Chapter 653

As soon as they left, Liu Wen received the news the next day.

Liu Wen didn't find it strange that Liu Yi left. Whoever asked Liu Bin to make a move was going too far.

Don't give Liu Yi a chance to survive at all, who wouldn't give this kid face.

She was surprised, "How could Pang Yue leave?"

Thinking about it, I think it is impossible, "Isn't that her big brother?"

"For such a son, she sold the shop?" It can be said that for such a son, Pang Yue can really sacrifice what should be sacrificed.

As a result, now, this woman who devoted herself to her son didn't even care about Liu Bin, which made Liu Wen feel all kinds of inconceivable.

Song Boyang was quite surprised when he heard the news, it was really sudden.

However, combined with several other pieces of news, he felt that there was probably no surprise, "With a son like Liu Bin, no matter how spoiled or pampered he is, he probably won't be able to handle it."

Seeing Song Boyang's appearance, Liu Wen knew that there must be another reason, so of course she had to ask why.

"That kid Liu Bin was not well educated since he was a child. Believe what he says." Liu Wen could only say.

"I really don't know how thick the filter is to wear."

"If he can get better, it is estimated that the day the earth will be destroyed."

"But it's okay, they're all gone, I guess that kid is half dead with anger."

Don't look at the fact that people outside are flattering Liu Bin in various ways, saying how powerful he is, but it's not because he has money.

Now that Liu Yi is gone and Pang Yue is gone, it is equal to his source of funds. The big benefactors have all gone. How can Liu Bin have money?
With no money in hand, how to coax those subordinates to follow him?It is really on the way to die, that is a lot of progress again.

"It seems that Liu Bin, the pride of the so-called Liu family, is their fate. Whether it is Liu Yi or Pang Yue, they will give up if they want to."

Liu Wen couldn't help sighing, "It's really a selfish family, and the one I love the most is myself."

"One by one, I can imagine that Liu Bin will definitely go crazy at this moment."

"A child who is spoiled by his parents is used to finding his parents when he has no money. Now he has no one and support."

Liu Wen took a deep breath, "I won't go out recently, by the way, you should also pay attention, I'm worried that kid Liu Bin will find the three of you."

Liu Wen doesn't go out much now, except to go to the hospital occasionally, so it's relatively safe.

Liu Bin, in fact, is a bit of a bully, knowing that those people can be bullied in various ways, and those people cannot be bullied.

But now he seems to be a bit desperate, Liu Wen just doesn't know if Liu Bin, who is forced into such a situation, will explode again.

Will Liu Bin look for him?Song Boyang thought for a while, "I don't think he would look for me."

"But I will tell Tuanzi and the others that I will send someone to pick them up these few days." Song Boyang originally wanted to say not to care, but after thinking about it, it's better to be careful.

People like Liu Bin can do anything for money.

"And you too, don't think that you will be safe if you don't go out too often."

"What if he just knows that you don't go out much and stay at home all day, so he climbs over the wall and enters?"

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before. Song Boyang really regrets it a bit. If he bought a house in the past, he could buy it in a community with good security. Does he still need to worry about it now?

Don't worry at all, the security of the community alone is enough to scare them away.

Liu Wen hummed, knowing that at this time, there was no need to start a dispute, it was all for her own good.

"By the way, who are you going to ask to pick up Tuanzi and them?" Liu Wen knew that it was impossible to count on Song Boyang.

If she doesn't have children, she can drive to pick up Tuanzi and the others. Unfortunately, her current situation is really not suitable.

"Let me contact Tang Hai. There is someone there." Song Boyang is a doctor. Wherever he knows someone, all he can do is to go to Tang Hai directly.

Due to various reasons, Tang Hai still has a lot of people under him. After all, he has a lot of property, and his personal safety needs to be taken care of.

Knowing that this matter would still trouble Tang Hai, Liu Wen was not too surprised by this choice.

"I think so."

What Liu Wen thinks now is, "Actually, if possible, I still hope that Liu Bin can be imprisoned."

It's really tiring to take all kinds of precautions all day long, and no one knows when someone will make a move.

Well, Song Boyang also had this idea, "I hope it can be like this too."

"But he seems to be a lot more cautious now." Since the last time he made a move, even Liu Bin looked like he was bluffing, looking like he had no intentions.

But it's not easy to plot against him and get him locked up again. This kid is much better than before, and he won't do such stupid things anymore.

"It's not urgent. I think he will remember it for a while, but it's impossible to remember it all the time."

Liu Wen knows Liu Bin too well, this person's memory is not very good, "If the wind is too smooth, he will get carried away."

"If it is against the wind, he will also be in a bad mood, and then he wants to vent."

"If the former little brother looked down on him, he will be very angry."

"He is a master who can't stand people's stimulation."

There is really no need to say too clearly about some things. Liu Wen can be sure that Song Boyang will take what she said to heart.

Song Boyang really took these things to heart, thinking about where to start.

Song Boyang is actually not happy about being on guard against this and that all day long.

"Okay, don't worry, these things, you, leave it to us."

"You take good care of your body and wait until you have a baby."

"By the way, my brother said, now there are diapers abroad, that is, after the child uses them, don't wash and clean the diapers."

Although there are many people in the family, there is really no shortage of people who wash diapers, but with this gadget, at least the children should not get up often when they are resting at night.

"Do you want to buy some?" Although he is a doctor, he still needs to ask Liu Wen's opinion on this matter.

Diapers, how could Liu Wen not be tempted, "Of course I will buy it."

"Buy more, really buy more."

"Having this is really convenient." Although there is a nanny, Liu Wen never thought about letting the child rest with the nanny.

If possible, the child will of course have to rest with them, so whether there are diapers or not is really important.

"Okay, let me tell my brother, this thing is really convenient, you need to buy more."

Since it is something that is often used, of course you can't be polite, especially for things imported from abroad, it will take a lot of time on the road.

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Everyone is looking for a way to make money, why didn't anyone think of opening a diaper factory."

"Isn't this the same tool that women use every month?"

"They are all very important materials."

"And even if a child uses it for a year, five or six cards a day, I don't know how much it will take in a year."

Liu Wen couldn't help sighing, everyone was chasing after the profitable business, so they looked down on such a small business.

(End of this chapter)

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