Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 660 Dowry and bride price depend on it

Chapter 660 Dowry and bride price depend on it

Of course Liu Wen knew that Song Boyang was unhappy, but she would never change her mind.

"It's getting late, I have to rest."

Tomorrow, she wants to go to the store and pick out some things the children need.

Originally, Liu Shuhui had already said that she could send some of Kangkang's childhood clothes. Although Kangkang is now an adult, the clothes he wore back then were well preserved by Liu Shuhui and his wife.

Every summer, I would take it out and expose it to the sun. After knowing that Liu Wen had a child, I thought about using it.

Kangkang's clothes are all cotton, made by Liu Shuhui herself, they are really soft.

But it turned out that Liu Wen's stomach was a girl, so many of Kangkang's clothes could not be worn.

Although you can still wear healthy old clothes for close-fitting clothes, you still have to buy new clothes for going out.

Wearing new clothes on her body must not be as comfortable as clothes that have been washed many times. Although Liu Wen bought a lot of clothes, they were all clothes before her first birthday.

Liu Wen hasn't bought the clothes after one year old. She plans to go for a stroll. If possible, she can buy some clothes, and then wash them dozens of times. After being exposed to the sun for a long time, they will become softer. Waiting for the daughter to grow up Finally, wearing these clothes will not feel uncomfortable.

Song Boyang remembered that Liu Wen said that he wanted to get some Hetian jade, and he suddenly had an idea, "You say, if possible, we can directly get a Hetian jade mine, what do you think?"

Ah, Liu Wen just closed her eyes when she heard such a breaking news, it can be said that she was really stunned.

Liu Wen got up awkwardly, "You, what did you say just now?"

"Is there something wrong with my ears?"

"You said you want to build a Hetian jade mine?"

"Can you get this?"

"This can still be privately invested." Song Boyang didn't know the specific situation. "Of course, we have to ask for details."

"I mean, if there is such an opportunity, would you like it?" Song Boyang thought that Liu Wen should agree, but everything is possible.

Would you like this?Do you still have to ask this?Liu Wen really could only scream, covering her face with her hands, "Of course."

"How could I not want to."

"When the time comes, the girl's jewelry, and the jewelry that Tuanzi and the others will use to make the girls happy will also be available."

"No, if the mine has a lot of storage, it's not just for the three of them to use, maybe it can become their retirement capital."

"No, will they worry about the money for retirement?"

"No, even if it's pension money, they can't spend it all. It should be passed on for three generations."

I'm sorry, I really want to forgive Liu Wen, a country bumpkin, even though she is a reborn person, but there is really no way, because she never thought that she could contract minerals.

Not to mention, it is possible to contract the Hetian jade mine. My God, if this can be mined, it will not be money every minute.

Absolutely, it is definitely worth more than that coal mine, and soon Liu Wen calmed down, "I am also stupid."

"Hetian Jade Mine, it's all money. It's really a small investment and big output. How could it be my turn to do such a good thing."

Even if Song Bohua came forward, he always holds a foreign passport, so there should be some restrictions, and Song Bohua may not be able to join some industries.

Maybe there are some restrictions on Song Boyang, because he has overseas connections, and he has a large amount of funds overseas, so maybe there are restrictions.

In addition, there are many people who may be staring at these projects. Everyone is looking forward to getting a Hetian jade bonanza. How could she leave such a good opportunity to her.

Maybe those people are not good enough, how could they be given to these little people with some money.

Even if Tao Yu asked someone to help him speak, they might not have such an opportunity.

Of course, there are many people staring at this kind of mine, but for Song Boyang, "There are some things that we have no way to do."

"But Tang Hai isn't going to develop in the province, he's just selling things now."

"When the business gets bigger, you will be a big business man over there, and you will definitely know a lot of people."

Song Boyang has always been convinced of Tang Hai's ability to communicate, as long as Tang Hai is willing to communicate, there will be no failure.

"We will bring up the issue of this mine with him at that time."

"I think that oil, copper mines, gold mines and other special mines will be controlled by the state, and we can't join if we want to."

"But in the case of jade mines, this is not a strategic war preparation, it is used for decoration, and the upper levels will not control it from development."

"Maybe it's just slowly and step by step." It's impossible to let go all at once. First, it is not conducive to the later development. Second, too many Hetian jades are on the market, and the price will definitely be lowered.

That's right, she is also stupid, why did she forget that Hetian jade can make money again, so the strategic position of it is really not high.

"It's just that no matter what kind of mine it is, there are always rich ore and poor ore. We may not be able to win rich ore."

"We don't have talents in this field." Veterans with such experience are either raised by some big families over there, or big shots can let each other out.

That's right, even if they have the opportunity to contract mines, they don't have anyone who knows how to do it. They also go to see the mines. If they are experts, they can know where there are more mines and the quality of the mines with just a glance.

And those laymen like them are really flying around, and they don't understand at all.

"We don't have experts to help us out. We are really an upstart. They want to cheat us, and we have no way to fight back."

Liu Wen sighed helplessly, "It's really..."

"Maybe we can also gamble on luck. We don't understand, but as long as we are lucky enough, can't we kill the master with one punch?" Song Boyang felt that Liu Wen's luck was very good.

Maybe when the time comes, they can just follow their own minds and see if God wants them to make money.

What?Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang stupidly, thinking that he couldn't understand what this guy said.

"You said that if we don't understand, just choose one at random?"

"Isn't this a bit of a joke?" Even now someone is talking to her in a joking tone.

But Liu Wen believes that this person should not say it casually, but has this idea in his heart.

Although I don't know whether there will be a chance to contract mines in the future, Liu Wen just wants to say that I still have to dispel someone's scary thoughts.

"Although I don't know how much money will be invested before and after contracting the mine, I know that it is definitely not a small number."

"You, you actually decided to contract the mine in such a random way?"

Liu Wen took a deep breath, "I never thought about whether it was such a joke."

In the end, I still didn't say it was a mindless idea, which is really outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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