgot to listen to what Tao Zeming said. Anyway, he just mentioned it, saying that this matter must be resolved after all.

But Tao Zeming didn't say how to solve it, and maybe she didn't care about it. She really didn't care about these things.

But thinking about it now, if this matter has to be resolved, it can only be done by the state.

But how to act, this, Gong Li doesn't know, anyway, let's see the specific situation at that time, since the above has already known, this matter can be resolved.

"Besides, the efficiency of state-owned enterprises is not good, and there are more private enterprises. Although the income is high, it doesn't care about the pension issues of workers."

This is also a problem. Nowadays, people are young and in good health. Even if they work hard for a while, they can still make money, but what should they do when they get old?

However, in the case of state-owned enterprises, the wages cannot be paid, and even the wages of retired workers are in various arrears, but everyone has hope and feels that the state cannot ignore it.

The situation of private enterprises looks good now, but when they get old and the boss doesn't need them anymore, they really have no income and no hope at all.

The business of private enterprises is good, better than that of state-owned enterprises, but there is also a problem, that is, many people worry about what to do when they get old and have no income?

Especially when you go to the hospital to see a doctor, you have to pay for it yourself. Now that you are young and in good health, you don’t need to consider the cost of medicine, but when you get older, your health will definitely not be as good as when you were young.
At that time, if all the medical expenses are paid by oneself, it will really not be a small expense, so many people hesitate, but if possible, they would rather work in a guaranteed unit, such as a state-owned enterprise.

As for the current state-owned enterprises, which are not very efficient, and the wages cannot be paid out, etc., many people still prefer to wait, because they hope to be guaranteed when they get old.

But the burden of state-owned enterprises is not so heavy now, because they have to support retired workers and active workers, so the cost will definitely go up, while private enterprises do not have many active workers, let alone the burden of retired workers, and the cost must be low. The offer is certainly not high.

"It's better to go into battle with a heavy load." Gong Li sighed.

"Perhaps it is true, as Xiaowen said, that the higher-ups will definitely consider the issue of retirement and pensions for staff working in private units."

As for this problem, Tao Shan was still confused and didn't understand much. The only thing she knew was that this problem was common and would be resolved sooner or later.

What she knows now is, "It means that the higher-ups will consider this issue, and there will be a plan?"

Gong Li nodded, "It should be. I remember that Bohua mentioned before that there is a fund in the beautiful country, that is, the employer will hand over part of the money, and then hand in part of the money to a place."

"Then when you reach the retirement age, you can get your retirement salary from that fund."

"In this way, employers don't have to bear retirement wages, and individuals don't always think about going to state-owned enterprises."

"Of course, this is the operation method of the beautiful country. Whether it is possible or not depends on how people in the country think about it."

After all, the people above will consider more things than the people below, because it involves a wider range and more people.

Tao Shan is a bit awkward at this time, that is, both the unit and the individual have to pay, "If you say that the individual has to pay, and the unit has to pay, why do I feel that those private bosses may not really agree."

For the boss, making money is the most important thing. There is an extra expense for no reason, and it may be a large expense.

Isn't the boss just to make money, would they be willing to pay the money?Especially expenditures that do not bring them profits.

The boss is of course a profit-seeking person. Even if Gong Li doesn't do business, she knows a thing or two, "Yes, they are pursuing profits, but you also need to know that for them, some expenses must be paid, not that you don't want to." You can't get out."

"If the wages are similar, but one can guarantee you a retirement salary after retirement, will there be more people going?"

Gong Li knows that an important factor restricting the development of private enterprises is that there are not enough personnel, or they lose on this point.

Tao Shan understood, "This is what Xiaowen said, once the store is opened, there are some expenses that have to be paid."

"That means that after this policy comes out, Xiaowen just needs to help her aunt pay the money for how many years, and after she retires, she can enjoy the treatment of a retired worker from a state-owned enterprise?"

Tao Shan asked again, Gong Li really made her laugh and cry, "This, how do I know."

"I'm not a government employee. I really don't know about these things. If you ask me, you can say that I am also at a loss."

"Wait for the policy to come out."

"And I think it's right for Xiao Wen to do so." Gong Li felt that Liu Wen could say that because of her own considerations.

Otherwise, why didn't I mention it before, but insisted on mentioning it at this time, "She has a child, and there will be more things to focus on in the future."

Taking care of a baby is not like cleaning. Taking care of flowers and plants requires more patience and a sense of responsibility.

"You said Tuanzi and the others are going to class, and Xiao Yang is both at work and at school."

"Flying is already busy at ordinary times, and when I get home, I am also busy with various jobs."

These days here, Gong Li found that it can be said that they are very busy including Tuanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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