Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 634 Don't Do Stupid Things

Chapter 634 Don't Do Stupid Things

Tang Hai was really helpless, didn't it mean that this kid's drinking capacity has increased a lot?

But no matter how you look at it, you don't think his drinking capacity has increased. Forget it, let's not talk about it. If this kid's drinking capacity has not increased, he may be unhappy in various ways.

"I don't believe it, I'm just surprised."

"I was really surprised. Only then did I understand why my eldest sister bought a house in Yangcheng, saying that she didn't have enough money." At that time, he thought that Tao Shan's money should be kept for investment.

In the end, he didn't expect that it was because of these things, which made Tang Hai very angry. This was not cheating money and sex.

"I know you're angry, and I'm angry too, but do you think now is the best time to make a move?"

"As soon as he broke up with his eldest sister on the front foot, he taught others a lesson on the back foot, and it was in a clean and neat way. There are always smart people who will think of it."

"Besides, if the eldest sister was there before, she should have been very careful. She didn't disclose her own situation, and the people around her didn't know her situation."

"But the elder sister transferred back to Yangcheng to work so quickly, and it's such a job, what do you think the people around you will think?"

"Aren't they going to ask about one or two?"

"Can the situation of your family still be a secret?"

"Although your job is kept secret, many people don't know what you do, but they all know that you are in the army."

"It will always be better than ordinary people, better than ordinary people."

"I don't ask how you are doing now, but I know that someone must be jealous of you or uncle's job."

"It doesn't matter whether you are uncle, aunt and eldest sister's work, including Boyang and his wife, there is no way to do it."

"But if you do it suddenly, isn't it Hong Guoguo's way of handing over the handle to the opponent?"

"And you also said that the man used the woman's money, so he wouldn't feel embarrassed."

"Knowing the situation in the eldest sister's family, isn't he angry? Isn't he upset?"

Probably thought that Tao Shan's family had money and had a powerful mother, but she didn't expect that the family's status would be so high, and she could balance her heart?

I also know that it will not be balanced. Once I know that there is a chance to retaliate, I will step on it. If possible, it would be even better to step on Tao Shan's family in the mud.

Although Tao Yu was angry, but these years, traveling alone in the capital, coupled with frequent missions, the whole person has settled down.

He hadn't adjusted for a while before, but after Tang Hai said such a call, his mind suddenly cleared up a lot.

"Brother, don't worry, I know."

"I won't do stupid things." Tao Yu knew that this year, with the promotion of their father and son's positions, it can be said that it really blocked the way of many people.

Just like what Tang Hai said, it's not that they don't want to teach them a lesson, it's not that they don't want to pull them down, but they can't find a chance to do it.

"But just let him go like this?" Tao Yu felt very bad when he thought that there was no way to teach him a lesson.

"Why let him go." Tao Yu couldn't make a move, but Tang Hai said he could.

That's right, as soon as Tao Yu's eyes lit up, he forgot that Tang Hai was still there. With him around, it was not easy to teach that man a lesson.

"But I can't make a move right now." Tang Hai whispered, "But don't worry, I won't not make a move."

Tao Yu kept nodding, "I know, I know."

"Brother, just take it to heart, but, brother, how do you plan to make a move." Tao Yu knew that if he made a move, he would definitely use force.

But if it were Tang Hai, Tao Yu should have other methods, and he would definitely educate the other party severely.

How to make a move, originally he wanted to say that this is a secret, but he made an exception and mentioned, "You should think about what the other party wants to do."

"Isn't it just to find a rich woman, and then all the family property will be handled by his family, and the woman will make money and at the same time do all kinds of work?" Tang Hai really didn't expect that the 90s will be coming soon, and there will be people like this idea.

When Tao Yu thought that Tao Shan almost married into such a family, he was really angry.

"I just thought, since they think so, this is also the result that their grandparents and grandchildren want, and they have various expectations."

"In this case, of course I have to satisfy one or two." Tang Hai thought for a while just now, and finally thought of a suitable partner.

What?If it wasn't for eating out and worrying about being heard, otherwise, Tao Yu would want to count on Tang Hai viciously, how could he have such a stupid idea.

Seeing Tao Yu's furious look, Tang Hai smiled, "I don't want the child to be caught by a wolf."

"Finding a rich person is already a deep-rooted belief for them. If you ask them to change their request, they will definitely not agree."

"Besides, they look down on poor people. If they meet a rich man and treat that man with a nonchalant attitude, do you think they are in a hurry."

Tang Hai, as a seasoned veteran, knew the virtues of men very clearly, and he also knew what a woman should be like to attract Tao Shan's ex-boyfriend.

"Hurry up." Tao Yu hesitated, "But with his appearance, would rich people like him?"

Tao Yu felt that Tao Shan would look at that bastard because there was already something wrong with his eyes, so it doesn't matter if there is a problem with one eye, and someone will be blind like this.

"If the other party knows that the man is the eldest grandson, he is the only one in the family, and if he is not careful, let the other party know that the man's family is not that poor. There are ancestors above, but he is relatively low-key."

"Moreover, I cheated a large amount of money from my eldest sister. I have a lot of money in my hand. Will you attract a group of scammers by saying such news?"

If you want to teach someone a lesson, do you have to do it yourself?Wrong, it doesn't exist at all.

"If we make a move, although we can hide one or two things, as long as someone makes a move, one or two things will always be exposed."

"But if we didn't do it, but other people did it, and someone was greedy, do you think it has something to do with us?"

"It has nothing to do with us." Tao Yu understood a little bit, "You want the liar to cheat that man's money?"

Tang Hai hummed, "What do you think of this idea?"

In short, he will not accept different opinions. In short, he must say that his ideas and proposals are too good.

Tao Yu knew that if the matter was handed over to Tang Hai, the matter would definitely be resolved well.

Seeing that he already had an idea so quickly, this brain really turned too fast.

No, Tao Yu thought about it and thought there was something wrong with it. Although Tao Shan used to be the eldest sister of several of them, she helped them and bullied them, even if she helped her find her place, she wouldn't be so active.

And judging by Tang Hai's appearance, it shouldn't be a sudden idea, no matter how you think about it, he should have had this idea a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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