Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 638 Because It's You

Chapter 638 Because It's You
Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang who looked thoughtful, "What's wrong?"

What is wrong?Otherwise, why would it be this expression.

Song Boyang told Liu Wen one by one the thoughts he received from Tang Hai just now, "I originally thought about buying directly from the factory."

"As a result, after looking around, he felt that it would be better to buy the factory than to buy directly."

Song Boyang really didn't know how to complain, and Liu Wen was also stunned.

The difference between purchasing goods and directly buying the factory is really not that big, but after thinking about it, I think Tang Hai's idea is not a problem.

"I think it's okay. In fact, he seems to have mentioned before that if it's suitable, he wants to buy the manufacturer."

Forgive her, Liu Wen stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "I think my memory really can't be compared with before."

In the past, she would never forget this, but now, she will forget it after turning around a little.

How could Song Boyang care about this, "It's okay, you have been working hard recently."

After Tao Shan returned to Yangcheng, not only Gong Li was busy, but Liu Wen was also very busy.

Song Boyang wanted to tell Liu Wen not to be so busy, but there was no way. Liu Wen insisted that she was in good health and that pregnant women should exercise more.

He had no way to persist, so he could only stare at Liu Wen, and if he found any discomfort in her body, he would immediately stop her.

"By the way, what have you been up to lately?" Song Boyang wanted to ask before, but he was worried that Liu Wen would feel that he interfered too much.

"Busy to raise money." It's no secret that if he doesn't say it now, he can guess it later.

What?raise money?what's going on?Song Boyang wondered if the family had a lot of expenses recently?Otherwise, why would Liu Wen say that.

Song Boyang felt guilty, "Xiaowen, I'm sorry..."

It was fine for Liu Wen to worry about these things before, but now she is pregnant and has so many things to worry about, how can she still worry about money.

"I'm sorry?" Liu Wen couldn't help being happy seeing Song Boyang's guilty expression.

"Do you think that the family is not enough?" It's really a shopkeeper who gives the money to the family and doesn't care about anything.

Is not it?Song Boyang looked at Liu Wen with a puzzled expression.

"It's enough for home use, you, thank you for meeting me."

"Otherwise, if you change someone, you continue to throw away the shopkeeper like this, and don't care about anything."

"Impossible." Song Boyang said firmly, "It is because of you that I will give you all my wealth."

"Change someone, I won't." Song Boyang is not really a silly white sweet who doesn't understand anything. His parents passed away since he was a child, and he and Song Bohua depended on each other for life. He must be a precocious person.

In addition, there are two sons, Tuanzi and Roubao, and we have to think about them even more. If the relationship between the two children and Liu Wen is not very close, he is just a monk, and he will definitely not give away all his wealth.

No, "If it wasn't for you, I might not even have remarried."

"I'll hire a nanny to take care of us father and son."

"It's not easy to marry a daughter-in-law you like, but you have to be nice to Tuanzi and the others, and they can accept it."

After all, it is not the first time to get married, or remarried without children, Song Boyang can't help but feel dizzy when he thinks of the Xiao family and their recent behavior.

"At the other end of Xiao's house, tell me that I want to invite you to dinner, thank you for taking care of Tuanzi and the others." Originally, he didn't want to say that.

I also know that Liu Wen doesn't like Xiao's family, but after thinking about it, I still have to talk to Liu Wen. There are some things that are said from his mouth, and it feels different from others.

The Xiao family actually wanted to invite her to dinner?The content turned out to be to thank her for taking care of Tuanzi and the others?

This made Liu Wen very unhappy, and she stared, "Why, I take care of my son and them, and I want them to thank you?"

"Really, as uncles, they didn't take care of Tuanzi at all, and they didn't mail Tuanzi and them, nor did they have a phone call."

"Why do you now think that you are promising and worthy of being the lintel of Xiao's family, and you think of your two nephews?"

Liu Wen couldn't help sneering, "I know what they think, don't they just think that I am a businessman, and then I am a stepmother."

"No matter what my identity is, I have already accepted their olive branch and accepted their kindness?"

Liu Wen couldn't help but sneered, "Is it really a dream all day long?"

"Don't get to know me a little bit." Liu Wen expressed her anger, "He really doesn't pay attention to me at all."

If they could pay more attention to one or two things, they should know that she didn't care about these so-called false names at all after her death.

"They don't want to get to know me a little bit, why do I have to flatter them and get their approval?"

"Besides, how kind I am to Tuanzi and the others, they all see it."

"You know my goodness, big brother and they know my goodness, let alone dumplings and meat buns."

"They all know who treats them well, so why would they care about a so-called relative who is similar to a stranger when they get along with each other even though they are related by blood."

"Husband, you are right to refuse."

"I don't want to see the Xiao family."

"I don't care what they say about me outside."

"Anyone with eyes can know how I treat and take care of Tuanzi and them."

"How they want to slander me, I really don't care." Liu Wen can guess the means of the Xiao family, nothing more than that, she is really fearless.

Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen didn't care about Xiao's family, but he didn't expect that he could be so indifferent, or ignored.

"The more I care, the more excited they are."

"I just don't care. I don't care how they dance. I just ignore them. They will get angrier."

Liu Wen hadn't asked how Tuanzi Baozi got along with Xiao's family before, and her identity was actually a bit embarrassing.

Now I think maybe I should ask, "How are Tuanzi and the Xiao family getting along?"

Liu Wen's question made Song Boyang, who was not very pretty, even worse, "Barely maintain a face."

Thinking of the complaints of his brother-in-law, Song Boyang couldn't help but snorted, "Everyone is not willing to make progress."

"At the beginning, I relied on the old man, but now I find that the old man is old, so I can't give them too much support."

"I don't want to work hard on my own, but I'm still planning to count on Tuanzi and the others."

It's not that I haven't seen shameless people before, but it's the first time I've seen shameless people who are so upright. Song Boyang said.

"They kept talking about the chain reaction of having an extra little brother in front of Tuanzi and the others."

"Then ask them to take more care of the Xiao family, especially their children. If possible, take their children to study abroad."

"Of course I will pay all the expenses for studying abroad."

"Why do I have three words written on my forehead?"

Can it still be like this?Liu Wen also admired the shamelessness of Xiao's family, "Don't they count the cost of studying abroad?"

"They think our family is rich, and it's trivial to pay for more than a dozen children to study abroad." Song Boyang became angry when he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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