Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 633 Can't Just Let Him Go

Chapter 633 Can't Just Let Him Go
Tang Hai rushed to a certain place with the newly appointed bodyguard, and was surprised when he saw someone who shouldn't be here.

"You, why are you here?" Although it is this business, there is someone's share.

But isn't it just investing and not doing anything?Why did he show up suddenly? You must know that this is Tao Yu, a busy man.

Throughout the year, it is really difficult to meet a real person, but now, someone has come forward.

Tang Hai stared at Tao Yu for a long time, thinking that the latter was a fluffy one.

"What are you doing, why are you staring at me?" Tao Yu looked down, there was nothing wrong with his attire, so why was this kid staring at him.

"I was just thinking, what a big day today is, to let such a busy person like you show up." Tang Hai originally wanted to give Tao Yu a hard punch.

But after thinking about it for a while, I still gave up this idea. There is no way, whoever makes this person is really not alone.

Tao Yu didn't respond to a punch, but Tang Hai felt that his hand was almost useless, so for the safety of his hand, he had better not toss.

After all, they still have business to do, "Why are you here today?"

"Why, don't you worry about me?" Having said that, Tang Hai was happy to see a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"If I had known that I would see you this time, I would have told my aunt that I must bring you something."

"By the way, do you know?" Tang Hai felt that Tao Yu probably didn't know about Tao Shan's return to work in Yangcheng.

After all, it can be said that the speed of this matter from the time it was proposed to the settlement was really fast, and even he only knew about it after the fact.

"I just found out that I can meet you all of a sudden." I took a mission not far from here, but I didn't know when it would end, so I didn't mention it to Tang Hai, and I didn't know how to notify him.

In the end, I didn't expect that the matter would end so quickly, so I thought that if possible, I would come to see Tang Hai and ask about the situation at home.

Occasionally contact with the family a few times, anyway, the family is fine, don't worry about the family and the like.

Although I also know that Liu Wen and Song Boyang are there, and with Tao Zeming's current position, under normal circumstances, will anyone take action against them.

But his parents are getting old, and he and Tao Shan are not with them, so why not worry?
Thinking of Tao Shan, Tao Yu thought of the man she was looking for. To be honest, he has always thought that Tao Shan's vision of finding a man was not high.

It was the same with the man before, and the man he is looking for now is also like this. Anyway, in his opinion, he is really not good. I don't understand why he fell in love with him.

Although they are brothers and sisters, there are still some words that need to be paid attention to, and seeing Tao Shan's appearance, he didn't want to hear some unpleasant words, so he didn't say anything.

Thinking that it would be a big deal to suffer once, at most it would be a divorce. Now it is not like before. Divorce is an unspeakable thing.

Anyway, Tao Yu's own sister was not someone to bully, but he didn't expect that Tao Yu would hear Tang Hai say that Tao Shan broke up with that man.

"What you said is true?" Tao Yu was not surprised that Tao Shan would break up with her.

Originally, they were not in the same way, and it was normal for them to break up, but that man actually agreed to break up.

How can this prevent Tao Yu from being puzzled, "That man would agree?"

"I've seen him before, he's a thief." Tao Yu felt that the man was really not good enough for Tao Shan.

Looking at Tao Yu who kept saying bad things about the other party, what Tang Hai thought was, anyway, as long as he is a man, if he gets close to Tao Shan, he will not have good comments.

The relationship between Tao Yu and Song Boyang was so good at the beginning, but after Song Boyang and Liu Wen got together, the boy did not miss a word about a flower planted on cow dung.

Tang Hai really bowed down for Tao Shan's future man, it was really not easy to have such a difficult brother-in-law.

In addition, her brother-in-law is Song Boyang. Anyway, she is the kind with a lot of talent and wealth. This girl is really not ordinary.

It seems that there are really not many people who have to compare with Song Boyang in terms of financial resources.

In terms of ability, it is better than Song Boyang, and then you have to be unmarried, and you can't be too old. Although there should be, it seems that there are not too many.

If he made another sum of money by going to the north this time, and Tao Shan could share a large amount of profit, then there seemed to be a little less men who could catch Tao Shan's eyes.

But it's wrong to think about it again. Whether it was before or now, including the future, Tao Shan's vision for choosing a man should have nothing to do with money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen such a man. Tang Hai had never met Zhu Mingjun, but Liu Wen and Gong Li had mentioned that he wasn't very good-looking anyway, but he wasn't so obscene.

Tao Yu criticized the man who almost became his brother-in-law, "By the way, how could my sister suddenly change her mind and agree to break up with him?"

"I remember that they were already discussing marriage at the beginning." Why did Tao Yu not persuade Tao Shan to break up with that one even though he was not reconciled.

Just because she mentioned that they were going to get married, Tao Yu knew that Tao Shan would think about it if she just talked about love, but if she had already reached the point of getting married, it meant that she should have thought about it for a long time.

In the end, I didn't expect that it was obviously the result of deep thinking, but I would still break up.

What's the situation, Tao Yu thought about it, "Could it be that kid did something that I'm sorry for my sister?"

Otherwise, can you agree to break up so easily because of the other party's temperament of dog skin plaster?
If you really did something wrong to Tao Shan, so what if you broke up, is this the way to forget it?

It is absolutely impossible to just calculate it like this, Tao Yu said angrily, in short, this matter cannot be calculated like this, you must think carefully about how to do it.

Tang Hai was taken aback by Tao Yu's menacing aura, "Forget it, forget it, everything is over."

"Why did it pass?" Tao Yu looked at Tang Hai unhappy, "The co-author is not your sister, so you don't care."

"That's my sister, I can't just let him go."

"Really, you actually think I'm easy to bully."

"I can't just forget it like this, hum, I don't know how much my sister bought him, and how much my sister bought me." Tao Yu got angry, and after drinking some wine, he didn't care about that. many.

ah?Tang Hai didn't expect Tao Shan to cheat that kid with money, so he was also surprised.

If Tao Yu didn't worry about what he said, he would be very unhappy after hearing it. He wanted to say, is Tao Shan, who suppressed them back then, still so stupid?

No matter how you think about it, it seems unlikely, but when you think about Liu Wen and Tao Shan's ex-boyfriend ahead of time, they all have unhappy expressions on their faces. I guess there should be a lot of unhappy things in the middle.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Tao Yu was angry when he found out that Tang Hai didn't match him, wondering if he thought he was talking nonsense.

Don't think about it so much, now there is a person next to him, who obviously didn't drink much, but turned out to be drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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