Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 661 Our luck has always been good

Chapter 661 Our luck has always been good

Song Boyang was amused by Liu Wen's angry look, and burst out laughing.

Liu Wen didn't expect that it was already like this, and someone would laugh like this.

"Yeah, we're discussing something serious, be serious." Liu Wen straightened her face, and then sat up straight.

In fact, if she could, she wanted to get out of bed and sit on a chair, so that she would appear more solemn.

Song Boyang still finds it funny seeing Liu Wen like this, but he also knows that he must not laugh out loud.

Song Boyang tried his best to hold back his laughter, "I know, daughter-in-law, I know what I just said makes you feel unreliable."

"But you can't deny that our luck has always been good."

"We came to Yangcheng to play and wanted to take a look at the house on the way. We bought such a big house near Tang Hai's house."

"I originally thought about whether we could take back the industry in the beautiful country. It wasn't easy to take it back, and it was still a well-run industry."

"The businesses we want to buy, the houses we want to buy, and the shops we want to buy are not all obtained smoothly."

"Anyway, I think our luck is good."

"So this time, I just thought, if I can, I still want to try."

"If we are really lucky again and get a bonanza, that would be the best."

"If we don't have such good luck and end up with a poor mine, I think it's normal."

"We also took advantage of a lot."

"Think of it as our return to society."

"Also, if we really get a rich mine, I think we can donate part of the profits at that time."

God is good to them and gives them such a good opportunity to make money, so of course they have to show something, and the money that should be donated must be donated.

Well, Liu Wen thought about it for a while, and thought it was a good idea, "Succeed, if we can get lucky and get a rich mine, we can mine high-quality Hetian jade."

"Thirty percent of our dividends will be donated."

"Use it in the province to support the children there to study, or build roads and so on. Wherever we earn it, we spend it there."

Liu Wen looked up at Song Boyang, expecting his answer.

Of course, there is no problem with the latter, "I think so." Anyway, it is a donation, and it can be donated to anywhere.

"Didn't you say before that if you want to build a school, I think it can be done." Song Boyang remembered that Liu Wen mentioned it once before.

However, because the implementation of this project required too much money, it did not continue.

But if you do get a bonanza, what are these investments?There is no comparison at all.

"With this investment, the construction costs from kindergarten to high school are not cheap."

"And then, in the later stage, please ask the teacher, and there are expenses and other expenses?" Although this idea was brought up by Liu Wen.

But when she first mentioned it, she really didn't think too much about it, she just thought it was a good idea.

But if you start to consider the money you invest now, Liu Wen suddenly feels a little bit stressed, or feels that the pressure is really high.

"What I mentioned at the beginning was that the orphans were adopted, or the parents could not provide their children with education for various reasons."

"That is, their tuition and living expenses are all paid by us." Liu Wen worried that Song Boyang had forgotten, and reiterated again.

"I know." Of course Song Boyang remembered what Liu Wen said, "This investment is huge."

"But I believe our income is adequate."

"It can definitely afford these expenses."

"Even if the mine over there may not be able to support these expenses, but we don't have other income."

"It can definitely be supported."

"Also, it's not Tang Hai." Song Boyang said in desperation, "We have Tang Hai, the God of Wealth, so we really don't need to worry about money."

"Actually, if you don't consider the relationship of influence, your idea can be operated now."

"I mentioned it to my brother at the beginning, and he also thinks this idea is good, and it can really be operated."

Song Boyang felt that he and Liu Wen really got along too well, and they really had the same views on many things.

Ah, have you mentioned this to Song Bohua?This made Liu Wen feel a little embarrassed.

"Big brother doesn't think I'm a prodigal?" Whose daughter-in-law spends money like her.

Many people buy jewelry and the like. Although it seems like a bit of a prodigal, these things can be left to the children and can be passed on.

As for Liu Wen's way of spending money, it is definitely that the money is spent, and it is spent. Don't think that it can make up for one or two.

"How come, my brother said that I can marry you, it must be because of the ancestor's manifestation." Song Boyang also did not expect Song Bohua to have such a high evaluation.

Looking at Song Boyang, who was so happy that he couldn't see his mouth, Liu Wen really wanted to say, are you sure your brother is not mocking me, but praising me?
Forget it, let's keep listening, Liu Wen thinks that if you don't ask, Song Boyang should continue to speak quickly.

"You don't know, in fact, the family used to set aside some money every year to support those children with good talents."

"Let them read and write, and if they are very capable, send them to university, and even send them to study abroad."

The old ancestors were able to do this back then, but Liu Wen's current behavior is really not out of bounds at all.

After Liu Wen heard Song Boyang talk about the old ancestor of the Song family's behavior, she wanted to say that she was actually cultivating helpers who would help the Song family's career.

Before liberation, one could be called an intellectual if one could read and write, and one could be a cashier, and if one had better communication skills, one might be able to become a shopkeeper.

These people have a stable job, can change their destiny, will not be displaced in various ways, and they can support their families.

For the Song family, in addition to gaining a good reputation, they can also find good assistants, and such a person, it is very difficult for them to betray the Song family.

Even if they really betrayed the Song family, in the public opinion, they will give all kinds of pointers and say that they have no conscience.

Trying to find a new job is a dream, and no one would want to marry an ungrateful person.

This kind of operation should be a common operation before liberation, but Liu Wen's operation, and the operation of the ancestors of the Song family, can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth.

Liu Wen helped them, so she didn't think about how much benefit she could get, so just treat it as a good deed.

Looking at Liu Wen who was anxious to explain, Song Boyang was happy, "Don't worry, I know what you think, just to help them."

"Don't worry, the starting point remains the same." As for the good seedlings that will be there at that time, this is of course not to be missed.

Whether it's Song Bohua's side or Duanzi Roubao's business in the future, they all need helpers and talents.

Talent reserve is the same as making money, the more the better, in short, we still need to prepare early.

(End of this chapter)

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