Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 658 Not afraid of price war

Chapter 658 Not afraid of price war

Liu Wen is worried that there will be more competitors participating, and the price will be lowered.

Of course Tang Hai thought about it, "There is no other way."

"A newcomer wants to grab business, that is, only through this method."

"But we don't need to worry, we just get the goods directly from the factory."

"Compared to their second-tier dealers, we can better control the price on the basis of ensuring the quality of the goods."

Tang Hai didn't stay in the Northeast these days for nothing, but he did a good job of learning about the situation there.

Although I didn't ask them about their respective purchase channels, of course they wouldn't say it if they asked.

For Tang Hai, even if they didn't mention the purchase channel, he could still find out a thing or two.

Even if they don't know very clearly about their purchase price, they can still know a lot.

Tang Hai said arrogantly, "If there is a price war, I will not be afraid at all."

"What am I afraid of?"

"We are direct manufacturers."

"And now I don't only supply the Northeast, I also distribute goods all over the country."

Although the starting point was to do business with Lao Maozi, he would eat those factories, but after some operation, he found that he could really do it for a long time, so of course he had to change the plan.

"Then I plan to expand the scale of the factory."

"Next year, I will open a branch factory in other places."

"I originally wanted to open a factory in a coastal city in the east."

"But when I think about it later, although it's good, the labor costs are going up, and to be honest, the preferential policies are not very good."

"However, in several relatively large cities in the mainland, they still value investment very much."

"Of course, in terms of some policies, it still cannot be compared with coastal cities."

Although those cities have changed a lot compared to before, but compared with the coastal cities, the gap is still quite large.

But how to say that, the policy given there is good, "and the land price over there is really not expensive."

"I am now enclosing more land and building factories. When the city over there develops, maybe the land can be recycled again, and I can make a fortune."

Tang Hai used to enclose the land here in Yangcheng. Because of the development of Yangcheng, after the land was collected, Tang Hai was very satisfied with the compensation.

Even though the development speed of those cities in the west is much lower than that of Yangcheng, he doesn't believe that they will not develop in another ten or eight years.

Now development is the key point. Anyway, Tang Hai thinks that if he wants to open a factory, it is necessary to enclose land and build factories by himself, and he needs to enclose more land.

These should give him a big surprise in the future, "Even if we change the nature of the land again, and we build office buildings, we don't have to worry about not being able to rent them out."

"Maybe it can also become the branch office or the office address of the new company over there."

Although I don't know how to use it at that time, but in short, it will definitely not suffer.

Well, upon hearing this, Song Boyang understood that this guy really intends to continue this business for a long time.

Since he knew it well, Song Boyang was also looking forward to it, "By the way, if those people lower the price and find that there is no way to steal customers from you, they propose to lower the funds and don't need to pay immediately, what do you think?"

Song Boyang heard this from Liu Wen yesterday, although he felt that Liu Wen's idea was a bit whimsical, after all, he was a foreigner.

If it is really a case of running away with money, it is really not a joke. It is very likely that a family, or even several families, will be brought in, and it will not be slowed down for a long time.

But thinking about Liu Wen's analysis, it makes sense.

If you don't charge money, can you give the other party the things first?Tang Hai laughed, "It's a good idea, but in case the foreigner takes those things with him, he just ran away."

"How do I ask for money then?"

"Could it be that you went abroad and asked for money from foreigners?"

"Let's not talk about it, if you ran to Lao Maozi's territory, whether you could find him or not, even if you found him, so what."

"It's someone else's territory over there, can those old men help you, a foreigner?"

"Don't get the money when the time comes, but give those foreigners a hard education."

Although I went out to inquire about one or two, they all said that so-and-so was disobedient. After running out in the middle of the night, because of inattention, an accident happened, and he just passed away.

But one is an accident, two or three are accidents?We are not fools.

"It's all like this on our side. Do you think you can live in peace when you get there?"

Don't look at Tang Hai drinking and drinking with those foreigners very happily, as if they were brothers, but he knew that he hadn't touched the other party's bottom line.

Once you touch the opponent's bottom line, they will really deal with you immediately.

"Anyway, if they want to fight a price war, they will fight."

"They can defer payment, then defer payment, I really don't care."

"Anyway, I won't owe money. When I owe money, I am the uncle. When asking for money, they are the uncle."

"Anyway, I already hate asking for money." For Tang Hai, anyone who has experienced the taste of asking for money will know a thing or two.

"That product?" Song Boyang remembered that Tang Hai had mentioned that if he wanted to expand the production scale, if he couldn't sell it to Lao Maozi, who would sell those things to.

Well, Song Boyang smiled, "This is the situation of Lao Maozi, how do you think Lao Maozi's followers will be better off?"

"I'll sell them when the time comes."

"You don't think I've been in the Northeast all the time, and I just keep an eye on Lao Maozi's business."

"I have to say that the old Maozi is actually quite bad. If you want to inquire about one or two, it is really difficult to inquire about one or two, but they only need to drink once."

"I'm happy drinking and drinking, and it's really much easier to inquire about news."

"Someone told me that what he bought from me was bought into several other small European countries."

"Then I looked at the map, and there was a place on the edge of the province."

"I asked someone to inquire about it. There is such a foreign trade market. Of course, there are not many things like ours over there."

"But it doesn't matter. These things don't sell a lot, but it doesn't mean they can't be sold, but no one should notice."

"I asked someone to stay there for a few days, and did a little research. Someone really needs it."

"The other side called me yesterday, and the first business deal has already been made."

"Although the business is not a lot, that is tens of thousands, but this is just the beginning."

"As long as they get the goods and know our quality, I don't believe they can't sell them."

"Anyway, everyone's eyes are now on the Northeast, on Lao Maozi, and they all want to do business with them."

"Of course I want to expand the business over there, and I want to start the business on the other side quietly."

"I've already contacted Tao Yu, and he said he can help me get in touch with the comrades over there."

"If it's possible, I'll set up a shop over there, and then set up a large warehouse, so that things can be sent directly, and the business over there can be kept secret."

"In short, while increasing production capacity and making more money, I will also have confidence in the later transformation."

For Tang Hai, transformation is necessary, and the money invested in each transformation is not a small number.

(End of this chapter)

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