Chapter 631 Training
When Liu Wen woke up, the sun was already setting, and there was a smell of food floating in the air.

Liu Wen touched her stomach, well, she was really hungry, "Get up, get ready to eat."

Song Boyang just opened the door to call Liu Wen for dinner, but he didn't expect to see that she had woken up.

"Are you awake?" Song Boyang saw that Liu Wen was already dressed, so he opened the window.

Seeing that Song Boyang had already arrived home, Liu Wen's first reaction was probably that she got up late.

Liu Wen went downstairs slowly and chatted with Song Boyang, "Ah, Tang Hai left by plane today?"

Didn't you just leave tomorrow?Why did you leave this afternoon?Liu Wen was really surprised.

"There is a food factory over there that wants to produce food on a large scale, so he rushed to see it."

"And a textile factory is about to close down, and a lot of fabrics are being sold at low prices. Tang Hai has to rush to see how the situation is."

Song Boyang sighed deeply, "I know that the situation of many factories is not good, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

Liu Wen hummed, "There is no way. For private enterprises, the burden is small, and they don't care about retired workers, but for state-owned enterprises, let's not talk about so many retired workers to support."

"Besides, in the case of state-owned enterprises, the organization is a bit bloated, and there are more people to support. In this way, the cost will go up."

"Factories have closed down, and the hardest sufferers are the workers. They are getting old and it is very difficult for them to go out and find a job."

"It's okay if they have a bit of technology. If they don't have technology, this life is not so difficult."

"Then the leaders of the factory, they may be able to win the factory at a low price through their connections, and then they can easily enter the battle."

"The factory is alive. The leader bought the factory with a lot of assets at a low price, and then became the boss working for himself."

"Of course, for the higher-ups, the factory will be revitalized, and then the factory will have business, and the economy will be in good shape."

"But what about middle-aged employees?" Liu Wen took a deep breath, "Is it just relying on the money you gave me when you left the company?"

"To be honest, they have been contributing all their lives. When they were growing up, they encountered natural disasters, food shortages, and lack of food and clothing. Of course, it is really good to survive."

"When the situation improves, I need a voucher to buy things, which means that my stomach is no longer always flat, but it is still a little far from being full."

"If they don't take good care of their bodies, when they graduate from junior high school, high school, want to go to college, or go to work, they are told to build on vast land."

"They went obediently. Some people have been repairing the earth for many years and devoted their youth. When they return to the city, they are already old."

"Some people say why don't you take the college entrance examination, but how many educated youths were able to get into college?"

"I finally asked my grandma to tell my grandma to find a job, but after working for several years, I encountered such a thing."

Liu Wen sighed, "Forget it, why do I worry about these things, there are leaders above, and the leaders will worry about these things."

Song Boyang glanced at Liu Wen, he really did not expect Liu Wen to say such things.

"Yeah, there are still a few people we can do."

"I suddenly feel that there are no technical schools offering vocational courses. Many technical schools are factory technical schools. After the factories close down, some of these technical schools have no way to continue to operate."

"Whether it can be used again? For those laid-off workers, they can learn some skills. After they have the skills, they can go to find a job. I can't say. They will definitely find a job."

"But at least it's easier for someone who doesn't know anything to find a job."

"And if it's possible..." Liu Wen knew that the development of vocational training and education should not be so easy.

And most importantly, don't you need money to take such a course?And who should pay for this tuition fee?
Let the laid-off workers who are studying go out?Their money is not much, even if the tuition fee is not too much, it is not a small burden for them.

"Actually, I think the best way is to find out which factory the students were laid off from before. If the new contracted factory boss doesn't need them, then it is necessary to arrange vocational training for those workers who have no jobs."

"At least let them learn some skills, otherwise electric welding and so on, as well as electrical maintenance."

"Or maintain vegetation, flowers and trees."

"Of course you can also learn how to fix the house and things like that."

"Including farmers, they can also learn how to use large machinery and equipment."

Liu Wen remembers that many Chinese people couldn't find a suitable job in China, so they went abroad, and then slowly learned technology to gain a firm foothold abroad.

Although Liu Wen didn't know if such an arrangement was good, she just thought that if it was possible, learning more would make it easier for them to find a job.

But if you still can't find a job in China, you can consider foreign affairs.

Song Boyang understands work such as spot welding, and can understand a thing or two. After learning this, it can be regarded as a craft when he goes out to find a job.

But planting flowers and land?Do you want to learn this?Should those who cannot find a job continue to repair the earth as they did when they were young?

Although it can support them, for many people, this should be a step backward, and for many people, it is really unacceptable.

But Song Boyang felt that Liu Wen probably didn't mean that, and probably had other intentions.

"Then after they learn this?"

"When I was in the beautiful country, I remember that my brother mentioned that there is a real lack of labor over there."

"Otherwise, many Mexicans and South Americans went to work in the past."

"I just thought that if those people can't find a job in China, they can go abroad to work."

"Although it's a bit hard, if you're over there, as long as you're willing to work hard, it's not impossible." Liu Wen knew that this suggestion should be shocking.

But she remembered that later on, the higher-ups also organized such labor teams, such as going out to receive orders and organizing domestic people to go out to work.

Go abroad to work?Song Boyang was really stunned by Liu Wen's words, and kept swallowing, "This, this..."

In his thinking, if he goes abroad, shouldn't he go abroad to study and then stay there?

Of course, it's not that I didn't make money by going out with my hands, but that was because of the help of relatives abroad, and they went out through various channels.

But this kind of large-scale, legal model, sending a large number of people out to work, seems to really not exist.

But thinking about Liu Wen's idea again, Song Boyang felt that there was no problem with this idea.

As Liu Wen said before, not all Filipino women go out and work as maids outside. For example, there are a large number of Filipino women in Hong Kong City, referred to as Filipino maids.

It can be said that through this model, there is really a lot of foreign exchange repatriated every year, and it is also a model that solves the Philippine domestic economy.

(End of this chapter)

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