Chapter 630 Dazed
Song Boyang remembered that the Xiao family was going to come here, and his expression was very bad.

But no matter whether he is willing, happy, or unwilling to admit it, the Xiao family has already boarded the train.

At this moment, Song Boyang was also constantly rejoicing, thanks to the fact that he had mentioned to Liu Wen about the Xiao family's attempt to contact Tuanzi and the others.

Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing, but it seems to be quite embarrassing now. The two people who had no contact with each other turned out to be connected because they married him back and forth.

What was even more unexpected was that the Xiao family didn't admit their fault, but insisted that it was Song Boyang's problem and Liu Wen's problem.

After Song Boyang left Tang Hai's office, he didn't want to go back to school, so he drove back home.

It was no accident to see Liu Wen's car at home, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he was at home.

But it's not right to think about it again. The Xiao family is not in Yangcheng now, and they will arrive in Yangcheng in a few days. Why is he nervous.

But what should they do after they arrive in Yangcheng? It's impossible not to let Liu Wen go out.

Moreover, they are relatives of Tuanzi, and if they really want to visit, it is impossible to prevent them from entering.

At that time, they will come to do it at home, this seems to be the most difficult.

If it is outside, once they do it, they will always be recognized by others. If they can refute that they did not do it, then they did not do it.

But at home, they really did it, and they were really fearless. After all, the nanny is theirs, and of course they are helping the master to speak.

Gong Li and the others are Liu Wen's relatives, so of course they are helping Liu Wen speak, and these are disadvantageous.

Song Boyang felt dizzy after thinking about it. He had no choice but to talk about it with Liu Wen in the end.

Although it is really useless to have such a feeling, it can only make Liu Wen more vigilant.

Song Boyang went to the bedroom and found Liu Wen resting on the bed. When he walked in, he found that there was an introductory medical book next to the pillow that he would read to the children every night.

Originally, he wanted to prepare it for dumplings or meat buns, but he didn't expect that they didn't like it at all, let alone read one or two.

No, it's not that they didn't read a book or two. If they want to fall asleep quickly, they will pick up this book and read it, saying that they can definitely fall asleep in a second.

But this doesn't seem to be suitable for Liu Wen, Song Boyang thought for a while, maybe this girl wants to give prenatal education to the child in her stomach.

Apart from this explanation, he really couldn't think of why Liu Wen picked up this book. Every time he read this book, no matter what Liu Wen was doing before, he would definitely fall asleep quickly.

Song Boyang put the book away gently, otherwise when the girl tosses and turns, if it touches it, the girl will say that she feels uncomfortable again.

Gently kissed Liu Wen's forehead, since the girl was still resting, he went to find Gong Li.

Just as he left the room, Liu Wen opened her eyes in a daze, looked left and right, "I feel like Brother Song is back."

"It turned out to be my illusion." Liu Wen yawned, and continued to rest.

Today is actually a very busy day. Although the amount of exercise is not very large, standing is also a great burden for a pregnant woman.

Turn over and continue to rest, "By the way, I have to remember to get a stomach pillow."

When the stomach gets bigger, not only will it be tiring to turn over, but even when sleeping on the side, the stomach will also be a heavy burden.

Alas, in the days when there is no certain treasure, if there is such a treasure, you can directly place an order online and wait to get something.

Now, I need everything, and I have to try my best to find out where I can buy it. If it is from another place, I either give up or find a relationship to ask friends from other places to mail it.

However, if you process it yourself, there are also advantages, that is, it absolutely meets your requirements.

When Gong Li saw Song Boyang, she was also very aggressive, "You, what are you doing?"

Normally, if you leave work so early, you should have encountered something, and you are looking for her?Whose business is this makes Gong Li undecided.

Song Boyang took Gong Li to his study, and told about what he learned about Tang Hai today.

"Xiao's family?" Gong Li didn't react at the first time, there was no way, Song Boyang's wife had passed away for a long time, and she didn't have much contact with Xiao Ke, so she knew that she was devoted to work.

"The relatives of Xiao Ke's natal family are also the uncles of Tuanzi and the others." Seeing Gong Li's appearance, she probably didn't remember who the Xiao family was, so she explained along the way.

Ah, it's a relative from Xiao Ke's natal family. This made Gong Li feel embarrassed, and really didn't know what to say.

"Why, why did they come here?" Gong Li remembered that they were people who had no contact with each other before, so why did they show up again now.

Well, after so many years of no contact, Gong Li wants to say, why didn't she show up before, but now she knows that Song Boyang is rich, so she shows up now?

But if this is the case, Gong Li has no way to say whether it will make Song Boyang suspicious.

She watched Song Boyang grow up together, but she was also the natal family of his second wife.

At the beginning, Gong Li thought that Liu Wen would marry Song Boyang and be the stepmother of the two children, but she also considered that Song Boyang didn't have much contact with his ex-wife.

Without the interference of the ex-wife's natal family, that means a lot less trouble, but it turned out that there was no trouble before, but now the trouble will appear again.

What Gong Li could do, she could only take a deep breath, "What do you think about this matter."

After all, it was Song Boyang's business, and it depended on his attitude to know what to do next.

How to do? "I just don't know what to do." Song Boyang looked blank, he would only ask this if he didn't know what to do.

"I'm worried..." Song Boyang carefully raised his worries just now, there is no way, didn't you see Gong Li's expression is very ugly?
Gong Li listened to Song Boyang's worry, and slowly relaxed her brows. It's okay, just worry about Liu Wen.

If you are worried about all kinds of things at that end, that is a big problem.

As for the Xiao family saying that Song Boyang has a newcomer and forgets the old one, Gong Li said that he is not worried at all.

But if they were really worried about dumplings and meat buns, why Xiao Ke didn't come when he passed away, they didn't care about them all these years.

"And they are Xiao Ke's half-brothers and sisters. If they want to make trouble, then break it up. How did they treat Xiao Ke?"

"They don't really think that they have all come to Yangcheng from the west, and we won't know about some of their past."

"They can come to Yangcheng to make trouble, so why can't we go there?" Gong Li is not a troublemaker.

But it is not the master who can be bullied at will. If some people really think that she is easy to bully, sorry, it will really let them know that she is not a person who is afraid of trouble and will shrink back.

(End of this chapter)

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