Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 671 My Surname is Gong

Chapter 671 My Surname is Gong

Thinking of this, the younger brothers were about to cry. They really wanted to show a good performance in front of Liu Bin, so that when he got better, he wouldn't forget them.

In the end, they didn't expect that they thought there would be no problem, so something happened.

Not to mention being able to help out a little, it's already very good if you don't make trouble. They all thought that they would walk around the boundary of Yangcheng in the future.

Unless they don't go out, as long as they go out and do something bad, they don't know when they will come in again.

If it is a petty theft, it means going in and out, but going in and out frequently will delay things.

Especially when people are watching all the time, they will not be called on when there is any big work in the future. When no one wants to do things, people are watching, and there is always the risk of overturning the car.

They looked at Liu Bin viciously. At first, they thought that they had already been beaten anyway, so they couldn't betray Liu Bin and asked for more compensation when the time came.

Who doesn't know that the father and uncle of these two boys are rich, super rich.

In this case, of course they couldn't let these two boys go, it was impossible to ask for a few thousand.

In short, without tens of thousands of compensation, they would not let go, but they did not expect Liu Wen to be so strong after coming in.

Don't talk about giving them any compensation, maybe they have to pay for compensation.

If this is the case, this is not really the end of the world, but rather the end of the world.

Although they are gangsters, the former gangsters were all about loyalty, but in front of newcomers like them, no loyalty is as good as the benefits they get.

A few people looked at it quickly, and then quickly explained what Liu Bin told them about this matter, as well as their previous plan to be abolished, that is, their idea of ​​robbing Liu Wen.

Dogleg 1, "Sister Liu, you don't know, but Liu Bin said, whether you can get the money at that time, it's not about taking you."

"When the time comes, just snatch the jewelry from you."

Dog legs 2 and 3 kept nodding beside them, "Yes, yes, when it comes time to grab the jewelry from you."

"And snatch your bag." Dogleg 4 added, "Also said, must hit your stomach hard."

"After seeing you bleed, I will continue to hit you, and you must make it impossible for you to get pregnant again."

After Liu Wen knew that Liu Bin had a robbery plan against her, she knew that it was impossible to just steal her money and jewelry.

She was ruthless to Liu Yi and Pang Yue's family of four, wouldn't they be ruthless to her?
Catching such an opportunity, they would never let her go easily, but what they didn't expect was that the attack would be so ruthless.

It's fine to even plan to make her have a miscarriage, but to make her completely unable to be a mother.

Very good, very good, no matter when, Liu Bin is so ruthless.

Duanzi and Roubao were also afraid for a while, but thanks to their growing belly, Liu Wen was not very willing to go out, even if they went out, they would go out together as a family.

Thanks to Liu Wen's cautious temperament, otherwise it would be really easy for Liu Bin to complete the plan.

No, this matter can't just be left alone, Tuanzi clenched his fists, saying that this matter must be discussed with Song Boyang, in short, it must be taken seriously.

Of course, the best way is to completely put this time bomb in prison, and then see how he makes a fuss, and if he wants to plot people, it is not something you can calculate if you want to.

It's not that Liu Bin doesn't know that these little brothers of his don't have any loyalty at all, but he didn't expect that they would betray him so quickly.

"Yeah, can you talk?"

"How can you say that about me in order to shirk responsibility." Liu Bin's mind turned quickly, knowing that he would never admit it.

Otherwise, with the Song family's temperament and means, maybe they won't be able to live a good life for them.

"I know, you feel that I have no money now, and there is no way for you to spend money in various ways. I know that you are very dissatisfied with me."

"But you can't say that about me. I admit that I have a lot of dissatisfaction with Liu Wen."

"Agreed to be sister and brother, but why can she live such a good life, and I live such a life for money."

Liu Bin is about to cry when he thinks about it, obviously they all have a father, but looking at it again, the gap between their lives is so big.

Liu Wen, that's not right, Gong Jiawen. At this time, she remembered that she had changed her name. Although, to be honest, she was still a little uncomfortable with the name Gong Jiawen. It was only when Liu Bin opened his mouth and closed his mouth about Liu Wen that she remembered it.

"By the way, don't call me Liu Wen from now on. I'm going to change my surname. From now on, my surname is Gong."

Gong Jiawen knew that to get used to this new name, she should have to get used to one or two, as well as the people around her, and she should not be called Liu Wen in the future.

If someone shouted that, she would never admit it in the future. She is no longer a daughter of the Liu family, and her surname is Gong, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Liu family.

What?Liu Wen is not surnamed Liu?Liu Bin couldn't help being stunned, he didn't understand how it was so good that Liu Wen didn't want to be named Liu.

"Isn't Liu Wen a good name?" Liu Bin didn't understand why Liu Wen wanted to change his surname with such a nice name.

"I don't agree with you changing your surname."

In fact, he was in a panic, even if Liu Wen didn't care about her, but her surname was Liu after all, and she could still be used with a little manipulation.

It turned out that Liu Wen turned around and wanted to change her surname. Once the news of the surname change spread, everyone must know that she had completely fallen out with the Liu family.

In the future, if he wants to use Liu Wen again, he really can't do whatever he wants. Maybe in a few days, no one will mention the Liu family, and he doesn't even know that the former Liu family also has the opportunity to stand here in Yangcheng. Stand firm.

But no matter how unwilling he was, Gong Jiawen didn't need his consent to change her surname.

"Do I need your consent to change my surname?" Gong Jiawen looked at the distraught Liu Bin with a smile.

"To put it bluntly, I don't need Liu Yi's consent to change my surname."

"Not to mention the consent of a bastard like you."

"The Liu family didn't pay me anything, why should I have the surname Liu."

"And now I am convinced that it is really right for me to change my surname."

"To be able to completely sever ties with a scum like you, and have no contact with you."

"By the way, that comrade." Gong Jiawen didn't want to continue chatting with Liu Bin, "You also heard what they said."

"They said that Liu Bin planned to cause me to have an abortion and not let me have the possibility of getting pregnant again. This matter can't just be counted."

"This time, he didn't deal with my two children. Otherwise, if he succeeds, he will definitely target me next time."

Gong Jiawen will never soften her heart towards Liu Bin, knowing that if she can't solve someone, she just needs to give him a chance.

She believed that this person would be ruthless, even if she gave birth, he would still deal with the child.

Their beams have been completely formed, and there is no possibility of any concessions.

(End of this chapter)

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