Chapter 649
Looking at Liu Yi's triumphant expression, at this moment, Liu Wenzhen felt very glaring.

She felt that if she couldn't satirize the other party at this time, it would be too polite to someone.

Taking a deep breath, "Yes, my mother agreed at the beginning, but I think as a person, I still have to do what I promised at the beginning."

"Otherwise there will be retribution." Liu Wen looked at Liu Yi meaningfully, "You are suffering retribution now."

"The so-called true love is nothing more than that. It doesn't last forever, just break up like this."

"The son you hoped for in your heart became a gangster, and then plotted against you in various ways."

"Really are.."

"Retribution, this is retribution." Liu Wen said very bluntly.

Liu Wen's words made Liu Yi very unhappy, he wanted to say what happened to Liu Wen, how could he say that about him.

But he didn't dare, because there was Gong Li beside him, and he believed that once he said something, his former aunt would definitely stand up and teach him a lesson.

As for what to do, he really didn't dare at all, not to mention whether he could leave the Song family safely.

Even if he retreated from the Song family completely, he would not be able to bear the Song family, Tang Hai, including the Gong family who would teach him a lesson.

Liu Yi took a deep breath, "That has already happened, it's already like this."

"It's not that there is no chance of saving it." Gong Li said meaningfully.

What do you mean?Liu Yi didn't understand how the nice Gong Li would say that, and looked at her stupidly.

It's a pity that Gong Li didn't make a sound, but Liu Wen quietly said, "I'm going to change my surname."

"My surname is Gong, and I will be Gong Jiawen from now on." In fact, Liu Wen originally wanted to say Gong Wen, but after thinking about it, it was not very good, so Jia was added in the middle.

In fact, it can be changed to another name, but Liu Wen is used to being called Xiaowen, and after consulting with the master, they all said that the surname Gong Jiawen is good, very good.

What?Liu Wen actually changed her surname to Gong Jiawen?Liu Yi was really dumbfounded, he just looked at Liu Wen so stupidly, "Xiaowen, you, you..."

He really didn't know what to say. After all, Gong Jing had already passed away, so it was a final conclusion that he was married to him.

No matter how powerful Gong Li jumped, what could be done, except to make someone half-dead or half-pissed off.

It turned out that Liu Wen, who should definitely have no position on this matter, would stand up.

You don't need to say harsh words, you only need to say a soft word, change your surname, and even say your future name, you know it didn't happen overnight.

Absolutely not, because he came today, that's why he had the idea, but the idea that has always been there.

But that's just their thoughts, what's the point of yelling verbally, on the official document, it's still Liu Wen, which she can't change.

Yes, that's right, that's it. Although Liu Yi hasn't changed his surname, but after thinking about it, he knows that changing his surname is definitely not an easy task. There are not many documents and certificates that need to be amended.

This can be explained regardless of the trouble. It is more about changing the name of the certificate. It is not an ordinary toss, and there will be more things to prepare.

"I have no way to act now. After all, returning to Su City is really far away."

"I'll change my last name after I have a baby."

Liu Wen just saw that Liu Yihun didn't care, and knew that he must have thought that the so-called surname change was just their shouting, and he would not go to the relevant authorities to change his name and surname.

But now, she didn't believe that Liu Yi thought she was just talking.

Are you really going to the police station to change your surname?This made Liu Yi, who didn't care at all, couldn't help but straighten his back, and looked at Liu Wen in disbelief.

Liu Yi took a deep breath, "Xiaowen, I don't understand why you want to change your surname now."

Don't ask, you know that Liu Wen's idea of ​​changing her surname must be the reason why Gong Li is dancing around.

He really regretted why he didn't get along with Liu Wen more and let her agree with him more.

But it's no use regretting it anymore, there is no way to go back for many things, so he has to work harder.

Taking a deep breath, "When I divorced your mother, it's not that no one persuaded your mother to change your surname."

"But you. Mom has never agreed, saying that I want you to remember your roots."

Liu Yi can only push Gong Jing out, hoping that Liu Wen will not change her surname for her sake.

This person was so brazen, he could be as cruel to Gong Jing as he wanted at the beginning, but now he wants to take advantage of him again.

Gong Li really couldn't help it anymore, and really wanted to educate him severely, let him know that Gong Jing is really not something he can use if he wants to.

Liu Wen grabbed Gong Li, who was already furious, "My mother said she would not change her surname at the beginning, because she was thinking that you are my father after all."

"The relationship between you and her is over. You are already a familiar stranger who has nothing to do with you."

"But she hopes that you will remember that you are my father, will treat me well, and will take on the responsibility of a father."

"Actually, I think she is really stupid. You can tell how cruel you are if you can state in the divorce law that you will not bear my support expenses."

"I think she's underground. After knowing her divorce, she thought you would take care of me because of blood relationship, but you didn't care at all."

"Oh, that's not right. In fact, you want to make a move. You want to take all my mother's savings from me."

"As a result, I have an aunt. What my mother left is not given to me immediately."

"You see that I have not inherited all the assets, and my aunt is watching, so you don't want to control me."

"You were able to sign the paperwork for supporting you without giving up the child support. I don't think you need to care whether my surname is Liu or Gong."

"After all, you have a son."

"Of course, you now feel that Liu Bin is worthless, and you don't want such a son."

"Now you find that you have no hope when you get old. You don't want to stay in Liu Bin's hands. When you get old in the future, your life will be very miserable."

"You think of me now, and think that I should treat you well and give you retirement, and it's also because I don't care about the assets under your name."

"Yes, I don't care about the assets under your name, after all, your burden is quite heavy."

"I can't tell which woman I will spend it on in the future."

"You are over 50 anyway, you can still be a father again."

"I suggest, you can find a young girl and let her have a baby."

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's your seed."

"This..." Liu Yi has no shortage of women, and of course he can't wrong himself if he has money.

But becoming a father again, the idea is really not there. For Liu Yi, if he has another child, it will be a lot of pressure for him.

He has to save more money, save enough money to raise and raise children, and buy a house for the children.

Just thinking about it makes Liu Yi want to die. He really doesn't dare to think about how much it will cost.

I really can't think about it. Once I think about it, it is really a number that will make him feel distressed to death.

(End of this chapter)

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