Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 670 What Can You Do?

Chapter 670 What Can You Do?
"I think you should have seen the scene of the parade." Liu Wen asked fiercely.

Although he didn't quite understand why Liu Wen suddenly asked this question, Liu Bin said honestly, "I've seen it."

"Then what do you think?"

"Do you find it particularly exciting?"

"Or do you think that if you are the person standing in the car parading the street, don't you have a special prestige?"

When Liu Bin heard this, he understood a little bit. He felt that Liu Wen was just trying to educate him, but he really didn't want to hear it.

He really wanted to look at the ceiling and express his dislike for Liu Wen, but he didn't expect that when he moved a little, he would feel that pain.

This pissed Liu Bin off to death, "It hurts to death, I was bullied by a child."

"Yeah, I'm a child, at least I know that I earn pocket money, but you?" Liu Wen was immediately unhappy when she heard this.

"If you don't study or go to work, what are you busy with all day long?"

"Waiting for pie to drop from the sky?"

"Really." Liu Wen frantically output, and then said contemptuously, "If I were you, really, I would definitely not beep beep here."

"But think about what you should do in the future?"

"A person who can't even handle a robbery, still expects to make money without capital through this?"

Liu Bin was stunned, and his followers were also stunned. They probably didn't expect Liu Wen to say that, pointing out the problems they encountered during the robbery.

They are gangsters, serious gangsters, definitely not the kind of gangsters who pretend to be, not to mention people who often rob, at least seventy or eighty times.

In the eyes of this person, it can be said that that and that are all problems, because they are not rigorous enough.

They can only say that any normal person would think that a young master from a rich family can also be a master fighter, and he is definitely the kind of person who is very ruthless.

The policemen who were still in the office were also stunned. They wondered if there was something wrong with their ears, otherwise how could they hear such words.

Shouldn't it be to ask the child how the situation is first, and then we can discuss how to solve this matter.

Of course, it won’t go smoothly every time, and there will always be disputes, such as whether to ask the other party to pay one or two compensations, or just not to pay compensation, insisting on letting the other party be imprisoned, etc.

But no matter what, they can say responsibly that there are really few people who heard that their children were being bullied by others, and came here to teach the gangsters.

It’s still the same kind of thing, where did you fail this time, but you can’t fix them.

After they knew that the victim was a child of Song Boyang's family, it can be said that they felt all kinds of bad from top to bottom.

After all, this matter was not handled well, it was really not a joke, although Song Boyang was undergoing surgery, they notified Mrs. Song.

But they felt even more overwhelmed. One was the son of Mrs. Song's predecessor, and the other was Mrs. Song's half-brother.

To be honest, after they made this phone call, they were all thinking about how Liu Wen would talk when she came over.

In the end, they didn't expect that Liu Wen's appearance would be so shocking. Their profession destined them to be well-informed people, but they didn't expect that Liu Wen's voice would be so fierce.

They even pointed out what was wrong with Liu Bin, and kept mocking the other party. Only then did they remember the news that Liu Wen and her father had a bad relationship.

Before, they wondered if it was someone who was jealous of Liu Wen and spread so much news, but now they can be sure that it is absolutely true.

"I think you are already an adult, and you can already pay for your behavior."

"You also said that you can't eat enough outside and have no money. By the way, I remember that your mother didn't buy a house, and the house she lived in was also rented."

"Now she is no longer in Yangcheng, and she won't help you pay the rent. She probably has no place to live."

Liu Wen thought for a while, "I think, anyway, you rob to have food and a place to live, so you go directly to receive education."

"When you have a place to live, don't worry about eating. You will definitely have three meals a day."

Liu Wen looked at Liu Bin expectantly, "Liu Bin, what do you think of my idea?"

"Really, I don't think there is a better idea than this." Liu Wen could only say, brother, you missed such a good opportunity. Whether you will have such a good opportunity next time is really a matter of God.

Tuanzi and Roubao couldn't help laughing when they heard Liu Wen's words. This is what Liu Wen would say.

Liu Bin knew from an early age that Liu Wen didn't have any good feelings for their family, and verbal stimulation was mild, and it would be good if they didn't dig a few holes for them.

As a result, today, he heard all kinds of sarcasm and sarcasm from Liu Wen, all kinds of words that looked down on him, and at the same time, he didn't forget to dig a hole for him to jump.

"That's how you expect me to go in."

"I'm in jail, and you have light on your face?"

"Whether you admit it or not, I am my brother."

"You have a younger brother who is in prison, and you don't even think about what the Song family will think of you."

Liu Bin looked at Liu Wen's belly with unfriendly eyes, "What will they think of your belly then?"

Since Liu Wen came in, there has been no Tuanzi who has made any noise. They heard Liu Bin's words and his unkind eyes, but they were very angry with their brothers.

"That's my mother, which child do you think would look down on her?"

"And if you say you are a real brother, you are a real brother."

Tuanzi looked at Liu Bin with disdain, "You don't know how your mother came to power?"

"My mother's life was normal back then, have you ever helped me?"

"Now that my mother's life is better, I gather around her and say it's my daughter, my sister, my sister."

"Really, your faces are really unusually thick."

"Don't say that mom doesn't care about you. How did your dad do it?"

"I never cared about my mother, so I promised not to take care of him as a father in the future, even your father, my mother doesn't care, why should I take care of your third son."

It's not that Liu Bin's younger brothers don't know that Pang Yue is Liu Yi's second wife, but they all remarried after Liu Wen's mother died, so they didn't expect this to be the case.

Although their characters are not very good, they can understand clearly. They thought they were Liu Wen's younger brother no matter what, and it was impossible to ignore Liu Bin one or two.

As a result, now that they knew Liu Bin's identity, they understood that Liu Wen would not give Liu Bin hope, and it would be nice if he didn't make trouble.

If they couldn't accuse Liu Wen of having no brotherhood and all the internal reasons, how many people would sympathize with Liu Bin?

Maybe he will say that he is a greedy person, using Liu Wen's money to backhand bully Liu Wen in various ways.

If there is no accident, this person has absolutely no chance of turning over.

They don't care whether Liu Bin can stand up, anyway, after they get out, it is unlikely that they will contact in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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