Chapter 650
Gong Li was amused listening to it. Is this digging a hole for Liu Yi, or is it digging a hole?

Leaving aside that Liu Yi is really becoming a father again, can you really be sure that this child is his?
Even if it was his child, how old could he see the child grow?If it is a girl, the burden is still small.

But if it is a boy, the investment is not usually large. How much is the education fee, and it will cost at least [-] yuan to train and graduate from university.

Then the bulk is buying a house, decorating it, and giving the bride's bride price. It is impossible to not have 30 in the current market.

Not to mention the cost in the middle?Is it because of love that a little girl follows a man who is older than her father?
Isn't it just that I hope to live a good life, it is impossible to endure hardships with Liu Yi, I only eat well, use well and wear well.

Don't look at Liu Yi's complaints about how bad Pang Yue is now. At the beginning, he fell in love with him because of his identity and status, but he will definitely know in the future that a woman like Pang Yue is really good.

Will Gong Li remind me?That doesn't exist. If possible, she will encourage Liu Yi to choose a young and beautiful girl who can spend money.

Such a girl will definitely satisfy Liu Yi. As for how much Liu Yi will pay, it is really not her concern.

"I'll have another one?" Liu Yi couldn't help but feel excited.

He also knows that there is no way to change what Liu Wen has already decided, and he will have another child, his child, who will be educated well and don't worry about the issue of old age when he is old.

"Yes, you have another one." Liu Wen encouraged, "You know me too, I won't give you old age."

"Will Yao Ying care about you?"

"I won't care about you, or do you know where she is now?"

Liu Yi shook his head, "Don't talk about me, even her mother Pang Yue doesn't know."

"Of course they really have no contact, I don't know."

"But because of Yao Ying's temperament, I think it's normal for her not to contact Pang Yue."

"Then do you think Liu Bin will retire?" Liu Wen asked again, she knew that Liu Yi must know that this was a trap.

But no matter what, she could foresee that Liu Yi would definitely jump into this pit willingly.

Liu Yi smiled wryly, "No, I count on him to provide for the elderly, so I might as well think about making more money, and live in a nursing home directly when I get old."

"Nursing home?" Liu Wen knew that in another 20 years, the environment of the nursing home would be much better, but it was really a dream to expect how comfortable it would be.

"Do you think living in a nursing home will make you really happy?" Liu Wen asked back.

"Even if you live in a nursing home, you feel that someone has family members to visit, but if you..."

Liu Wen said meaningfully, "No one will visit you."

"By the way, of course, unless you have money, Liu Bin should visit you at that time, but it's also for money, you know."

Of course Liu Yi knew that this was very possible, so he took a deep breath, "I'll think about it again."

He said that he thought about it again, but he quickly made a decision, took a deep breath, "I think it over, I should still have a child."

"I don't want to be as promising as you, but I can't be like Liu Bin." When the name was mentioned, Liu Yi looked disgusted.

"Nice decision."

"Of course, I'm just a suggestion. I don't know if you will regret it in the future."

"Of course, even if you regret it, you can only consider yourself unlucky."

"I won't regret it." Liu Yi said in a deep voice, "I will definitely educate this child well."

"The lessons learned from Liu Bin are enough."

"I don't want to wait until I'm old, and I still have to make money for this child."

Since it was the trap proposed by Liu Wen, he has already jumped into it. Liu Yi thinks he should be able to ask Liu Wen how he should go in the future.

"It's really not suitable for me to stay in Yangcheng now. Liu Bin has been staring at me and plotting against me."

"It can be said that my career is hopeless, and he keeps making trouble."

"So you want to go abroad to develop." Well, is this an exchange?
Liu Wen thought it was pretty good, after all, Liu Yi only wanted to be a father again when he had money, and only after he had money, could a girl be willing to marry him.

And after he has money, he will also have money to raise his children, so he won't bother her and ask her to pay for it.

And when Liu Yi is old, he can marry a young daughter-in-law and let her have a child, so why can't he support his parents and take on the responsibility of supporting the elderly.

For her, it's not just a proposal, "I have an idea."

Hearing this, Liu Yi couldn't help laughing. Look, he knew it was absolutely possible.

"When you go to the capital or other places, you collect second-hand goods." Liu Wen recalled what she had heard from people before, and the other party was just joking and unbelievable.

Liu Wen listened to it, and sighed in her heart, with such a poor foundation, she can make a lot of money by collecting second-hand goods.

Liu Wen doesn't know how big Liu Yi can make the second-hand goods business, but what she knows is that as long as Liu Yi is given some ideas and hopes, he will work hard.

Collect second-hand goods?Liu Yi listened to Liu Wen's words, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was unreliable, and looked at her in surprise.

At this moment, Liu Yi has only one thought in his mind, that is, this person is definitely fooling him.

"Do you think I'm fooling you?"

Liu Yi hummed, "Aren't you a fool?"

"If you can make a lot of money by collecting second-hand goods, you will all go to collect second-hand goods." Liu Yi is not stupid, there are so many smart people in Yangcheng.

"Then you still make money by selling vegetables." Liu Wen said angrily.

These words can be regarded as completely stunned Liu Yi, yes, who would have thought that selling vegetables could make money.

Thinking of this, his impetuous heart couldn't help but sink down, and he looked at Liu Wen quietly.

"You can't go to other people's homes to collect second-hand goods, how much can you get?"

"You can't make much money even if you are busy all day."

"What you have to do is to go directly to the factory, the kind of factory that looks big."

"Think about how much waste you can have?"

"If you have a few customers, I can say that maybe in a year, you will buy trucks to collect second-hand goods."

"Of course that is very hard work. In the beginning, you can only tow the scooter, or you can drive a tractor to collect second-hand goods."

"But I believe that as long as you work hard enough, there should be no problem."

Liu Wen really thinks that she is a good person, not only proposing ways to make money, but also giving pointers.

It can be said that another person may not be as generous as her.

That's it, Liu Yi stared at Liu Wen for a long time, wondering if this should be done this way.

After all, this is really not an ordinary way to lose face. If you can make money, make a lot of money, the so-called face really doesn't care and doesn't matter.

But if you don't make any money, you will not lose a lot, but a big loss from the inside out.

(End of this chapter)

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