Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 645 This Is Not My Son

Chapter 645 This Is Not My Son
Liu Yi's life has not been good recently, but at least it's not too bad.

It has risen from the original small business to a relatively large-scale business, and it is no longer that pitiful, busy from morning to night, still counting on the so-called pocket money from his wife.

Oh, no, it was his ex-wife Pang Yue. Ever since Liu Yi's business gradually got on the right track, he had made up his mind to divorce Pang Yue.

It's not just a breakup, but it has nothing to do with her legally.

Of course Pang Yue is not willing to divorce. If Liu Yi continues to be a worthless man, of course she will divorce without saying a word.

But now seeing that Liu Yi's business is on the right track, even if her restaurant may not have as much business as hers, at least if the two of them work hard together, they can buy a house in Yangcheng.

She didn't want to divorce, but there was actually another reason, that is, once divorced, Liu Yi would definitely remarry.

Once you remarry, you will definitely have children. How much help will you give Liu Bin then?

Maybe when the time comes, the money Liu Yi earns will be given to the little one, and Liu Bin will have nothing at all.

But there is no way, Liu Yi insists on divorce, even if Liu Bin is moved out, it will not work.

Liu Yi sighed helplessly when he thought of the son who came to the door a few days ago.

Knowing that Liu Bin is useless, he can't compare with Liu Wen at all, but he just didn't expect that this child would become like this.

The whole person is no different from the little gangsters outside. They are swearing and all kinds of dirty words when they open their mouths and shut their mouths.

There is also the look in the eyes that looked at people. It can be said that it really made Liu Yi regret the more he looked at it, and the more he looked at it, the worse he felt.

If possible, he really didn't want to admit that they were father and son, and Liu Bin's harsh words before leaving, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Other people's children don't talk about helping their parents, at least they won't make trouble, but Liu Bin is lucky, except for calculations or calculations.

Although his business is doing well and the profit is not bad, but he can't stand a bad boy who keeps causing trouble.

It can be said that the business is really bad these days, after all, the customers don't want to provoke those gangsters.

Anyway, it's spending money to buy vegetables and meat, so why can't we change suppliers.

Thinking of just receiving a call from a client who said they would not cooperate after the end of this month, Liu Yi really wanted to chop Liu Bin up.

But just admitting defeat like this, giving in to Liu Bin, was not what he was happy to see.

This kid may not know how many excessive and harsh demands he will make, such as remarrying Pang Yue.

He is really out of his mind, he will remarry with a woman like Pang Yue, and it is not that there are no women who are younger than Pang Yue and can make people happy.

There is also business, he is responsible for delivering goods, collecting money and other things, all of which are done by Liu Bin. Doesn't this mean that he continues to work for the mother and son?
If he worked hard for a long time in exchange for such a result, why did he go to all kinds of hard work in the first place?

Why not stay in that rental house?Anyway, there is no money.

That's all Liu Yi thought about. If he didn't succeed, if he didn't make a lot of money, he would really like to go back to the past.

No matter how good-for-nothing Liu Bin is, he is still his son, the son who will provide for him in the future.

But for Liu Yi now, Liu Bin is not his son at all, but his enemy, the enemy who wants to extract his bones, eat his flesh, and drink his blood.

At this time, Liu Yi thought of Liu Wen's words again, that is, is Liu Yi really his son?

After all, at that time, Pang Yue was still with her ex-husband, that is, the Yao family hadn't divorced, and she was just hanging around between the two men.

Of course, according to Pang Yue's intention, he and that man no longer lived at night, but would he know if the couple had any activities at night?
Among other things, even at that time, he and Gong Jing had evening activities.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi thought of many places. For example, many people said that Liu Bin was like Pang Yue and the Pang family. In short, there was no place like Liu Yi or the Liu family.

Even if there is an old saying that a son is like a mother, it cannot be said that there is no place that is not like a father.

In addition, Yao Ying is hopeless, full of lies, and all kinds of pretentiousness.

Looking at Liu Bin again, isn't it just like Yao Ying, who thinks he is super powerful, but is actually a bastard who doesn't understand.

Look at Liu Wen, a promising child, with an unstable mood like Gong Jing, she grew up tenaciously.

Divorcing the first man at a young age, everyone thought that she would follow Gong Jing's old path, but looking at it now, no one said that Liu Wen was amazing.

At first, I thought I found a doctor with two children, but now I know that his strength is not inferior to those rich bosses at all.

No, it is much better than those rich bosses. After all, those bosses may not have overseas connections.

Looking at Song Boyang again, the proper overseas relations still leave him with a lot of overseas relations.

In this era when everyone is scrambling to look up the [-]th generation family tree, hoping that a distant relative who doesn't know how far away can take them abroad, so they can go abroad easily.

Thinking of being able to spend a summer vacation abroad directly last year, Liu Yi's jealous eyes turned red.

If he can also go abroad with him, can he stay abroad?

It is said that it is much easier to make money abroad than at home, and Liu Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, how could he be so stupid that he didn't think of this?

If his business in Yangcheng is still good, there is no need to go abroad. Who told him not to understand English, how to survive after going abroad.

I can't really count on Liu Wen's unfilial daughter, I think every time I go to see Liu Wen, I see her eccentric face, which seems to be a smile but not a smile.

Liu Yi really didn't want to say this, anyway, he is an elder after all, so if he just scolded his daughter like this, wouldn't he want to lose face?
But what is the face now?Can it be eaten or can it be turned into money?
Liu Yi knew that here in Yangcheng, it was really not something he could stay in. Even if he changed to another industry, that bastard Liu Bin would definitely destroy it.

"We have to change places, we can't stay here any longer." Liu Yi made up his mind.

He had all kinds of hesitation and worries before, just thinking about going to a strange place after his age, it was really all kinds of worries.

What's more, the situation here is not at its worst. Staying here for a day can make a day's money.

But don't even count on this now, why stay in Yangcheng?

Watching that brat swagger all day long?Liu Yi pouted, "Go and ask Liu Wen."

When encountering problems, Liu Yi habitually wanted to go to Liu Wen. Although his face was ugly, his words were ugly, and he would occasionally dig a small hole, he was at least much better than Pang Yue, mother and son.

(End of this chapter)

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