Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 646 I Didn't Know You Were Pregnant

Chapter 646 I Didn't Know You Were Pregnant

When Liu Wen heard that the nanny said that Liu Yi was looking for her, she couldn't help being stunned.

She didn't think that Liu Yi was giving gifts to his future granddaughter or something. With this money, he might give it to Liu Bin, or spend it on women.

But it would definitely not be given to her eldest daughter, let alone this unborn granddaughter.

Anyway, since their family came to Yangcheng, whether it was Liu Yi, Yao Ying or Pang Yue, when they came here, they basically came here empty-handed.

It probably seemed that I brought some fruit or something once or twice, but I knew it was not valuable.

When they were leaving, Liu Wen asked them to take them away, saving them from talking nonsense about how much it would cost to visit the door once.

Gong Li just didn't go out today and stayed at home, and was a little surprised when the nanny said that Liu Yi came to the door.

"Why did he come?" Gong Li asked Liu Wen suspiciously.

Liu Wen shrugged, "I don't know either."

"Anyway, he hasn't come to the door since I got pregnant."

What Liu Wen is curious about now is, "I don't know if he will buy something."

Think again, "Maybe I shouldn't buy anything."

"Maybe he will directly say that he is busy and he forgot."

"Then maybe they will say, make it up next time."

"If you don't buy anything, you can still give me money?" Gong Li said disrespectfully.

"It's no problem to come to the door empty-handed these days, and if you take out the red envelope, all problems will be solved."

"Anyway, I will meet this ex-brother-in-law as soon as I go out with you." Gong Li knew that Liu Yi used to be cowardly when he saw her, but he didn't know if it was the same now.

Gong Li wants to meet Liu Yi, of course there is no problem, "Okay."

"I think Liu Yi should be very happy to see his old friend." As for how someone's mood will be, I'm sorry, it's not something she can understand.

Sitting in the spacious living room, looking at this arrangement, and the obviously not a nanny's home, Liu Yi sighed deeply.

If he hadn't been obsessed with ghosts back then, he should be able to live such a happy life now.

Don't worry about money, or at least there will be no unfilial sons staring at his money all day long. When you don't need to be old, you have to work hard to make money for survival.

Liu Yi sighed softly, and took a sip of the tea that the nanny had just brought. As soon as the tea was in his mouth, he knew the taste of the tea was not so good.

Gong Li helped Liu Wen to the living room, and saw Liu Yi looking around while drinking tea.

She curled her lips, "Really, no matter when, she just looks like she can't get on the stage."

Liu Wen smiled without making a sound, walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, and Gong Li took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside her.

Liu Yi heard the movement, looked up and saw Liu Wen with a big belly.

At this time, he remembered that Liu Wen already had a child, and he forgot about it, and he didn't think about taking things.

At this time, he finally understood why those nannies acted strangely after knowing that he was Liu Wen's father.

A father who can be said to have no sense of presence here, and then he didn't come to the door for a long time, and suddenly came to the door without bringing anything, so he was just a guest empty-handed.

Liu Yi couldn't help feeling all kinds of embarrassment and fidgeting.

He really didn't know what to say, why couldn't he just rush out now and find a shop to buy something?
But Liu Wen has already come out, so he can't just turn around and leave, what will he think if he falls into their eyes.

However, Liu Yi soon found a reason to explain it, with a little embarrassment, "Well, I didn't know I was pregnant."

Liu Wen really didn't expect Liu Yi not to bring anything, after all, if he did, he might lose a lot of things.

But who would feel better after hearing Liu Yi's words?The mood is definitely not going anywhere.

Liu Wen snorted coldly, "Yeah, I'm pregnant, and I wanted to inform you, but thinking about it again, I don't know where you live, and I don't know where you are busy?"

"And if I inform you, you will also feel embarrassed."

"After all, you never took care of me, but you didn't pay to support me. It doesn't make sense to take care of my children now."

"The blood relationship with you is even further away."

"There is no need to inform you, you know if you know, and you don't know if you don't know."

Liu Wen didn't ask questions either, why Liu Yi didn't know, it seemed that they ran into each other on the road once, and of course they didn't say hello.

Liu Wen can be sure that Liu Yi definitely saw her. Since he didn't make a sound, and there is a not-so-young daughter beside him, what's the point of her saying hello?
As a filial, obedient and sensible girl, of course, she must never show up when she doesn't need to.

Otherwise, it would be bad for Liu Yi to think that he was going to pay for it. The money Liu Yi earned could be used on Pang Yue, Yao Ying, Liu Bin, and other women.

But it will definitely not be used on Liu Wen. The question is that she is not suitable and she is not qualified.

Liu Yi didn't expect that he was already a mother, but Liu Wen still spoke so aggressively, which made his expression a little ugly.

"Liu Wen, you are going to have a baby soon, you are a mother, you should not set a good example for your children."

"A role model?" Liu Wen looked at the righteous Liu Yi, and was really amused. "Many people can say that I should be a role model for children."

"But, Liu Yi, you are really not among many people."

"You, a man who abandoned his wife and daughter, have the nerve to say this?"

"Your skin is really thick."

Liu Wen looked at Liu Yi coldly, making the latter a little restless, "Next step, do you want to say that I want to set a good example for my children."

"I should treat my elders well, so that when the children grow up, they can be filial to my mother."

No matter when, Liu Yi still used this routine. Didn't he just use this to fool her in his previous life?
But in this life, Liu Wen said that she really doesn't care about these things, "I just know that whoever treats me well will be good to me."

"People who treat me badly, even the so-called blood relationship, are just floating clouds."

"Grateful, thankful, but also to see what kindness it is."

"A man who has never cared about me is worse than a stranger." Liu Wen glanced, lowered her head to drink tea, but did not dare to look at her Liu Yi.

"Strangers at least know a little bit of etiquette, integrity, and sense of propriety. They won't stand in front of me, pointing fingers, saying that I can't do this or that."

Liu Yi knew that he was talking about him, and he really regretted it. Knowing that Liu Wen's mouth was so unreasonable, how could he think that she would become gentle after she became pregnant.

Looking at the way someone is speaking now, this matter is really not ordinary difficult to deal with.

Obviously, when he came to the door, he hoped to ask Liu Wen a thing or two, and of course it would be best to be able to support him.

Their husband and wife are rich, and they know a lot of people. A little advice is enough for him to benefit a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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