Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 635 Who Are You Calling Brother-in-law?

Chapter 635 Who Are You Calling Brother-in-law?

If he had had this idea a long time ago, why did someone hold him down after hearing him say that he would go to that person to settle accounts, and then gave this proposal.

If it wasn't for his quick thinking, he suddenly thought of the problem here, otherwise he would have been sold to Tang Hai, and he should be thanked.

Tao Yu originally thought that after all these years of training, his level should have improved a lot, even though there should still be a lot of gap between him and Tang Hai.

But I thought that the gap should not be a lot, but I didn't expect the gap to be so big.

But there was no way, after all, his environment was relatively simple, and Tang Hai's environment was surrounded by old foxes.

Tao Yu thought about it, and considered whether to talk to Tang Hai directly, or go around, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided to say it directly.

For an old fox like Tang Hai, maybe let him speak directly after giving up.

"You care about my sister so much, think about this for her, which one to consider."

"And give her a house." When Tao Yu heard that Tang Hai actually gave Tao Shan a house, he felt really sour.

"You want it?" Tang Hai squinted at Tao Yu.

Tao Yu kept nodding, "Of course, can't men accept gifts?"

"And I'm not asking a stranger for money, let alone a woman."

"I'm just looking for a good buddy to ask for a house."

Although I feel that the next words are really unspeakable, but think about it, I will always have to say it in the future.

Since this is the case, now it is considered as a practice, so that when it comes to formal occasions, you can open your mouth and come, instead of being embarrassed.

"And maybe you will become my brother-in-law." Although Tang Hai is better than the man Tao Shan found before.

But in Tao Yu's eyes, Tang Hai is still not good enough, and the Tang family is also a mess. Tang Hai's father has a good relationship with the children born later. If Tao Shan marries Tang Hai, is it true that the Tang family's affairs Don't care about it?

What's more, Tang Hai is not an ordinary playboy, there are many women outside.

Tao Yu didn't want to, Tao Shan didn't even marry Tang Hai, and she often ran into Tang Hai's many girlfriends when she went out.

As a brother, Tao Yu is satisfied with Tang Hai, absolutely satisfied, definitely better than his own brother.

But if he wants to be his brother-in-law, Tao Yu said that he is absolutely unqualified, absolutely the worst brother-in-law, and it will make him want to hit someone every minute.

Tang Hai was quite frightened by the word brother-in-law that Tao Yu blurted out, and he felt bad all over.

He really never thought about being with Tao Shan, or even getting married.

It's not that Tao Shan is bad, but how to say that, she looks good, but she has a bad temper. If such a daughter-in-law marries back, she is really under control every minute.

And there will be more people in charge of him at that time, Tao Zeming and his wife, Liu Song and Boyang's couple, including the silly boy in front of him, can educate him as his brother-in-law.

It can be said that the whole person is at the low end of the food chain, who would be in a better mood?

But the problem was that he hadn't been wronged yet, and the person who called brother-in-law was the first to feel wronged, thinking that he was not good enough.

This made Tang Hai depressed, "Ah, what do you mean, call me brother-in-law."

"How many sisters do you have?"

"Really, I've never seen someone like you call me brother-in-law, but you still have all sorts of disgusted expressions on your face."

"I really don't understand. What did I do? Did I say I like your sister?"

"Did I say I'm going to marry your sister?"

"You have such an attitude towards me."

"Yes, I know, in your heart, your sister Tao Shan is the best, no matter who it is, it's not good enough for your sister."

"But please, you have to think about it, I admit that the eldest sister is good." Tao Shan must be said to be good, otherwise Tao Yu's mouth would really betray him every minute.

Once Tao Shan found out that she was behind her back and said bad things about her, it was really a rhythm of looking for death every minute.

Tang Hai's desire to survive can be said to be true in various online, "A good job, a good family background, and good people."

"But the question is, do you think that I, who grew up with Eldest Sister, have any thoughts about Eldest Sister?" Tang Hai said helplessly.

To be honest, if his future wife is Tao Shan, he said that he really would rather be single for the rest of his life.

"Xiaoyu, you are also a man, are you willing to marry a woman who oppressed you when you were young to be your wife?"

"Also." Tang Hai recalled his previous vision in the beautiful country. If these things didn't happen suddenly, he might be able to be a father next year.

But it doesn't matter, it's not too late to act now, anyway, just let Tao Yu know his idea.

Tang Hai recalled his previous thoughts, "I also know that I'm a fickle person, and to be honest, I haven't thought about settling down."

"Of course future generations are also needed. Otherwise, I've made so much money, wouldn't it be in vain?"

"No, it's not for nothing, but for those I hate." Speaking of this, Tang Hai's expression was very ugly.

Tao Yu originally wanted to ask if Tang Hai was lying, why would his wife not marry, but let the other party have a child, who would be so stupid.

But when he heard Tang Hai say that he was unwilling to leave the money to the Tang family, he knew that once the Tang family was involved, it would be serious and not a joke.

"If you are like this, who will be willing to marry you." Tang Hai is not married, but there are so many illegitimate children under his knees, how many women can accept him.

Unless the other party is interested in Tang Hai's money, but Tang Hai hates women most for his money, and he will never talk to him at all.

In this way, after Tang Hai's operation is over, there should be no one who is willing to marry him.

"If you don't marry, don't marry, and if they marry, do I have to marry?" Tang Hai said that even if the other party doesn't care about these things, he will not get married.

"I really think it's good to be alone, don't try to make the other person happy."

"Don't even think about arranging for her relatives." Tang Hai met a few smart friends in the business field, but after marrying a wife, in many matters, the decisions he made were really stupid.

"If you want to break up with your girlfriend, you can break up. If the other party insists on not breaking up, I can ignore the other party."

"But once you get married, it's me who said we broke up, and I don't want to talk to each other?"

"The other party has a certificate. If she doesn't agree to the divorce, no matter how unwilling I am, I can only spend it." Tang Hai never thought about spending time with the other party.

It's not that I'm afraid that I won't be able to survive the other party, but that I can't feel better when I think that I will still have various contacts with the other party for a long time in the future.

"And my mother did so much for him back then, so what happened."

"Emotions are all liars."

"No." Tang Hai noticed Tao Yu's disapproving gaze, "It's not that I don't have true love, but I think I'm not so lucky to meet him."

I really envy Song Boyang, at least two marriages were very good, sometimes Tang Hai doesn't want to try one or two.

But every time he wants to try one or two, he will see some words that make him flinch, well, he is a coward, and he still doesn't want to try.

(End of this chapter)

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