Chapter 657

Oops, what to do?Liu Wen knew that Song Boyang would find out one or two things, but she didn't expect him to ask.

"It's not that I'm not being cruel to Liu Yi and Pang Yue, but how to say that, their life has now become a mess, and I'm really happy."

"They are no longer husband and wife, and I think this is the greatest revenge."

"And Liu Yi also thinks that Liu Bin is not his son. This is the greatest revenge against them."

"I always remember my father standing in front of my mother, saying that Pang Yue is his favorite woman, and he will be happy only when he is with her."

"But look now..." Liu Wen spread her hands, "So what if Pang Yue gave birth to two children?"

"Yao Ying felt that she was eccentric, so she left quietly without letting Tang Hai inform Pang Yue."

"Once she makes money, there will be absolutely nothing to do with Pang Yue and the others. It is unlikely that she will contact her in this life."

"If she doesn't make any money, she might think of contacting Pang Yue. After all, she is her own mother, so she can't just sit and watch her desperate."

"However, it's a pity that Pang Yue has already left Yangcheng to go to other places in order to avoid Liu Bin, and he has not returned to Sucheng."

"I really can't get in touch even if I want to." They still have an old house to stay in, but none of the four of them have an old house as a stronghold.

No, it can't be said that there is no stronghold to defend, Pang Yue's mother still has the old house in her hands, the problem is that the old lady has not sold out the house.

Guarding such a vegetative son, even if he doesn't go to the hospital, he still needs to spend money to hire someone to take care of him. It's all money.

This mother and daughter are really mother and daughter, they both gave birth to ineffective sons, and for such an ineffective son, it can be said that it is definitely enough to work hard.

"Let's not talk about Liu Bin. In this life, he is completely useless."

"Where do you think Pang Yue can go?" Liu Wen was really curious. It can be said that the three of Pang Yue, mother and son have completely lost contact.

In this era of no mobile phones and no Internet, as long as the residence has moved, it is really not easy to really want to get in touch.

"That person asked someone at the train station. She should have bought a train ticket to the capital."

"Of course, maybe I will change trains halfway, and maybe I will change trains again after arriving in the capital." Anyway, the capital city is a big station, so it can be said that it is very convenient to go anywhere.

Ah, Liu Wen was so surprised, she looked at Song Boyang stupidly, "Is she going to the capital too?"

"I remember that Liu Yi also went to the capital." Although the current capital is not much expanded compared to the capital more than ten years later.

But it's not a small city. It shouldn't be easy for two people who have no relationship to meet in a city that is not too small in the capital.

But now Liu Wen really dare not be so sure, after all, everything is possible.

"Should, maybe, it won't be such a coincidence." Song Boyang was also undecided.

"With Liu Yi's words, if there are no accidents, he should stay in the capital."

"But Pang Yue's words..."

"The breakfast she cooks may not be suitable for the tastes of people in the capital." Although Pang Yue's breakfast business is well-established in Yangcheng.

But when she came to Yangcheng to do business, she took a lot of detours. After some adjustments, she slowly made a breakfast that fit the taste of Yangcheng people.

"She should be able to adjust." It's not the first time doing business, so she must know that adjustments are needed.

"Actually, whether it's Liu Yi or Pang Yue, their flexibility is quite strong."

"Better than Yao Ying and Liu Bin." It can only be said that they still have the idea of ​​taking shortcuts in their bones, and it has something to do with their environment at the time.

On this point, Song Boyang also agrees, "Yes."

"Forget it, don't care about them, they will meet when they meet in the capital."

Anyway, they are already thousands of miles away, and how they will hurt, has nothing to do with her as a girl.

What Liu Wen thought was, "If you say that Liu Bin has no money, will he jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Liu Bin just talked about it before, bullying Liu Yi and Pang Yue is absolutely good at it.

But now these two people are no longer in Yangcheng, Liu Bin doesn't have much money, and he has been pampered by Pang Yue these years, eating what he has and spending what he has.

Even now that he has fallen into such a state of desperation, he has not seen him lowering his requirements.

People, once they have no money, it can be said that they really don't know how crazy things they will do.

Song Boyang heard the meaning behind Liu Wen's words, "Don't worry, the arrangements have been made."

In short, whether it was around Liu Wen or the two children, everything was already arranged, there were bright ones and dark ones.

In short, absolutely ensure nothing goes wrong, especially here with Liu Wen, after all, her situation is very special.

In case Liu Bin's madness is to deal with Liu Wen, it's really not a joke.

In order not to worry Liu Wen, some arrangements were not told to Liu Wen, who made this girl think that she was a reclusive person.

Liu Wen really didn't think Liu Bin would deal with her, because he really didn't have much patience and stared at her for a long time.

If he has money, he can spend it slowly, but he has no money now, shouldn't he grab some money quickly?
Liu Bin is not stupid enough to snatch a pregnant woman like her. If something happens to her, it is really easy for the pregnant woman and the fetus to have an accident. This consequence is not something he, a gangster, can afford.

Steal the money from Tuanzi and the others, how serious is the crime? Robbery, if there is not much money, should be locked up for ten days and a half months?
Liu Wen felt that Liu Bin should be able to pick up the soft persimmons, so as not to make such mistakes foolishly.

"By the way, listen to Brother Tang, if we invest this time, we don't need to invest any more money?" Tang Hai mentioned just now, saying that the money invested before has almost been recovered.

But to open a diaper factory this time, isn't it all money from acquiring land to building a factory building?

Then I have to go on a business trip to the beautiful country, which may also involve royalties such as patent rights. Although I don’t know how much money will be invested at that time, the budget must be prepared.

Although Song Boyang didn't know exactly how much money he needed to invest, he was certain that "it shouldn't need to invest too much."

"Business in the Northeast." Song Boyang remembered Tang Hai's description of the business there, and could only say, "The money comes in very quickly."

"As long as the things are ready, the other end will pay immediately."

"Basically, it can be said that there is no pressure on money, which is more refreshing than doing business in China."

If you are doing business in China, you will have to suppress funds more or less, which makes Tang Hai really overwhelmed.

If you want to do cash business, there are not many such customers, and they are very sought-after. Unless the price offered is really not a general discount, otherwise they will not cooperate with you at all.

"If it wasn't for those old men who were making quick money themselves, they wouldn't be too clear about the future. Otherwise, Old Tang would say that we can consider expanding the scale and continue our long-term cooperation."

"It's okay, taking advantage of the present, it's really not bad to be able to make a lot of money."

Liu Wen is really not optimistic about doing long-term business with those old men.

"After all, after the news spreads, more people will go to the border one after another."

"In order to do business, we will definitely resort to means of lowering prices."

Although at that time, the profit can be regarded as good, but it really cannot be compared with now.

For Tang Hai, who is used to making a lot of money, it is a pity to abandon this business.

(End of this chapter)

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