Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 662 Agriculture is not a golden rice bowl

Chapter 662 Agriculture is not a golden rice bowl

Song Boyang quickly agreed, and Liu Wenming knew that he should still have something to do.

But it is impossible to continue to ask forcefully, "What do you think Brother Tang is thinking about?"

"I can think of the northwest from the northeast."

Liu Wen couldn't help but sigh in her heart, sometimes people are smart, they are really talented, even if she is a reborn person, she can't compare with Tang Hai.

Thanks a lot, I made up my mind early on, just hug the boss's thick legs tightly, follow behind him, and make good money.

Otherwise, if you have to feel that you are a reborn person and have to make all kinds of troubles, it might become a big joke.

At this moment, refer to Yao Ying here, isn't she just playing a good hand poorly.

When someone is reborn, life will definitely be better, but at least it won't be worse than the previous life.

But it turns out that such a person can really play a good hand of cards like that, Liu Wen is also convinced.

It is obvious that Gong Jun is not a person to rely on, and he has already run to Yangcheng to start again, but after wandering around for a long time, he does not want to work hard by himself, but still plans to rely on men.

Haven't you had enough of the hardships of relying on men in your previous life?In the past two years, Yangcheng has not been full of gold, but it is not difficult to make money.

Looking at Pang Yue's breakfast business, she has already got a shop. If it wasn't for Liu Bin's disappointment, she would definitely continue to do it here in Yangcheng.

Just open a breakfast stall, not to mention being rich and wealthy, at least you can buy a few houses and shops. With her current one-year profit, it is okay to buy a small house. It looks like the breakfast shop is not very big, but I can't stand the regular customers.

Look at Liu Yi again, a person who wants more face, a man who doesn't like to work very much, after being kicked out by Pang Yue, he still started a small business of selling vegetables.

Then it gradually developed to provide vegetables and meat to several shops and factories. It can be said that the business has really opened up step by step. He has only been in business for a long time, and he has not yet entered this market.

Liu Wen believes that as long as Liu Yi is given a chance, he might really make this business bigger and stronger, or even become the king of vegetables.

Maybe, like Tang Hai, he will go to a place a little away from Yangcheng, contract the land, and start growing organic vegetables, so that he can develop high-end customers here in Yangcheng.

You can also buy things in Hong Kong City and take the same route as Tang Hai.

After Tang Hai contracted the land back then, it can be said that many people really saw Tang Hai's jokes and wanted to see him wrestle fiercely and lose a lot of money.

But in the end, he turned out to be a business that everyone didn't take seriously, and made it bigger and stronger. Not only did this business not lose money, but it also made a lot of money.

At the same time, Tang Hai got to know a lot of people from the port city, and the business was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone didn't know that growing vegetables had such benefits before, so no one was tempted.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, how can there be so few tempted people?

Waving checks one by one, they all wanted to go to the villages near Yangcheng to find a place no worse than Tanghai Vegetable Garden.

If possible, of course I hope to find a place with more beautiful scenery.

It's a pity that their ideas are good, and it's not that they haven't found such a good place, but it's not just one or two who are eyeing such a good place.

Rather, there are at least seven or eight. The point is that these people are not the ones who are short of money, and they have said that money is not a problem.

Originally, if there were only one family or two asking for a price, the price they quoted at the beginning already made the other party happy, and they wanted to agree immediately.

But before they agreed, it turned out that there were many local tyrants and nouveau riche who came to the door.

The quotations are higher than the other, and they all hope that the contract can be signed as soon as possible to facilitate their next plan.

From the village cadres to the villagers, they are not fools. Even if they don't know the specific situation at the beginning, they will inquire about it.

It wasn't a secret at all, and those people knew the reason immediately after asking a little bit.

After these people knew what was going on, they quickly called a meeting of the villagers to discuss what to do about it.

Although I don't know how those people negotiated, but if I want to know how those people act, the highest price will definitely win.

Although I don't know the final contract price, what I can know is that it is definitely a loss.

The contracted land was not as much as Tang Hai had undertaken at the beginning, but the total price was about the same, so the price allocated to each mu of land was really a rather touching figure.

Although the time to use chemical fertilizers is not long now, the land can be cultivated for a year or two, and then the land can be properly cultivated, and then you can start to officially enter the agricultural industry.

But the people who took over these lands really don't know what their brains are thinking. They even think that the investment is not ordinary, and they need to recover the investment at an accelerated rate.

When Liu Wen heard the news, she was really shocked, she really didn't know what to say.

After all, investment in agricultural production is the same as opening a factory. It requires an upfront investment. Regardless of the current business reconciliation of Tanghai Farm, it feels like it is making money.

According to the information Liu Wen got, even if the fraudulent construction of the resort is ignored, as far as the current agriculture is concerned, it is really a loss.

It's really not that Tang Hai made false accounts, but that he wanted to sell the things to Hong Kong City, and if it was still organic vegetables, it would cost a lot of money.

When Tang Hai first contracted the land of the village, he promised to hire as many villagers as possible to work.

In this way, the labor costs are not cheap, and Liu Wen can only say that the ingredients she eats are all delivered from the farm over there every day.

Liu Wen is really satisfied with the taste and safety. Fortunately, she doesn't need to pay for these.

Otherwise, for this price, Liu Wen can only say that it is okay to try it occasionally, but it is still unbearable for a long time.

Of course, this is all talk, these expenses are really ignored by Liu Wen and the others.

For Tang Hai, whether the farm is profitable or not is not what he cares about, but he hopes to meet more people through this farm, which is just a springboard.

Especially eating his own ingredients, and eating those sold outside, he feels that it is not so good.

These changes have also strengthened the idea of ​​wanting to improve the farm, and the idea of ​​some people around wanting to speed up the return of investment.

Tang Hai just took a look. As far as he was concerned, he would never remind them. After all, they were competitors, so why should he remind them.

As for some people clamoring that they will definitely suppress him so that everyone can eat delicious and cheap organic vegetables, Tang Hai can only smile.

He felt that these people really didn't do farm work, and didn't understand the situation well, so they just opened their mouths and said what I could do.

I haven't compared the vertical and horizontal values ​​of various data such as agricultural investment and output, but I feel that I can make a profit within one or two years.

Tang Hai built a resort, even if relying on the resort's profits, it can barely be counted as not losing money, but that's because the resort's business is booming.

(End of this chapter)

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