Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 652 Escape from Yangcheng

Chapter 652 Escape from Yangcheng
After returning home, Liu Yi received another call from a client saying that he could no longer cooperate, and he made up his mind completely.

"Go, you have to go."

"If you don't leave, you don't know what will happen."

But before leaving, Liu Yi felt that there were still some things to deal with. He went to the village to discuss the matter, and then took a few people to visit the previous customers.

After being so busy for a few days, Liu Yi was completely busy. Of course, his actions also fell into Liu Bin's eyes.

For this father, Liu Bin really didn't have any good impressions, "I really don't understand what's going on with him."

"Obviously I am his only son, and he will rely on him when he gets old, yet he is still so wary of me."

"He doesn't really think it's a business. If he finds someone to come forward, I think it has nothing to do with him."

The more Liu Bin thought about it, the angrier he became, and he decided that he should teach Liu Yi a lesson.

"If you don't teach me a lesson, I really think I'm easy to bully."

Pang Yue heard the meaning of Liu Bin's words, worried that this kid would be too ruthless, so she grabbed him, "What do you want?"

"You don't want to educate him hard, do you?" Pang Yue knew that Liu Bin, as long as he got angry, he would never be brainless.

"Yes, I want to let him know that he is outdated, and he cannot compare with young people."

"When it's time to hand over the power, you should hand it over." Liu Bin turned his head to look at Pang Yue viciously.

"And you too, really, why has your business gone down a lot lately?"

"That, that..." Pang Yue actually couldn't bear the pressure of Liu Bin's speed and frequency of asking for money, and knowing that Liu Yi had made a lot of money, she encouraged Liu Bin to find trouble with Liu Yi.

In the end, she didn't expect that Liu Bin still didn't let her go. Pang Yue really regretted why she gave birth to such a son in the first place. This is not a son, it should be her creditor.

"Business is really not as easy as it used to be."

"And the landlord also said that the rent will be raised."

"Then the cost of purchasing goods is also increasing."

"Then you won't raise the price?" Liu Bin said impatiently, indifferently.

"If the price is raised, no one will be willing to patronize." Pang Yue wondered.

Liu Bin had never done business, so how could he understand these things? In short, he felt overwhelmed when he heard Pang Yue talking about the expenses after opening the store.

"You can handle it yourself. In short, give me five thousand a month from now on."

Liu Bin felt that this number should be enough for him to spend a while, so he threw away this paragraph very bluntly.

He was very busy, he was busy looking for his brothers to discuss how to educate Liu Yi one or two hard, and he had to organize the manpower, so he was busy flying.


"Five thousand a month?" Pang Yue was stunned by the number dropped by Liu Bin.

You need to know how much her monthly turnover is now. After deducting the rent of the shop, the money for renting the house, the money for purchasing goods, and the water and electricity bills, it is not bad to have three thousand left over. Where did five thousand come from.

If the shop is still hers, then she can save [-], but a few days ago it was not Liu Bin who hurt someone, something happened, in order to save him, Pang Yue could only sell the shop at a low price, and then rent it out for rent .

She didn't ask Liu Bin to change his ways and be like an ordinary child, so she just hoped that Liu Bin would not lie on her body and suck blood.

In the end, I didn't expect that when this kid hoped that she would spend money to save someone, he gave various guarantees, saying that after he got out, he would treat her well, find a job, work hard and other guarantees.

As a result, after he came out, Liu Bin soon mixed up with his so-called brothers.

As for those words that had promised her, I don't know where the floating pipes have gone.

On the contrary, it is even more excessive than before. Knowing that there is an extra shop rent, it asks for more money.

It's even better now, she doesn't care about her life or death at all, she just keeps asking for money, nothing but money.

It's not that Pang Yue didn't try to reason with Liu Bin, but the result was a severe beating.

She really regretted it, regretted that she shouldn't have spoiled this kid in the first place, or that after he hurt someone last time, she shouldn't care about his life and death, just do what she wants.

But now that everyone has come out, what else can she do?
Pang Yue was at a loss, no matter how bad Liu Yi was, no matter how much she ignored Liu Wen, no matter how stubborn Liu Wen was, no matter how much she didn't care about Liu Yi, did she really care?
If you encounter problems, should you continue to look for Liu Wen, and that girl will give you a little advice.

On the other hand, her son can't be counted on, and as for her daughter, she doesn't know where she is going, she doesn't know whether she is dead or alive, and she can't be counted on.

Unexpectedly, she thought of that sick woman. She thought she would be very happy. Now it seems that Gong Jing is the happy woman.

"Forget it, don't think about it, think about what to do with money."

Pang Yue wanted to calculate how much money she still had, "It can't just be like this."

In the past, she didn't spend all her money for Liu Bin, and now that she saw Liu Bin like this, she wouldn't spend all her money.

"You can't stay here in Yangcheng."

"Su Cheng can't go back either."

Pang Yue, who has lived in Yangcheng for a long time, feels no pressure at all to make money in another city.

For her, as long as she can stay away from Liu Bin, she really can do anything.

As for Liu Bin being arrested for another crime after she left, no one can take care of this problem, Pang Yue said that was her business.

Anyway, Liu Yi is not there, he is Liu Bin's father, and it is normal for a father to worry about his son.

Thinking of this, Pang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she would still have Liu Yi after she left, "Let the Liu family worry about the descendants of the Liu family."

"I still have to work hard to make money and try to buy my shop and house as soon as possible."

Pang Yue is not worried about the issue of relying on children to support the elderly, and there is no way to worry about it. It is true that boys and girls are so deceitful.

"The Liu family's children are for the Liu family to worry about."

"What am I worrying about." Pang Yue let go of all her fantasies about Liu Bin.

As for Liu Yi, of course, by the way, he also transferred his current residence to the young man who took over his grocery shopping business.

As for the several months' rent that had already been paid, he didn't ask for it either. After all, he helped him a lot back then, otherwise his vegetable selling business would not have started quickly.

More importantly, after he left like this, he knew that Liu Bin would definitely spread his anger on that person, even if he said he was not worried or afraid.

But Liu Yi always felt that it was not very good, after all, he caused the trouble.

Liu Yi, who quickly resolved these troubles, took the little luggage he had prepared earlier and boarded the car going north to the capital.

Although Pang Yue had an idea that popped up out of the blue, she was really not bad at acting. When the business was done the next day, she immediately went to the landlord to discuss things.

In this way, the two left Yangcheng one after another. Regarding the matter of Yangcheng after they left, they said that it had nothing to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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