Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 637 I Believe In You

Chapter 637 I Believe In You

Tao Yu is really not interested in these things, "Forget it, I really don't understand these things."

"Thanks to me and you." Tao Yu felt that his head was really unusual, but it didn't matter, "I'm lucky to have you."

Tao Yu recalled the most important thing during his visit this time, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, "When the time comes, after making money, [-]% of the money will be put into this account after deducting taxes."

Ah, [-]% of the money is put into this account?Tang Hai took the paper and glanced at it, "What are you?"

"It's our backer."

"That..." When Tang Hai heard that he was their backer, he immediately said that they could all bear the money together, and there was no need for Tao Yu to bear it alone.

Tao Yu stopped him, "I've already talked about it, so there's no need to change it."

"By the way, give me [-]% of the profit." Originally, Tao Yu was still thinking about how to make money with the money he earned.

Only with money can we help more people, and the best way is to help people after money generates money, so that the fund pool will not be empty.

Especially for such a good opportunity, Tao Yu didn't dare to expect many opportunities. To meet such a good opportunity, it was really enough for Tao Yu.

"Help you invest?" Tang Hai thought for a while. If it was him, of course he would continue to invest in the business so that he could make more money.

But he thinks Tao Yu, if he invests again, he should hope that the money can be invested in a more stable field.

As for a stable investment field, Tang Hai thought for a while, and felt that the best way is, "How about this? At that time, Xiaowen doesn't want to invest in an office building and a dormitory building in Shenzhen."

"You can do the same."

"Yes." Since they are all optimistic about the development of Shenzhen City, they also said that it will be better than Yangcheng in the future, especially knowing that the upper management is vigorously developing Shenzhen City.

In this case, of course such a good development opportunity cannot be missed, but Tao Yu is also worried, "The money?"

Although I haven't invested in office buildings and so-called dormitory buildings before, I also know that the amount of such investment is really quite a lot.

"It's okay. If it's money, I can help you get it first." Tang Hai would certainly not be so generous if it was the rest of the people.

But to help Tao Yu, Tang Hai said that there is really no problem.

"That's so embarrassing." Tao Yu felt really embarrassed, "That, that..."

"I don't know when I can pay back the money." Tao Yu knew that with the money in Tang Hai's hands, he could make more money.

And if you lend it to him, Tang Hai's temperament will definitely not charge interest.

Looking at Tao Yu who looked embarrassed, "What's there to be embarrassed about?"

"This business can really make a lot of money. I really want to thank you for preparing so many people for me."

Tang Hai, who has been in business for so many years, has always known that as long as there are enough benefits, it can really drive people crazy.

"Not many people know the news now, and those who know are trying their best not to spread the news."

The more people who know about it, the easier it is to provoke a heavyweight boss. It can really be said that the big boss is crazy.

It is good for small retail investors to use a truck or a train to transport goods, but if they are replaced by powerful bosses, they can use a car fleet or directly transport goods by train.

"When there are too many people coming, it will be really chaotic." Especially when it is close to the border, anything can happen.

Tao Yu is not a novice either. Although he has not experienced what Tang Hai experienced at the beginning, what he has experienced is more cruel than what Tang Hai has experienced.

"Although there are people, but if you have to pay attention."

"You're a big target too."

"By the way, if people find out at that time, you will go to the Northeast to do business..." After the news spread, don't go out to investigate, just follow suit.

"So at first I let the rest of the people come forward."

"Besides, it will be winter in the Northeast soon. I'll be wrapped up like a bear, and when I wear a mask and glasses, who do you think will recognize me?"

"When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, I should at least be able to get a few big customers."

"We should have a lot of money in our hands."

"Even if someone inserts it again, we don't have to worry." Tang Hai can be said to be well prepared, "We need to find cheap and high-quality suppliers and stable jobs."

"Of course, if possible, I think it is possible to acquire a few clothing stores."

"And then we have to do a food factory."

In this way, in addition to making more money, you can also have more stable supply channels.

Tang Hai has seen too many suppliers. Once the business gets better, they really don't care about the pursuit of quality.

Tang Hai really didn't expect that the business in front of him was in full swing, and the backyard caught fire as a result.

"Although I am a shareholder, I don't understand these things, so you can just worry about it." Of course, professionals should be responsible for such matters, and if they are not professionals, don't worry about them.

"But if you bought a factory, once there are fewer orders over there, what about you?" With fewer orders, isn't the existence of such a factory a burden?

Tao Yu doesn't think Tang Hai will continue to maintain such a factory, it's really not his temperament.

"Depending on the situation, maybe I want to start a clothing business. You should also know that when Chinese people have money, they are willing to buy new clothes frequently."

"If there is still a food factory, I will see if there are any good projects at that time."

"If you can, you can continue to operate."

"Do you think it can last for a long time?" Tao Yu knew that for the northern powers, the light industry is really not very good, but the problems they can find can be found by others.

"I don't know how long it can last. I just think that whether it is the food industry or the clothing industry, it will definitely grow stronger."

"Aren't people just after eating, drinking, having fun and clothing?"

"In the past, a new piece of clothing was worn for three years and old for three years, and then it took another year to sew and mend, but now."

Tang Hai recalled the survey he had done before, "Everyone has money in their hands, who would be willing not to wear nice clothes and make arrangements for snacks and the like."

"That's right." Tao Yu knew that Tang Hai was absolutely concerned about business, "I knew that with you, I would definitely make money."

Although Tao Yu is young, he knows the importance of money and the various small operations some people do to get money.

Although nothing happened to them at the moment, and some people are still promoted step by step, but Tao Yu is really not envious or jealous.

He knew that if he was not unlucky now, it didn't mean that he would not be unlucky in the future, he would still be like the old man, step by step steadily.

As for money, he has never really worried about money, because he has his parents to lay the foundation for him, and then his friends take him to fly.

He thought that he could make a quick sum of money, but he didn't expect that it might not only be a quick sum of money, but could also make money for a long time. How could this not make him happy.

(End of this chapter)

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