Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 643 Changing Surname 2

Chapter 643 Changing Surname II

Gong Li was really shocked when she received the news that Tao Shan agreed to go to Shenzhen Market, and that she could leave immediately.

He obviously didn't like it before, but in the blink of an eye, he agreed.

Is it because of Liu Wen's persuasion?

After much deliberation, Gong Li felt that it was Liu Wen's persuasion, "Have you persuaded your sister?"

Of course, if you do good deeds, you must leave your name. Liu Wen is not the kind of person who does good deeds without leaving a name. "That's right."

"I think my sister is such a good person, she must go."

"Otherwise, if a director who is not as capable as her comes from above, it will be disgusting to think about it."

"And my sister didn't go because she wanted to see me give birth, really."

"She is a medical student. I don't know how long it will take from the start to the birth of the child?"

"Really, what can she do?"

"I don't know how to go to Shenzhen and work hard to make money?"

"The meeting ceremony after the child is born, and the child's lucky money."

"The child's milk powder, the child's future clothes, and the cost of going to the kindergarten."

"There is also the cost of children's education. Really, it's not a small amount of money."

"Of course her aunt can't be stingy."

"In short, it is absolutely impossible for her not to work hard to make money." Liu Wen put on a vicious look, in short, she wanted to make her work hard to make money.

Ah, Gong Li was stunned. It wasn't that she was reluctant to let Tao Shan raise Liu Wen's daughter, but that she didn't expect that it would be so easy for Tao Shan to develop in Shenzhen.

"I, I don't know how much energy I spent trying to persuade her to go to Shenzhen Market early."

"But she refused to agree with her life and death. She told me this and that, but after you persuaded her a little bit, she, she actually agreed."

Gong Li really didn't know what to say. It can be said that she was really dumbfounded and didn't understand how this happened.

"You can't talk to my sister properly, what is my sister lacking now?"

"With a house and a job, she doesn't have too many goals."

"I just let her know, sister, you can't stop. After you stop, what will happen to your responsibility?"

"After all, the child's surname is Gong." Liu Wen thought that after Tao Shan knew about it, she would tell Gong Li.

What?The child's surname is Gong?Gong Li looked surprised, "Xiaowen, you said the child in your stomach is named Gong?"

"Follow your mother's surname?" Gong Li was really stunned, she really didn't know what to say.

Gong Li took a deep breath, feeling the excitement and the rapid heartbeat.

Liu Wen hummed, seeing how excited Gong Li was, well, don't expect Tao Shan and Gong Li to mention this matter.

Liu Wen once again brought up her thoughts and what the Song family had agreed to. Of course, she had already mentioned this matter with Tao Shan before, so there was no need to say it.

Gong Li didn't expect that Liu Wen planned to change her surname, and the point was to let her daughter's surname be Gong, which excited Gong Li.

"At the beginning, your grandmother gave birth to two daughters, me and your mother. Many of them were pointing fingers, saying that it would be impossible without a son in the family."

"It doesn't matter how good your grandmother's embroidery skills are. It's not that she doesn't have a son, and no one will die in retirement."

"It is said that the money in the family will be given to outsiders in the future. Your grandparents are so angry that their two elders said that they will find a son-in-law in the future."

Ah, there is such a thing?Liu Wen couldn't help being stunned, and thought for a while, "Could it be that my mother wanted to recruit a son-in-law?"

Gong Li shook her head, "I'm the eldest daughter in my family. If I don't have a son, don't you just treat me as the eldest son and hope that I will recruit a son-in-law."

"As a result, I later married your uncle, and your uncle's family is in such a situation, how could I become a married woman?"

"Later, it was changed to your mother recruiting a son-in-law. When I first fell in love with Liu Yi, I also felt that the Liu family's conditions were not good, and there were many sons."

"At the beginning, the Liu family also agreed, but that boy Liu Yi, no, the whole Liu family is really dishonest."

"What you promised at the beginning, turned out that Liu Yi's mouth can coax people, and you, mother, were stupefied for a moment, making a fuss about getting married."

"It turns out..." Gong Li sighed softly, "It's a good thing that you changed your surname to Gong now."

"It should be like this." Gong Li thought for a while, "I will go back with you at that time."

"After completing the formalities, sweep the graves for your grandparents and you, Mom, and talk to them. I think they will be very happy."

As for whether Gong Jing would be happy, Gong Li just wanted to say that it was not a matter at all.

Of course, after the Liu family knew about it, they were so angry that it was definitely a very happy event.

Gong Li didn't say it out loud, but Liu Wen knew what was going on in her heart, and if she could anger the Liu family, of course she absolutely supported it.

"By the way, let them know that their good son, good brother Liu Yi, has made money doing business here in Yangcheng."

In the previous life, Liu's family lay on her body to suck blood, and they lived a moist and unrestrained life. In this life, they can live a very ordinary life, running around every day to eat and drink.

Since Liu Yi made a lot of money in business and lived a good life, Liu Wen felt that Liu's family should really know.

Anyway, Liu Yi didn't always say in his previous life that the Liu family was poor and always looked down upon by others, so they should be more united, so that they can cut through the money.

When there is no benefit, the Liu family rushes forward, and now when they need to work hard, of course they cannot let go of their hard work.

In the future, Liu Yi will have all kinds of headaches and be busy solving the troubles of these blood relatives. Liu Wen feels happy thinking about it.

To tell the Liu family about Liu Yi's fortune, Gong Li thinks it is a plan that can be implemented.

"We're all brothers. We can't live well alone, but we can't live alone."

"However, if Liu Yi doesn't pay, will he bring his relatives to visit? The Liu family has become shameless. It's really not ordinary shameless."

Gong Li can think of the performance of the Liu family at that time, and it can be said that the more she thinks about it, the more excited she becomes.

If it weren't for Liu Wen's physical condition, I really wanted to rush back to Sioux City immediately.

But soon, Gong Li was worried about another thing, "Xiaowen, they know that you are living a good life, will they also come to your house to trouble you."

After all, the money Liu Wen earns is actually not a small amount. Gong Li is really worried that the Liu family will directly come to ask for money at both ends.

Is this it? . , Liu Wen thought for a while, "I don't think so."

"After all, I don't care about Liu Yi's pension, so should I care about Liu Yi's parents' pension?"

"If I really need to take care of it, there is only one situation, and that is that Liu Yi's generation is dead, so it is my turn to take care of the elderly. Otherwise, it is my turn to worry about the issue of their second elder's care for a married granddaughter."

"Don't worry, if they insist on making a fuss, I don't mind if everyone has no face."

Liu Wen knew that if the Liu family came to Yangcheng, they might really make such a move.

But it doesn't matter, she has really made preparations, "I didn't let go when I was in Sioux City, and I won't let go now."

If such a concession is made this time, Liu Wen knows that the Liu family will definitely make more progress.

(End of this chapter)

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