Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 672 Dog bites dog

Chapter 672 Dog bites dog

Liu Bin is really going to cry to death. If he is really serious, can he still get out of prison in this life?

Even if he could still come out, he was already old at that time, and he might have become an old man.

An old man who wants money but no money, no ability if he wants ability, and no age, he is completely finished in this life.

"I don't, I really don't."

"It's them, it's them who wronged me." Liu Bin pointed to the followers who had treated the various brothers just now, and kept saying that it was all their fault.

"They encouraged me to do it."

"Yes, they were the ones instigating it, and I didn't want to." Liu Bin wanted to take himself out, and make himself as pitiful as he wanted.

He felt that as long as he blamed others, he would be fine.

But he didn't think about who was present and who would believe his words.

The two policemen stood up, "This matter is not what you say, nor is it what your accomplices say."

"We still need to investigate this matter."

If it is really like the information provided by Liu Bin's accomplices, it means that Liu Bin will definitely take action, that is, he finds that Liu Wen is not a person who likes to go out, so he can only helplessly give up this idea.

In short, this matter cannot be settled like this, we must find evidence, otherwise, if Liu Bin is released, this person will really go to deal with Liu Wen, and then they will have a big problem.

It can be imagined that at that time, they will definitely complain about them non-stop. In short, their life is not easy, and they will be on the bench for at least the next ten years.

They will not wrong a person, but they will not let a bad person go.

Liu Bin also came to the police station a few times, what he thought was that there was no evidence for this, and those idiots on the other side couldn't prove that he said what he said.

In short, he just insisted that they were all contradictory people, and they would frame him like this in order to frame him.

"Whether you were framed or not, we have to investigate this."

"But you are suspect."

After all, the relationship between the so-called siblings is really bad and cannot be worse.

Based on their years of experience in handling cases, they can conclude that there is an [-]% chance that this is true.

Liu Bin didn't expect that after crying for a long time, he still wanted to investigate. He was really dumbfounded.

He kept swallowing his saliva, and now he really regrets why his mouth was so twitching back then, and he even said his plan to give up.

It's all right now, but Gong Jiawen is going to be in bad luck if he doesn't do anything to him, and he has to go to re-education.

Although he had never been inside, he had also heard from those people that they said it was uncomfortable to be locked inside.

The food is not good enough, the housing is not good enough, and then I have to work. Although I will give money, what can I do with so little money?
The most important thing is that it is really easy for a newcomer to be bullied, what should he do?
Don't look at how powerful Liu Bin is outside. In fact, his combat power is really not good. If he has a little combat power, he will definitely not find someone to deal with Tuanzi and the others.

If he was going to prison, he didn't know how to get along with those gangsters.

I always feel that he will have a miserable life, and I don't know how to survive in it until the end of his sentence.

Liu Bin rushed to Gong Jiawen's side quickly, which frightened the latter quite a bit. Tuanzi and the others also quickly blocked Gong Jiawen after discovering his movements.

"What do you want to do?" Although this is a police station, generally speaking, anyone with a little brain would not directly do anything here.

That really doesn't require any evidence. There is really no shortage of witnesses and investigators here, but what if someone just has no brains?

For example, Liu Bin is just a brainless person. Tuanzi and Roubao looked at him viciously.

Gong Li was also very angry, "I have never seen such a disgusting person."

"At the beginning, there were all kinds of troubles. They said that they had a child and forced Liu Yi to get married. Now they are plotting against the niece. It's really not a loss to the mother and son."

"I, I..." Liu Bin wanted to be aggressive, but when he looked up, he saw several people looking at him viciously.

"I'm sorry to bother you about this matter." Gong Li was also frightened by everyone, and felt that she couldn't stay here any longer.

It is really impossible to measure Liu Bin's thoughts with ordinary people's thoughts, "Let's go back first."

Gong Jiawen hummed, "Let's go, I don't want to stay here."

Roubao immediately supported Gong Jiawen, while Tuanzi and Gong Li were at the end, "I'm sorry to trouble everyone."

Tuanzi has made up his mind, and when Song Boyang comes on a business trip, he must report this matter, and in short, he must lock Liu Bin in.

Letting such people wander outside is a ticking time bomb, and one does not know when it will explode.

The two policemen handling the case couldn't help saying, "Don't worry, we will definitely take care of this matter."

With such a motive, and speaking it out in front of the victim himself, if they don't pay attention to one or two things, isn't this just scolding?

Irreversible things really happened, let alone them, it is estimated that even the leaders will not be able to get a good one.

After Tuanzi hummed, he helped Gong Li and left together. As for Liu Bin and the others, they didn't have such a good fate to leave.

Of course they have to stay here and accept investigations and a series of other things. Compared with the few younger brothers, Liu Bin is really flustered at the moment.

He really wanted to slap himself to death, you said it was already a plan to give up, why do you have to be frightened, it's all right now.

He didn't go to Song's house less often to check before, and he didn't know if he was being targeted. If he was really being targeted, he really was. .

Liu Bin was annoyed, why didn't he inquire before, how many years would he be sentenced to if he attempted to hurt someone.

But he didn't make a move after all, so the problem shouldn't be serious. Thinking of this, Liu Bin couldn't help but calm down, feeling that the matter hadn't reached the most dangerous time yet.

But thinking about it again, it's absolutely wrong, the Song family is not a good person, and when the time comes to make up things he hasn't done at will, what should we do?
Moreover, he has been a gangster for so many years, and he has done a lot of petty theft. There should be fights, and of course there are also injuries.

Before, it was either solved with money, or the problem was not serious. If you threatened the other party a little bit, the matter would pass.

The problems solved with money are relatively big things, or the other party is all kinds of stubborn. Regarding these things, Liu Bin feels that since the other party has accepted the money, it means that these things are over.

The negotiated matter has already been concluded, so we can't dig it out again and settle the accounts again. Liu Bin couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he thought of this.

Liu Bin didn't believe it anymore. Those people could be so shameless and bring out these shitty things. If this is the case, then he must not sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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