Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 642 Changing Surname 1

Chapter 642 Changing Surname One
"Really, sister, I think the burden on you is very heavy."

"How can you not work hard to make money."

"You have to work hard to make money."

What Liu Wen said simply means that this child will be Tao Shan's responsibility in the future.

Tao Shan fainted from these questions to Liu Wen, "What?"

"When a child is born, it's a big meeting gift, I know."

"I'm ready." This child is the third generation who was born the earliest among their three siblings, and this child cannot be wronged.

Tao Shan had prepared early, after all, no matter how wronged she was, she couldn't wrong this little baby.

"As for the lucky money, don't worry, I will definitely give it." This is also necessary.

"But I can't have to pay for everything." Tao Shan laughed, "You said we should pay for everything, where do you put Song Boyang?"

"The child's surname is Gong." Liu Wen said firmly.

What?Surname Gong?Tao Shan was shocked by what Liu Wen said, "The child's surname is Gong, brother-in-law agrees?"

"No, he should agree." Tao Shan knew that Liu Wen would say that, she must have discussed it with Song Boyang, and he would agree, so she wasn't too surprised.

"But where is your elder brother?" Then there is the girl, who is also Song Boyang's child. Tao Shan and Song Bohua don't get along much, but knowing this person, she puts the interests of the Song family high.

In particular, Song Boyang didn't marry into a family, but he married a daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, and she still took the woman's surname.

"He..." Liu Wen elongated her tone, "I don't know how they talked about it."

"I just talked to Brother Song. If it's a boy, I'm worried." Maybe outsiders will provoke the relationship between the three brothers, but in Song Bohua's eyes, they are the Song family, and of course the surname must be Song.

"But I'm not going to have a daughter now, I think there should be no problem."

"However, Brother Song must have talked with my uncle for a long time." What Liu Wen knew was that they should have talked for several rounds.

"Okay." The two brothers of the Song family agreed, and Tao Shan had no objection, after all, the child's surname was Gong.

No, "Your surname is Liu, Song Boyang's surname is Song, how could your child's surname be Gong." If the child's surname must be Gong, it is not impossible.

But is it really possible?When Liu Yi and Gong Jing divorced, Gong Li mentioned that Liu Wen should be named Gong, but Gong Jing declined.

It is not easy to change the surname now, especially when everyone is about to turn 30.

"I mentioned changing my surname before."

"I'm already an adult. I asked the police station. It is possible to change my surname without Liu Yi's consent."

"And he doesn't care if my surname is Liu or Gong."

"Of course, I really don't care whether he cares." Liu Wen knew that Liu Yi didn't care what she wanted before.

But now that she has made it clear that she is promising, Liu Yi should not be happy. After all, she has changed her surname. Who would think that they are mother and daughter? They should only think that they are strangers.

But Liu Yi's opinion is not important anymore, "I didn't change it before because my household registration is still in Sioux City."

"Then I had a big belly and couldn't change it."

"After I give birth, I will go back and change my household registration." When she came to Yangcheng last time, she thought about changing her household registration.

However, due to various reasons, Liu Wen has already forgotten the specific reasons. In short, the household registration has not been transferred.

This time, I simply said directly, "I changed my name in my hometown, and then moved my account to Yangcheng."

"Give the child a household registration directly, and he can study directly here in Yangcheng in the future."

Although Liu Wen regards Sioux City as her hometown and always wanted to go back, she also knew that even if she could go back to Sioux City, it would be in a hurry.

Gently rubbing her belly, after the baby in her belly was born, Sucheng should be a place name for her, maybe it was a place she would go back to occasionally.

As for her hometown, she may regard Yangcheng as her hometown, and her life should be the same as that of her brothers, who will go abroad to study when she grows up.

After becoming famous, she may settle down and live abroad. Yangcheng is also the hometown she occasionally thinks of. When her children grow up, Yangcheng is just a place name.

Tao Shan looked at Liu Wen's emotional words, and rolled her eyes in an ungraceful manner, "You think too much."

"My dad left his hometown early, and I don't think he has thought about it."

"That's because the memories of my hometown to my uncle are not good." Liu Wen said angrily.

"Well, I can only say that now that the economy is developing and the population is moving more, before going out, even to the next county, you have to take a long carriage."

"People don't move much, and they seldom leave their hometown, so it's hard to leave their hometown."

"But now there are trains, cars, and planes. Let alone going to the next county, it is easy to go to the next city, the next province, or go abroad."

"In the future, what is my hometown?"

"That's right." Liu Wen felt that she was obviously a reborn person, but sometimes they didn't understand it as well as they thought.

"By the way, sister, have you made up your mind? You are an aunt, so you can't be stingy." The topic got dragged away, and Liu Wen quickly brought it back.

Tao Shan thought that Liu Wen had already forgotten it. After all, since she had a child, her memory was really bad.

In the end, she didn't expect that she didn't forget it. Although she was a little unwilling, she had no choice but to nod, "Okay, I'll go."

"After all, I don't let my niece down."

"Isn't he just a chief doctor?" Regardless of education, qualifications or ability, being a chief doctor is not a big problem.

If a director who is not as good as her is really airborne, she will really vomit to death.

After all, not every time there is such a good opportunity, if it is not for Gong Li, Tao Shan knows that she will not grab such a good opportunity.

If she hadn't proved herself with her strength when she first came here, she might not have been able to grab such a good opportunity.

"Really, you agree?" Liu Wen was pleasantly surprised.

She really thought that she would have to persuade someone several times to get someone to agree, and she had already figured out how to use her trump card.

In the end, I didn't expect it, and I didn't even have a chance to make a move, so I agreed.

But no matter what, it is a good thing to agree, which makes Liu Wen breathe a sigh of relief.

Having solved such a big problem before the child was born, Liu Wen felt that she could wait for the childbirth with peace of mind.

In fact, she was also a bit reluctant to part with Tao Shan. Without her company, Liu Wen felt that she would be very lonely.

But there is no way, for Tao Shan's future, she can't be so selfish.

And it’s not just going to Shenzhen City, it’s really not far away, and then you can buy a house there, and if you miss your child’s aunt, you can go there directly.

Then she can also expand her own business. Liu Wen thinks that she is really too smart to think of such a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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