Chapter 639

More than a dozen children?My god, Liu Wen originally thought that Xiao's family was just sending a few outstanding children to study abroad.

In the end, I didn't expect that the appetite would be so big, "It's already a big expense to afford one."

"There are more than ten children." Liu Wen can only say, "The appetite is not ordinary."

Liu Wen felt that there should be a reason why they didn't come up with this idea suddenly.

And the biggest reason should be her, for example, the two brothers Liao Jian and Liao Kang also want to study abroad.

Although the Xiao family has always worked and lived in the west, Liu Wen felt that they must not have given up on Song Boyang and his son.

Especially after knowing that Song Boyang is not what they thought, but a doctor with reasonable medical skills, they will definitely devote more energy to inquire about things related to him.

Knowing about the Liao family, Liu Wen was really not surprised, "They know about the two healthy people?"

It's no surprise that Liu Wen guessed one or two so quickly, Song Boyang hummed, "Yes, they mentioned it, two healthy people."

Liu Wen sneered, "They thought it was your uncle who paid for the healthy two to study abroad?"

Song Boyang didn't make a sound, knowing that Liu Wen must be very angry. To be honest, he was also very angry after hearing what Xiao's family said.

"Maybe they still think that my embroidery business can grow so big because of you. If it wasn't for you, I would be just an ordinary little embroiderer."

Liu Wen was speechless, "I stare at people all day long. If they can devote a little attention to improving their abilities, I don't think they will."

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked." Song Boyang is really not optimistic about the former Yue's family.

"Then what are you going to do?" Liu Wen knew that Song Boyang was not the kind of person who would swallow his anger. Seeing someone bullying Tuanzi and the others, it was impossible for him to act so foolishly without responding.

"Aren't they busy?"

"Then completely let them go."

"As for us, Tuanzi and the others won't let go." Although the Xiao family is Tuanzi's grandfather's family, they are really not familiar with it.

I didn't have any contact before, so I won't talk about it. The point is that they didn't treat Tuanzi very well when they came here.

I brought some souvenirs at random, and I didn't ask the dumplings about their appetites and preferences, so I just brought things according to their ideas.

Then they put on an attitude towards Tuanzi that the younger generation should listen to the elders. The central meaning is that the Xiao family is their serious relatives, and they want to get closer to the Xiao family.

As for the relatives of the Liu family and the Gong family, it was to maintain a sense of face, and be careful that Song Boyang left the money to Tuanzi's younger brother, the child born to Liu Wen.

When Song Boyang thought of the people from the Xiao family talking so much in front of Tuanzi and the others, he really wanted to teach them a lesson and make them regret coming to Yangcheng.

Originally, Liu Wen, as a stepmother, could be said to be walking on eggshells. The Xiao family continued to hop around like this, and even encouraged Tuanzi and their brothers to discord, just for the benefit of the Xiao family.

It can be said that Song Boyang really couldn't bear it, including Song Bohua.

In this era, of course, it is necessary for everyone to unite and work hard to strengthen the power of the family. Infighting is absolutely impossible.

The more violent the disturbance is, the more it will benefit the Song family, except for the benefit of some people.

Liu Wen hummed, "Their intentions are really true."

In normal times, she really couldn't interrupt this topic. If she didn't have children, she wouldn't have much conflict of interest with Tuanzi and the others.

But after she had a child, there was a conflict between the child in her belly and the dumpling.

Even if some people say that it can be agreed early, those assets are for Tuanzi and others, and those are for the children in Liu Wen's stomach, in fact, there are still many problems.

What is agreed now, will it not change in the future?As long as the assets are in Song Boyang's name for a day, there will be various possibilities.

But now, such concerns can be largely eliminated, because Liu Wen took advantage of the physical examination and asked whether the child in her stomach was a boy or a girl.

For many people, wanting to know the gender of the child in their womb early is a way to plan for the next step.

For example, if it is a girl, you can consider whether to let the child be born.

But for Liu Wen and the others, it really doesn't matter and doesn't care about having a boy or a girl.

If Liu Wen chooses, of course she should choose a girl, so that she can be more caring. As for the so-called not competing for interests with Tuanzi and the others, Liu Wen really doesn't care.

Daughters and sons still depend on whether they are promising and filial.

If possible, Liu Wen would prefer to have a daughter so that the Gong family's embroidery art can continue to be passed on.

Although she also knows that with the development of the times, many people will find it troublesome and impatient to learn this kind of old-fashioned craftsmanship.

She can only work hard to recruit students and pass it on. Wasn't it because she was busy making money in her previous life that she didn't accept apprentices and pass it on properly.

Liu Wen remembered what she had mentioned with Liu Shuhui before about opening an embroidery school, and then she had to accept her own disciples.

Because Liu Shuhui gave birth to two sons, I don't know if her daughter-in-law will learn in the future, especially seeing that the two healthy brothers are becoming more and more promising.

Knowing that their daughter-in-law may not be able to learn embroidery with confidence in the future, as for the granddaughter, who will give birth to a child now, who would be willing to make their child work so hard.

Knowing that Liu Shuhui is in Sioux City, besides running a business, she has not given up on embroidery, so she is also working hard to guide the students.

Everyone knows that no matter how good an embroiderer is, when she gets older, she will be a little bit beyond her ability in embroidery, and her focus will shift.

Liu Wen also thought about it. When the child is born and grows older, he will take an apprentice here in Yangcheng. If it is a daughter, he can teach it together.

And God loves Liu Wen so much, through B-ultrasound it was confirmed that she is really a girl.

This made Liu Wen happy, even if the child hadn't been born, even if it was still a long time before Zhu Zhou, Liu Wen had already thought about preparing those Zhou Zhou gifts.

What she prepares the most is things related to embroidery. In short, if possible, I really hope that the child in my stomach will take the embroidery route.

Even if she doesn't know how to take the embroidery route, Liu Wen is actually relieved, knowing that no matter who provokes her, she doesn't have much foothold.

Song Boyang patted Liu Wen's belly. Since his wife became pregnant, although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that things had become more complicated.

If they are people who live on their wages, there is really no dispute, just train their children well and let the three children become promising people.

But the value that their husband and wife have now is really not a small asset.

The important thing is that the money is still increasing, and the rate of increase is still increasing.

Don't say that other people will feel flustered. In fact, even Song Boyang is also quite flustered. He feels that if this speed continues, he may have assets exceeding [-] million yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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