Chapter 659 Ore
Liu Wen knew that Tang Hai's eyes were very vicious. For example, she didn't mention the north matter, so he found out.

Then they have already contacted Tao Yu, and they are going to do business there. In short, before she can react, Tang Hai has already arranged everything.

What she didn't expect was that when he was doing business with Lao Maozi, when he was making a lot of money, he still didn't forget to stare at Lian Sheng.

This was something she didn't even think of, or didn't know at all, but Tang Hai discovered this problem in a daze, and sent someone to investigate the market.

It’s fine to inspect the market, but even without samples, they negotiated business with foreigners just by talking.

Liu Wen felt that Tang Hai was powerful, and his subordinates were not so strong, "Does this mean that strong generals have no weak soldiers?"

"But Brother Tang is really powerful, and he can find out what's going on over there."

"It's true that the north has not let go, and the west has not let go."

Liu Wen remembered that there were a lot of resources in the province, "By the way, I remember that there are a lot of Hetian jade over there, don't you know?"

Although it seems that it is impossible to find Hetian jade easily on the river bed like before, but it should be possible to find some Hetian jade.

Alas, Liu Wen felt that she was really living in Baoshan, and she didn't even know how to seek a little bit of welfare and benefits.

Tao Yu's career predestined that he has friends, classmates, colleagues, and comrades-in-arms all over the country, it's just that the relationship is far and near.

At that time, if she could open her mouth to make a request, she might be able to get some Hetian jade and store it at home for a few years. It will definitely be a lot of wealth.

But it doesn't matter, I didn't think of it before, but now I think about it, it doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later, it's better to get rich than to miss it.

"Hetian jade, there used to be quite a lot of Hetian jade over there. I heard that as long as you go to the river, you can get some Hetian jade."

"But that's all in the past and now..." Song Boyang could only say, "I really don't know now, maybe there is."

"But it shouldn't be too much." Song Boyang worried that Liu Wen had too many expectations, and would be disappointed when he found out that there were not too many Hetian jades to buy.

"I know I know."

"It's best if you have it, and it's okay if you don't have it."

"Didn't I just think that my daughter will be born soon, and I have to prepare for the dowry." Not to mention the red makeup, at least some jewelry that should be there, I have to prepare.

What?Song Boyang's expression suddenly turned ugly, "You're already thinking about getting married before the girl is born?"

"No, no." Song Boyang couldn't help expressing that he wouldn't just give in so easily, and a stinky boy who came out of nowhere would just snatch his sweetheart away.

Looking at Song Boyang who kept saying that he would not let his daughter marry so easily, Liu Wen could only say, "Don't wait until then, your daughter will be under strict control for you, and you won't have a chance to meet a good boy."

"There is no way to get married. When you get older, you are impatient. Why no good boy will date our daughter, and no one will come to ask to marry our daughter."

Not many parents are like this. When children are young, they are not allowed to fall in love early, even if they are in college, they are required to study.

When the child graduates and starts to enter the society, he is anxious why he hasn't brought the other half home yet, and all kinds of reminders.

It can be said that the speed at which the parents changed their faces was also very fast. Liu Wen didn't know if Song Boyang would do the same at that time.

"I won't." Song Boyang said that he would not become such a person, "Whether it is a man or a woman, the requirements for marriage cannot be lowered."

"Otherwise, an unhappy marriage will hit people hard."

Liu Wen couldn't stop nodding. She has experienced three marriages. It is really a good marriage. It really doesn't make people feel happy. An unhappy marriage really destroys people from the inside out.

"However, some things are not up to us, gossip from outsiders."

What Liu Wen didn't say was that Tuanzi and Roubao would not dislike their girls for not getting married, but would their daughter-in-law not care?

After all, a girl who never gets married is also a girl born to a concubine, Song Boyang will give this little girl more assets, what should I do?
But she can't say these words, and it will make people feel that they can't tolerate Tuanzi and the others.

"Don't worry about what those people say." Song Boyang also remembered what idlers would say.

"Whether our daughter is married or not is her business."

"Tuanzi and the others are the same. It doesn't matter if they stay with someone if they don't get married."

Song Boyang remembered that in foreign countries, many young people lived together, and the children were still born, but they just had no status.

"Anyway, whether it is grandchildren or grandchildren, they are all my descendants, and the family fund has their share."

As for the daughters-in-law of dumplings and meat buns, if they dare to babble, I'm sorry, get out, they don't have their share of the money.

If Tuanzi thinks the same as their daughter-in-law, let them make money by themselves.

Really, it is absolutely impossible for him to eat, drink and have fun with the money he earned, and even want to tell him what to do and arrange his money.

"It's about making arrangements for my daughter. Of course, it's not a dowry." Song Boyang still insisted on this point.

"I'm just thinking of girls, I still have to dress up beautifully, and jewelry and the like are indispensable."

"I also need to help my daughter to build a big dressing room, and I have to pamper my daughter, and I can't just let a boy cheat me for a little profit."

"I have to take her to see the market outside more, and see more outstanding boys outside."

Song Boyang is reluctant to let his daughter marry early, but he knows that the more restraint the girl has from contact with boys, the easier it will be for Agou and Mao to cheat her away.

That's right, Song Boyang is still clear-headed at the moment, he won't let his daughter have more contact with boys because he is reluctant to let his daughter get married, but will try to improve his daughter's vision.

"I think so too, let my daughter see more outstanding boys."

"But if you don't succeed, let Tuanzi and the others take more of them out." After all, Tuanzi and Roubao are excellent and promising children.

How bad are the boys around them?Since I was a child, I have seen outstanding boys who are no less than Tuanzi and the others.

Liu Wen didn't believe that when her daughter grew up, she could be cheated by a cat or a dog at will.

Song Boyang was thinking that he would personally take his daughter out to socialize, so that her every move would be under his control.

At the same time, he was able to show off in front of his friends, but unexpectedly, Liu Wen would dislike him, and hoped that it was Tuanzi and the others who took their daughter out to socialize.

How could this make Song Boyang happy, and let out a cold snort with an unhappy face. In short, Liu Wen must be made to realize his mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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